Mom always told me to never, ever depend on someone, whether it's a man or a woman, the person can be there today but no...
Pearls Ella COKER, twenty years old. So for the meanings of my first name, Pearls simply means pearls, my parents say that I was the apple of their eyes, the pearls of their lives, because I am the eldest of two siblings, and Ella, means God is among us, my parents took ten years before having their first child, they never let go of anything thanks to prayer, even if my mother was insulted by everyone because she couldn't conceive, when t-They had me I was their miracle baby, the one who opened the doors for my mother to have a second child, therefore my little brother.
Sitting in the waiting room, I'm having an interview for a job as a secretary in a few minutes, I'm so stressed, it's my first job in an office and since I don't have much experience and that I absolutely want this job, I stress a lot. Knowing that in everyday life I stress for nothing.
- Miss COKER?!
Me: yes that's me. Getting up
- Entrance
I went into his office, a large spacious room, with a large desk in front of the bay window.
- sit down. Sitting behind his desk
Me: thank you. Sitting in my turn
- so . Opening a file. Already delighted miss COKER
Me: thrilled..
- I am in charge of recruitment
Me: ok
Morgana: so here we are, we are looking for a secretary for the director, I will take your contact details directly without giving you any tests because it is super urgent and the position is to be promoted for tomorrow at nine o'clock
Me: oh..
Morgana: and what I'm offering you is a one-month trial period, within a month I can stop your contract, if your work doesn't suit us, otherwise we hire out on a long-term contract indeterminate.
Me: ok
Morgana: I'm going to give you some explanations because tomorrow morning you're going to be alone
Me: ok
Morgana: So there you go, you're going to be the director's secretary, so you'll be in charge of managing his agenda, making appointments, phone calls, etc.
Me: ok
Morgana: I won't be able to tell you if the director will be there tomorrow because he's supposed to have lots of appointments outside but his assistant will be there so she can brief you better than me, do you have any questions!?
Me no ..
Morgana: Well I think we're done. Elevating . Thank you Miss COKER
Me: Thank you. Getting up in my turn
Leaving this building I was relieved, completely relieved, I finally have a job after three years of unemployment.
My father is going to be super happy, I said to myself when I got home, I really existed. To celebrate, I went to buy him his favorite wine and some little things to make us a good family meal when he gets home from work in the evening.
After finishing my shopping, I quickly went home to prepare dinner because it was already 6 p.m., with rush hour I was stuck in traffic, Montreal at these hours is very complicated.
When I got home, my brother was already there, when he saw me parked in front of the house, he came to help me get my groceries out.
Me: Thank you, how long have you been home?
Daniel: yes, I finished early
Me: and why?!
Daniel: stop don't start!
Me: I just want to know if you didn't skip class. Returning to the house
Daniel: Ella, I'm seventeen you don't have to control my life!
Me: Oh yes! You are not of age! I need to know if everything is fine, you may be great for certain things but not for your schooling!
Daniel: Ellaa!!
Me: listen to me Daniel, I would give a lot to take your place and study for a diploma, I did anything when I was your age and I couldn't even go to high school. If you knew how I struggle now my brother you have no idea.
Daniel: By the way, how did your interview go?!
Me: Thank God I got the job because otherwise I would have gone crazy!
Daniel: congratulations
Me: thank you. Can you help me cook dinner?!
Daniel: yes I want to but I will first make myself comfortable then I arrive
Me: okay
I live with my dad and my little brother. In this house, our house, where my brother and I were born, we grew up here, and we also lost our mother here. This house has so much sentimental value in my eyes and in my heart that I don't think I will part with it one day.
My father often tells me that one day I'm going to get married and have to leave with my husband, I don't want, I don't want to leave my house, my father and my brother, if I leave them it's as if I I left my mother and went away forever.
Daniel: Ella, I don't think I'm going to be able to help you in the kitchen, I have to go see a friend. Back in the kitchen
Me: at this time!? Turning back. Can't wait for tomorrow?!
Daniel: Ella, it's seven o'clock, let go of the bunch for a bit!
Me: Daniel, 8:30 p.m. I want to see you at home!
Daniel: ..
Me: you can go
Daniel: I love you my sister
I love you too
Finally I cooked alone and it was not so bad.
The relationship I have with my brother is a very close relationship, to tell the truth, our parents raised us to give each other love every second, I can't leave my house without telling my brother that I love and it has become even stronger since the disappearance of our mother, because we do not know when we too will disappear so we prefer to tell each other that we love each other and that at least even if we we are going through a very hard time or that we are dying, we know that somewhere there is someone who loves us and that we love them too.
Since my mother left, I have taken on the role of the woman of the house, not because I was given this role but because I want to play it, I want to take care of my father and my brother even if they don't want, they tell me that I don't need to cook, I don't need to take care of them, that they are people big enough and mature, able to make their own business alone but I want to enjoy every moment and since I'm here, help them as much as I can, it makes me happy knowing that I spent three
years without having a job.