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Chapter 6: This is me

The child and Jamie's wife arrived safely the next day, and now we have Axe tied at a warehouse were I'm heading right now I asked Jamie to let me take care of it and after a little begging he caved. So now I have a little fun and try to get as much as I can.

I arrive at a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. No lights, no cars, no trees just a building that looks abandoned, broken windows, crooked doors and the smell of urine. I grab my bag and head inside I can see a light shine through the bottom of the door, as I inch closer my skin starts to itch my hands start to shake and my mouth starts to water. Its like my body knows its gonna get its next fix and I start to get impatient and speed up.

Once inside I see a couple of guys leaning on crates, the walls or sitting on chairs, looking mad as fuck. Probably because they wont be getting any action! But I will and I'm gonna enjoy it.

"Alright, I'm guessing you're Axe!" I say a little to excited to the guy in the middle of the room hanging from the walls spread out like a starfish in only his boxers. His a very pale dude, long hair covering his face, but a nice body why do they always have to be good looking, cant I get a fat guy with yellow teeth and a sick look in there eyes. Its like all the normal ones are crazy instead, its unnerving.

No answer but I'm ok, it wasnt a question, I put my bag down and start to pull out my things.

"Well, let's start with. Why does this Reaper guy want me? I know you know that one." Nothing again. Well I guess were doing it the hard way. I grab 2 screwdrivers and head over to him. "Last chaaaaannnceeee." I sing out hoping he doesn't answer, well at least not yet.

"Ok, well fair warning this is gonna hurt like a bitch." I say and drive one screwdriver below his knee cap on his left leg, he screams out in pain and I smile, just how I like it. I giggle a little finaly enjoying myself. "Any answer now?"  I wait a couple of seconds and when he doesn't answer I drive the other threw his right shoulder making him sream and squirm but his not going anywhere. I laugh out and make my way to my bag again.

"You know what they call me?" I ask with amusement in my tone. "Come on play along with me."I say while searching threw my things.

"Mesperyian" he whispers, I clap and bounce up and down like a child getting a new toy.

"Yes! Mesperyian! You know why sweetheart?" I make my way back with some heavy duty scissors. I walk around him grab his hear and pull back making him look up at the ceiling.

"Mesperyian was the daughter of Hades you know lord of the underworld, she was the Goddess of Punishment and Torture." I hear him gasp a little and bring the scissors to his ear "you dont need this right?" SNAP! and his ear falls to the floor while he cries and screams out in pain.

"Oh stop it, I hear it's like getting you ears pierced!" I laugh a little at my stupid joke. And look at Jamie who looks scared shitless." You see what I did there?! I hear cause he lost his ear get it?" He shakes his head at me not amused by my joke. Well fucking sorry for trying to lighten the mood.

I put my scissors back and walk up to Axe. "Ready to talk?" And again nothing. I reach over to the srewdriver in his knee and twist it slowly making him whale in pain and try and pull away. "Why does he want me?"

"I dont know!" He yells at me and I smile. "Tsk tsk tsk. I dont like liars baby." I reach for where his ear used to sit and dip my finger and he screams pulling his head away.

"Lay him down boys. He needs some rest." I remove my equipment from the table and start to drag it over to where Axe is hanging and allow them to lay him down and tie him back up.

"You got an answer for me big guy?" He nods his head and I step closer.

"Fuck you." He says and I laugh so hard I almost fall.

"You have balls dude, like really big balls, you do know I'm the one in control right?" I flick the screwdriver on his shoulder and he grunts out.

"Ok let's see, what to do, what to do?" I grab a flame torch and light it up play with the flames a little to adjust it and make my way to his feet.

"What are you doing?" I smirked at his question and step up to the table.

"I'm getting my answers." I bring the flames to the bottom of his right foot and start to burn sking and he start to scream. It was this high pitch scream that if I wouldn't have know this was a man and I was walking by I would have thought it was a little girl. I remove the torch and back up a little letting him rest, we dont want him to black out now do we? I go for his other foot and start again him screaming is like music to my ears.

"Ok! Ok! I'll talk! Please, I'll talk, make her stop!" I turn of the torch and lay it between his legs walk over to a chair and pull it up to his head. I gently start to brush his hair of his face with my hands while he calms down, giving him time to breath.

