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Chapter 5: Dejavu ...The day of their marriage...again

Dejavu ...The day of their marriage...again

Jack climbed from his motorcycle. The mist was heavy this early in the morning. He looks around to make sure no one has followed him. He reaches into his pocket to remove his cell phone.

"Olivia ..." he likes saying her name. "I hope my suspicion is correct. I left and promised to return."

He put his phone back in his pocket then looks up. He quickly cross the street and enters the graveyard.

"Morning Dad. What are you doing here so early?" he was really surprise. But then since his family life was shattered with three bullets he and his father was both on a different path.

"I am more curious as to why you are here? How are things with Olivia?"

"Dad, I have a question. I am not sure I am right but the idea just somehow makes sense."

"What is it?" Nico walks towards the double graves. A look of fury washes over his expression when he saw the flowers.

"Dad," Jack was quick to notice the change in him.

"I never bring flowers here. Each time I come here I found them. I want to know who?" he said through gritted teeth.

"Get one of the boys to surveillance the graveyard."

"Maybe. What's happening with Olivia?"

"That's what I want to ask you about? Something strange is happening since I put the ring on my finger."

"Okay. I never needed the ring it seems. My dad used to tell me its part if our family. Each time something happened that wasn't supposed to the ring will find you."

"I found it when I was eighteen. Why did it wait until now?"

"I am not sure. Jack this is your path."

"Okay Dad. I will figure this out. I just wanted to visit mom and my sisters. I am not sure I would get another change soon."

"I have faith in you. You know where to find me."

"Dad I know I acted impulsively where Olivia was concern but I am not sorry. She is my future."

"I am with you Jack. Now you just need to figure out what the ring is trying to tell you. Does the Dean know about the marriage?"

"Only you know Dad. Olivia requests that I tell no one that we are going to marry. At the moment I don't mind since she has a very successful career as a professor. I am only their temporarily. I need to go. Olivia and I are going too met at the courthouse. Dad, someone shot at me near Mario's. The shooter told me to come and say hello my mom and the twins." Jack suddenly hugs his father. "I don't know what's going on but please stay safe."

Olivia climbed from the taxi. She was uncertain about the day. Jack didn't return with the coffee and pie. She trusted his word even though she barely knows him. As she approached the front door of the mansion she grew up in, she has this odd feeling she was repeating this moment. She just can't understand where she had gotten that idea from.

"The famous professor." Brett appeared to be on his way out. His expression was as usual filled with contempt. His lip curls snidely.

"Where is father?" she quietly asked. Her brother once loved her but since he arrived at the College he simply turned mean.

“He is in his study. He is making arrangements for you."

"What do you mean Brett?"

"Go find out yourself. You think you are better than me. In the end we as men make the final decision." his eyes filled with contempt and open hatred.

"Why do you hate me like this Brett?"

"Don't play the fucking innocent. Just like mother, you are a bitch. I hope your husband will teach you your place in this society." Brett spat towards her before he turned and walked away.

Olivia has suddenly moved quickly. Five minutes ago when she walk to her father a study, she heard him. She can't believe he wants to take such control of her life.

"Jack Grayson, why didn't you return this morning?" She quickly climbs in the taxi. She was going to get ready. Again she has the feeling she did this before.

Jack waited at the steps of the courthouse. He was nervous as he looked at the simple wedding ring he has bought for Olivia. His relief was huge when he saw her getting out of the taxi. He quickly walked towards her.

"Hi." he said looking serious. "I am sorry about this morning."

"What ... what happened?" she looked at him clearly waiting for an answer.

Jack has the sense he should tell her the truth. If he makes up a story now she won't believe him in the future when he really needs it.

"Olivia ... as I was leaving Mario's someone shot at me."

"What? Is it those guys who followed me?"

"I am not sure. After that I quickly went to visit my mom's and sisters' graves."

"Jack ..." Olivia look wide eyed at him.

"I promise to tell you who I am. But for now ... are you ready to get married?" he smiled for the first time.

"I am Jack."

Jack slipped the wedding ring on Olivia's finger. He looked in her eyes and slowly realized they already shared such a moment.

"You may kiss your bride." The judge's voice penetrates the fog in his mind.

"Olivia ..." he softly kisses her now certain he time traveled back to this moment.

"Jack Grayson ..."

"Are you ready to start your life with mine?"

"I am. I just have this odd feeling we already did this before. Or am I crazy?" her hand has slipped into his.

"No, I have the same feeling. I am just not certain what it means. Maybe my beautiful professor wife can enlighten me."

"Well now if I may venture an idea. We both feel like this happened before. The experts sometimes calls this a groundhog day."

"Really ..." he said openly intrigued. "You mean like reliving a moment until you understand the message." Jack found himself thinking about where he comes from and the origins of the ring.

"Olivia I know we just met but do you trust me?" His expression was very serious.

"I do Jack. I don't make any quick decisions in my life but once I do it's final."

"I didn't plan on pulling you into my world but it would seem I might not have a choice. Something strange is happening. I want you to be prepared. I hope you can trust me when it seems least possible. Always remember, I Jack Grayson is your husband."

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