Jack stood behind his wife his hands casually touching her tense shoulders. His eyes looked directly at the older man who was having burst of anger flashing over his expression.
"Olivia who is this man?"
Jack noticed that his father in-law wasn't looking at him. The manner in which he was address makes him grit his teeth but he keeps quiet. It was just a question of time before the McClain family knew about his existence. He also knew they won't accept him. He care less, the only opinion that of his wife.
"Calm down daddy."
"I want to know who this thug is Olivia."
"He is my husband." she said pointedly. "You will regard him with respect, daddy."
Jack smiled briefly. The thing he has discovered about his beautiful wife; it was clear she doesn't regret her marriage to him. He will make sure she would never regret her choice and allowing him into her life. He know himself to be a dangerous man but loving her was more important.
Jack stood motionless. It was clear the older man will either explode with words or have a heart attack the way the various emotions were flashing over his face.
"Olivia, you are a highly educated wealthy woman. How is this possible that you couldn't find a match from your own back ground? Why did you have to go and marry beneath you?"
"Daddy, stay out of my private life."
"No; you must admit you made a stupid mistake. I demand that you immediately divorce this thug."
"I refuse. And for the record; don't judge my husband by his appearance. Just like me is he ..."
"Shut up Olivia. You will do what I say. Otherwise I am going to cut you off financially."
Jack slowly moved and stand beside his wife. He reached for her hand linking their fingers.
"Sir, I don't give a fuck what you think about me. I also don't give a fuck about your wealth. I can take care of my wife."
"Don't make me laugh bastard. It's very obvious why you married my daughter. Types like you would never amount to much accept by stealing or ..."
"Again, I don't give a fuck about any of your opinions. Olivia; I accept whatever decision you make for both of us currently." Jack looked into her surprise then suddenly twinkling eyes. “You didn't make a mistake when you married me." he has bent his head whispering these words for only her to hear.
"Olivia ..." her father said sternly.
"I will be ready when you are finished in here." Olivia said looking directly at her husband. She cheekily kissed him on the side of his face.
Jack carefully closed the office door about to turn around when Brett pushed his way inside.
"What the hell are you doing here?"
"You know this man Brett?"
"The idiot attack me at College today. What is he doing here?"
"What did you say son?" Brandon McClain seems to have another fit.
"Allow me to clarify for you sir. You have a highly educated daughter but an idiot for a son. Good luck handing him your empire “Jack said with open disdain.
Brandon McClain went and sits down behind his desk. He reaches for his phone then quickly but briefly sends a message. Then sit back closing his eyes.
The brisk knock made Jack turn around. He was ready for whoever they might send to remove him from the office.
"Enter." Brandon suddenly sounded very tired.
"Mister Grayson?" the maid looked nervous.
"What is it?"
"Miss Olivia... the men took her from the garden. They gave me this note."
Jack took the note. The only clear thing, he recognized the handwriting as male. He moved to get out of the office.
The attack surprise him as he drop onto the floor. The next thing he felt was being lifted and drags somewhere. His head was spinning making it difficult to focus.
"What... what..."
"Shut up." Someone kicked him through the face the taste of metallic blood stream down his throat and from his mouth and nostrils.
Jack opened his swollen eyes. The blood seemed to have clock in his nostrils. It took effort before he finally managed to open one eye.
"Good you are awake." The strange man stood in front of him.
"His name is of no concern." Brandon step into sight.
"What happened?" Jack can still taste the blood in his mouth.
"You made a mistake by thinking you can marry my daughter. I have plans for Olivia since she was a baby. I won't stand for a thug from the wrong side of town to derail my plans." Brandon removed his prize pistol.
"Where is my wife?" Jack tried to move but his hands were tied.
"Not your problem. What I am going to tell you. I already arrange for my lawyer to dissolve this farce of a marriage."
"You can't..."
"Idiot money can buy anyone. If you really had money you would know this." Brandon said with satisfaction.
Jack found himself looking at the now pointed gun. The cold eyes of his father in-law looked into his when he pulled the trigger several times.
"Dump his body. Make sure no one would find him."
"Yes sir."
"Brett you are going to make certain you watch Olivia. Don't let it slip that I killed this fool."
"Can't you hire a bodyguard?" Brett sounded annoyed.
"Don't question me. Just do what I say."
Jack feels his lifeblood flowing from his body. The conversation somehow settles in the deepest core of his memory.
Jack opened his eyes. Everything was dark around him. He tried to move but quickly realized he can't.
"Help!" the sound only echo around him. His throat felt dry with the dried taste of blood. As he was feeling around with his hands it dawn on him his hands were free.
"Big mistake" Now curious to know if they emptied his pockets he quickly search. It was empty except for the small bump in the little pocket of his jeans.
He struggled a bit but he managed to remove the ring. Afraid he might lose it he decided for the first time since he received it to put it on his little finger.
"Where the hell is my wedding ring?"
Jack touched his fingers as best he could. Then something strange happened. It felt like an unbelievable surge of energy flowing through his body.
Without thinking twice he hit the top of the coffin like box he was inside. He just knew he must move fast before the sand drop in on him. While he bodily forced himself from the layer of sand he managed to get out.
"Okay Brandon McClain, you shot me then decide to bury me." Jack was rubbing the sand and dried blood from him. His eyes landed on the ring.
"Something happened when I put it on." Jack look at his empty ring finger.
"My name is Jack Grayson. I am the husband of Olivia. You, Brandon think poverty is beneath you. You only briefly knew I was your son in law and then made the choice to kill me. Well let me see how I am going to rise to the peak."
Jack slowly stood and walks into the night. He was going to fight for his wife and destroy whoever stand in his path.