"That's a good boy." I say while patting his head and giggling a little. "Now why does Reaper want me?"

"He, he, he said you were already his, he said his tired of sharing and wants you back. Please! That's all I know, please just let me go, or kill me I dont care." I laugh at that, he thinks I'm done.

"Come on sweetheart I know you got more information. Hey Afentikó mind getting someone to hold his head?"

He nods his head and a skinny short guy walks up to me I giggle while looking at him and he smirks his a couple of inches taller them me, small eyes, full lips, piercings lots of them, brown short hair and from what I could see lots of tattoos. He has a scar that runs along the left side of his jaw. I walk over to my bag and get a rag. And look around, no hose.

"I'll be right back." I skip out of the warehouse to my jeep, grab 2 gallons of water and make my way back.

"Ooookkkaaaayyy, where were we?"

I set a gallon down and open the other I place the rag over his face and say "dont forget to breathe" an start to poor water over the rag making him feel like his drowning I put the gallon down half empty and remove the rag.

He start coughing like crazy and tries to pull free from the ropes but nothing I place my hand on this shoulder around the screwdriver and press down.

"You were saying?" He cries out in pain and trashes around till I remove my hand. "I'm so sorry, I forgot this was here." I say while flicking the screwdriver making him cry harder.

"Ok, ok, he said you were his a long time ago and you got away and he wants you back! He said you are his babydoll or something like that. And that he knows you miss him." I take a step away from him in shock but recompense myself rather quickly and step back up.

"And Hellhound what does he want with Hellhound and how did he find him?" He stays quiet a couple of seconds so I go for the rag again.

"Ok, he said Cain was going to lead him to the Fallen Angel's old pres son. Said they were old friends and I told him where to find Cain." He says while looking away as if ashamed that he gave a brother up, but I know better, he knew better but still gave him up.

I start moving to pack up my things I was done, I got my answers. But then I look up at Jamie. "Do you guys have something you want to ask?" He nods his head and steps foward.

"Did anyone else betray us, was anyone else helping you?" He asked and Axe shakes his head fast. That's not convincing at all Jamie nods and walks back but I walk up to his face again skinny guy still standing by him, I grab my torch.

"You wanna know something funny? You have been trying to hold back your answeres for hours now. And right now you answered really fast, as if you didnt want him to keep asking."

I light up the torch next to his face missing him by a couple of centimeters.

"Who is it?" I ask and he just starts crying again but says nothing. I bring the torch closed and the flames lightly kiss his jaw, while I move it up to his good ears slowly letting his sking sizzle for a little and he screams and trashes, cries but holds on trying not to say anything, this person most be really important for him.

"So it's your girl?" Nothing "Best friend" Nada "Partner?" Zilch, I lean in to his ear and whisper "Boyfriend?" And hes eyes shoot up to me, his body tenses and his jaw clampes shot.

"Who is it?" Again nothing "is he here?" He flinches at that, got you again. I go over to my bag and grab some scissors. I walk back to him and cut up his boxers letting everyone see his junk. I look over at Jamie and his looking at me wide eyed.

"Afetikó could you have all the guys here line up along that wall please?" That way I'll see all there reactions and know who it was. They do as said and I go to my bag and exchange my scissors to a scalpel and put on some gloves, I'm not touching that with my bare hands. I grab his penis and bring the scalpel to the base. I hope this works I make a small cut Axe is screaming, crying and trashing but the skinny guy is holding him down who would have thought, when blood starts to drip I look up, most of the guys are looking away a couple are looking with disgust but one is looking like his about to brake like he cant take it anymore. My human GPS! Ofcourse its him! I knew I couldn't trust him from the beginning. I point my scalpel at him and his eyes go wide.

"I knew I couldn't trust you. You talked way to fast." Some of the guys grab him and again I start to pack up. I'm about to leave when I remember my screwdrivers and walk back up to Axe and pull them out in one swift movements and he yells in pain again.

"Oh shut up they belong to me, you can't keep them." I laugh a little grab my bag and head to my jeep I used the half gallon of water left to clean my tools and while doing so I hear screaming from the warehouse And smile at that. Time to go fix this shit. After a couple of minutes all the guys start coming out and what I'm guessing are prospects start arriving, I'm assuming they were called to clean up the mess. The guys get on there bikes and we head back to Zeus's Sons club house to plan out our next move.

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