Damn ! I turn back to my car hurrying because I forgot my purse I'm late this morning it's been a while since I started and my boss still isn't here I hope 'He will only be present the day I'm late, the first time I don't arrive on time more precisely.
Arrived at my post so at my office I was out of breath to yes running on heels is not the small thing. I sat up breathless, trying to regain my strength, and breathe at my own pace.
- miss COKER have you seen the time?! said a deep voice behind me
Slim ! I knew this kind of thing only happened to me!
I complied by getting up and spanking him. When our eyes met I thought I had fallen
- You ?!
Me: ..
- Follow me ! He says In the authoritative tone he uses every time he leaves a word out of his mouth, it's as if his whole body breathes authority
Without flinching, I took the step. He is my boss, the big boss of the box, am I allowed to make mistakes?!
We entered his office, this is the first time for me to set foot in the room. She's so big, I think my office was built into her office so small. A large bay window that gives a view of the business district of Montreal.
He left to settle behind his desk and I stood up facing him.
- first and last time you're late, next time you're late you're fired! He said while looking for something on his desk
Me : ..
- Did I make myself understood?!
I do ..
- Yes who ?! He said looking up at me
Me: sir..
- It's nine hours and thirty minutes, not nine hours thirty-two or more!
Me : ..
- Secondly, there is a file to settle before noon today
He handed me the file without taking his eyes off his computer screens.
Before I could even say anything, there were two knocks on the door and a woman walked straight in without being invited. She was tall, model size, blonde with blue eyes, wearing a black suit mini skirt, leaving her long legs bare
- I'm not late, I hope? she said excitedly
- no sit down
- You must be Pearl? Heading towards me
I do ..
- I'm Gabriela LEWIS, Mr. HUNNAM's assistant
Me: delighted miss LEWIS
She smiled at me then she left to sit on the relaxed corner that was in the office
MR HUNNAM: Take a seat Ms. COKER .While showing me a place next to Gabriella from her armchair.
There were two short minutes of silence, while Mr. HUNNAM finished I don't know what on his computer.
He came to sit in front of us
Gabriella: Cava Ken?!
She calls him by his first name?! His boss ! Does she call him by his first name? No, but it's the world upside down!
Ken: yes thank you and you?!
Gabriella: Not enough sleep. Showing all his teeth
What am I witnessing!?
He smiled as well but less enthusiastically like her.
Ken: Miss COKER, as you can see, Gabriella is my assistant, which means that if I have any problems, if I'm not there, you go through her.
I immediately nodded yes.
Ken: I like getting the job done on time, and done right! I don't want to be bothered by anyone, not by you unless it's necessary understood?!
I do
Ken: Go back to your post!
I got up without being asked.
I only have one thing in mind, I hate this man!
He is so arrogant, dominating, something that I can't stand! He has a way of speaking that takes others down, well with me, because with his assistant mistress it's very different!
My day has been long, Ken where Mr. HUNNAM I don't know how to call him, and his shitty assistant! Yes that's the word, gave me so much to do, I thought I saw double, I left work ten minutes late because I absolutely wanted to finish filing the files.
All my day I haven't seen Mr. HUNNAM again, we only communicate by phone or email and that's fine with me!
I know I keep saying it but he's a man who exudes arrogance I can't stay in the same room as him for more than ten minutes.
When he enters a room he gives this impression of having everything to be above and it is exasperating. Well after I want to say it's his business but there is a minimum.
I can't stand it, if it wouldn't be because of work I really wouldn't have lasted long here, I'm waiting to see where all this leads me and next I'm going to look for a new position to be a little more comfortable because I think I won't be comfortable with that kind of boss.
The next day
Waking up was hard. I am letting the drops of hot water be in contact with my skin and my hair, breathing in the hot steam from my bathroom, I have my eyes closed to feel the hot water penetrating all the cells of my body, which was a great relief by the way.
When suddenly the bath curtain was pulled violently, I found myself naked in front of my boss, I let out a cry of horror and surprise, I was so shocked, what the hell he was there in my bathroom at six in the morning, how did he manage to get in. His dark, piercing gaze traversing my body from top to bottom, I tried to hide my nudity as best I could with my hands.
- But ?!! I say without being able to finish my sentence
- You are late miss COKER!
I looked around me without understanding what he was telling me when the ringing of my alarm clock made me open my eyes like an automaton.
What's happening to me!? Touching my forehead, before getting out of my bed.
Few weeks later
When I arrived at my office this morning I found a pile of files, again I have been working here for several weeks now and I can't stand my boss. He is so strict, that's not a problem, I find it far-fetched, he sometimes gives me almost impossible working hours, I don't know if he has a direct problem with me. but I think I can't see it in paint.
When I have a problem I prefer to deal with Gabriela than with him.
He left a small note on the stack of files “to be finished by today imperatively! »
No, is that a joke?! I have at least two days there! Consulting records.
I had barely settled in when the phone rang.
Me: Hello Mr HUNNAM. Rolling my eyes to the sky
Ken: hello, Gabriela is away for two weeks, you will replace her for a while
Me: heuu .. I say before wanting to protest
Ken: That's an order! I want to see you in my office in less than a minute
Me: okay .. without even being able to finish my word he had already hung up
I took a good breath before getting up and going to his office, I knocked well before he could invite me to come in.
Me: what can I do for you Mr. HUNNAM?!
Ken: have you seen the files on your desk?! Eyes on his computer screen
Me: yes sir..
Ken: you finish me then we have a meeting here in my office with collaborators from China in two and a half hours, you have a good two hours to finish them
Me: ok
He looked up at me, stared at me for a minute, and motioned for me to leave.
As soon as I sat down I attacked the files to be filled in and put away by month.
I feel out of breath, because I have a lot of pressure behind me, and if I do things wrong I risk getting fired without even being able to defend myself.
Since I work here I am constantly stressed, I come home late and I come out super early, I have no life, even when I am at home I work, it is file after file, I am sensible to be a secretary and not something else, I juggle the post of secretary and assistant, I noticed something a short time ago, Gabriela is not cable to fuck something, and her Mr. HUNNAM don't notice it, at least she plays her game so well, in both cases both annoy me.
Two and a half hours past the phone started ringing. He is punctual! I tell myself inside
Ken: Before I can even say hello. In my office ! he ordered
He immediately hung up without me being able to say a word.
Me: going back to his office. Sir ?!
He gave me a blue pocket
Ken: take into account this file, there is all the information on our collaborators as well as our contracts together, it has now been six years that they and we have been working together..
Me: and the reason for the meeting today?!
Ken: make a point, do not forget to write down what will be said at this meeting
Me: ok
I sat in front of him while taking into account the file.
The more I advance on the file, I realize that it is important collaborators for the company, they were always very involved in the advancement of the company.
Ken: marry me!
My heart skipped a beat! But what's wrong with this man? Where is he from ?!
Me: I beg your pardon?! Say I'm shocked
Ken: I'm asking you Ella to marry me
Me: Shela?! Say I'm shocked
How does he know that I also name Ella?! Only my intimates call me that and again..
Ken: I would like your answer
Before I could even answer two knocks knocked on the door, he stood up in the direction of the door.
Ken: We'll talk about that later. Turning the wrist of the door
I am shocked, stunned, he is so serene, while I have so many feelings that are mixed up, I have to manage to concentrate! But how am I going to arrive when someone has just thrown me a bomb like that?!