The arrival of the son in law: Again
"Olivia ... I need to ask you a favor." Jack looked at her across from him where they had shared a light meal.
"We need to go and tell your father. I don't want him to learn about us from someone else."
"Do we have too?" she suddenly looked gloomy and uneasy about what she has learned her father's intent was where she was concerned.
"Yes honey. After that I want to introduce you to my family. We are not rich but you will like my Dad."
"Jack, I have this feeling that something was going to happen."
"Trust me honey. I won't let anything happened to you." Jack reaches for her hand across the table. His intent look makes certain she can see the trust in his eyes.
Jack and Olivia climbed into the waiting taxi. He instantly recognized Tiny knowing his father send him as backup. He reaches for her hand feeling how nervous she was.
"Trust me Olivia."
"I do but I also know how unpredictable my father can be."
"As long as we stick together we can get through anything. Driver could you stop a moment at Mario's?"
"What are you getting from there?" Olivia looks curious.
"I thought we could both use a delicious take away pie." Jack smiled just before getting out of the taxi.
His eyes looked around. He finally noticed the guys that followed Olivia the first time. He now understood that someone was watching the shop. He enters and quickly placed his order.
"Mario ..."
"Is something wrong?"
"I want you to watch your back. I have noticed trouble outside."
"I am aware Jack. Those guys seem to get their orders from some rich college guy."
"Do you want a couple of guys for protection?"
"At the moment I can handle them. I will let you know."
"Okay." Jack took his order of pies and left.
Jack and Olivia climbed from the taxi. He felt her reach for his hand. "Are you sure?"
"I am Olivia. The thing my mother always taught me, tell the truth no matter what."
"Okay, just stay close to me. I have that feeling of unease again”
The butler opened the door formally. Olivia just nods her head going inside.
"Miss Olivia; your father and your guest are waiting for you in the study."
"What guest?"
Jack quietly squeezes her hand in encouragement. He can feel the tension vibrating from her body. This has him alert. As he follows her towards the study he has that same feeling he knows what's going to happen.
The butler knocks on the study door before opening it and announced her arrival.
Jack looked into the surprise then frowning eyes of Brandon McClain. He follows his eyes towards the man who stood near the window. Currently his back was turned to them but if his assumptions were right, that man had a perfect view of them getting out of the taxi.
"Olivia ..."
"Hello father. The butler said you want to talk with me."
"Who is this man?" Brandon scowls when he noticed they are holding hands.
"That's why I am here also. I wish to tell you important news."
Jack looked into her nervous eyes. He squeezes her hand again. He also squares his shoulders for the explosion that's going too happened.
"Olivia who is this man?"
"Father, I want you to meet my husband." Olivia said forthright.
"Excuse me!" Brandon looked quickly towards the man who still didn't turn around.
"My name is Jack Grayson." he step forward holding out his hand. The older man ignores his gesture.
"I didn't give you permission to marry, Olivia."
"I don't need it father. I would however appreciate a bit of well wishing."
"Let me get this straight. You marry first then want my blessing. I am curious as to where you found this lowlife."
"Jack isn't a ..."
"Shut up Olivia. I am talking now."
"Jack I am going to get my stuff." Olivia glared at her father.
"Olivia, where do you think you are going?" Brandon's voice boom throughout the study."You are going nowhere."
"I am an adult father. You can't tell me what to do. Jack, I won't be long."
"Who are you?" Brandon looks nervous now that his daughter has left his study.
"Jack Grayson sir."
"Where did you meet my daughter?'
"At College I am a student there but not one of hers."
"Aren't you too old to be one?" Brandon rubs over his face in frustration.
"A person is never too old to acquire knowledge sir."
"Do you have a job? Can you even take care of my daughter?"
"I am currently studying sir. But I do have an income." Jack smiled briefly. "I work in a family owned business."
"Doing what?"
"Delivery." he said sounding very proud. He watches the man having various shades of color on his face.
"Excuse me! Did I just heard right. My daughter married a fucking fool."
“Now sir don't be calling me names. That's unacceptable."
"Get out of my house. Now!"
Jack said nothing just crosses his arms over his chest.
The sudden knock on the door made the men look watching as it slowly opened.
"Sir ..." the nervous maid quickly approaches Brandon. She hands him the note then left. It was clear she was scared.
Jack stood waiting finding his world spinning with that feeling of dejavu again. One thing stays certain, Olivia keeps choosing him. He looks at his father in-law waiting for the sentence.
"Olivia .... someone kidnapped her from the garden." he said sounding shocked.
Jack quietly wonders why the garden each time since he knew she went to her bedroom.
"This is your fault.” Brandon hurled the accusation towards him.
"What do you mean?"
"You are a fucking thug in a cheap suit. You know my daughter comes from money. I won't let you get away with this bastard."
"I would advise you to call the police." Jack said in a hard loud voice. He then turned to leave.
"Where the hell do you think you are going bastard?"
"I am going to find my wife." Jack said sharply opening the study door. "I know your fucking game. Bring it on as I can play it better than you. Just for the record too, I am here to stay." Jack turn to leave.
"Olivia is my daughter idiot." Brandon said sharply.
"Olivia is my wife fool. I am you son in law and I don't plan on going anywhere. Just a fair warning. Don't play with me sir. You would lose."