You have got to be kidding me. Shir said as she poured in another shot for Jason.
I am serious, Shir, I am so fired. He sighed before downing yet another shot.
He was already maybe four or five shots in.
This is some deep shit. Andy whispered to himself as he ordered another round for them. Jason had finally made it to the club, after working on the laptop all day.
Well, here is to Jason having to look for a new I.T job, after he failed to salvage one very messed up laptop. Shir cheered, as we all took another round of shots.
Jason was definitely starting to see double, or triple…or really nothing at all. The last thing Jason did remember telling his friends was that they might be carrying out a body by the end of the night.
When Ryan’s body finally hit the sheets, the feeling of content washed over him, he pulled out his second laptop that was securely charging on his bedside. He wasn’t sure what was compelling him to pull up the building security cameras, but curiosity was definitely a compelling factor.
His mind wandered back to earlier this day.
After he had gone to the bathroom, to take care of a hard on, he went down to the lobby. It was then he realized that he had forgotten his keycard, in the office. As soon as he made his way back to the floor, that was when he overheard the conversation that was flowing out of his office.
I’m literally going to have to send you a picture of this laptop. It has been smashed to fucking pieces, Shir. Looks like someone put this through a freaking wood chipper. The voice said.
Wood chipper huh?
Ryan was about to barge into the room, but stopped short, in the doorway. There was Jason, sitting on his seat, on his desk, examining the laptop like it was a beaten up puppy. Looking at him now, he didn’t look any older than his early twenties yet the bags underneath his eyes were insane.
I think it is hard for rich people to see the common sense, and consideration, behind their entitlement. Ryan heard the man say. He decided that was probably enough bullshit, that he could tolerate it for the day.
He cleared his throat, and Jason looked up, from the desk, to him. It looked like Ryan’s presence startled him.
His gaze was different… Before Ryan could put a handle on what felt off, realization settled in for him.
He looked like a deer caught in a headlight, Ryan watched the phone leave his hands.
You must be the I.T guy. He noted
Y-yes. He croaked out.
Is it fixable? He continued. Something about him, getting all flustered and uncomfortable, brought out the sadist in Ryan. It was nice having people fear you, it really was. He proceeded to inform him, about how non-fixable, the device was.
Looks like it went through a wood chipper, huh?
His face paled at the words. There was an uncomfortable silence that hung in the air, before he finally composed himself enough to reply. It will take time to retrieve all the parts.
It is a good thing that you are on my company payroll, then isn’t it? Something flashed across his face. Ryan recognized it instantly, as an annoyance. He was now annoyed, because Jason had the audacity to be annoyed with him.
The camera's screen flickered on the computer, and he changed the time stamp to just after he had left him. In his office, there wasn’t any audio, but judging by the faces he was making, over the phone again, he looked pissed.
Ryan spent the rest of the night, watching him order parts for the computer, and attempt to start taking the rest of it apart. Ryan convinced himself. That it was because he wanted to make sure that he was not going to mess up anything, in his office, but he knew deep down, he knew.
Oh, shiitake mushroom. Jason whispered to himself, as soon, as the light rays hit his very closed lids. All he felt was intense throbbing. He thought that he was in his bed.
He had definitely passed out on the bean bag in his living room. Actually just making it home was a big accomplishment for him.
There had been mornings, where he woke up in a park, or a transit bus…or in Louisiana. He looked around for his phone, but he didn’t see it.
Fuck, he whispered again, what time was it, anyways? He stumbled into the kitchen, and glanced at the microwave, and almost tumbled on the dining table. It was 11:54am
11:54am! He was supposed to pick up the laptop parts at 8am sharp.
He could probably make up a solid excuse for his tardiness. And it wasn’t like freaking Ryan Scott, was going to personally oversee the reconstruction, of one stupid fucking laptop…right? His teeth, clenched at the thought of the conversation, yesterday. The guy seemed like a real verified jackass.
He didn’t have the time to figure out where his phone was, and he decided that if he couldn’t find it tonight, he would just replace the damn thing.
Oooh, you are late as hell, boo. Shir commented as soon as Jason entered the fifth floor. Inconveniently, the fifth floor was where they signed on for the day.
What the actual hell happened last night? He groaned as Andy and Shir chuckled.
You got so fucked up. Andy spoke up, over the chuckles.
You tried juggling whiskey, glasses and broke, all five of them. That was when the bar owner said that we had to get you home.
Nah, I am pretty sure that it was when he started making out with that signboard, that we had to get you home. Shir said laughing as Jason palm faced himself.
Please text the bar owner and apologize to him on my behalf. I have no control when I am drunk and I do get drunk easily. Jason said
Nah, I will just send him a snapchat of how terrible you look right now and he will understand. I am sure that he will also feel bad. Shir replied. She was right, though, Jason was a fucking mess, and he was seriously sporting some eye bags underneath his eyes. He had basically thrown on whatever he could and left. Almost made it out the door, without any pants.
Today is going to be bullshit, too with the fucking laptop, Ryan Scott wants me to fucking fix.
Shir and Andy shared a glance.
You might want to maybe, just not…talk, like at all today. Shir said to Jason, giving Andy a look.
I’m hungover. I have to literally go work for the devil, himself. Today is too hard a day, to give a fuck about, man. Jason, mumbled.
Andy and Shir shared yet another glance. Today was going to be one of those days.
You are late! Ryan’s voice rang out as soon as I entered the office.
I couldn’t find my keys. Jason said, as he sat down on one of the seats.
For four hours? He asked in surprise.
Jason mentally palm faced himself, that was the worst excuse he could think of. He was currently speaking with the man that had made that call, and made me fix his forsaken laptop.
You were looking for your god damned keys for four hours? Ryan said credulously
Micromanaging much? Jason muttered underneath his breath, but Ryan heard it.
Excuse me? He asked. Fuck! Jason couldn’t distinguish if he was thinking shit or saying shit now.
Nothing, nothing. Jason replied. I will get right on it. He continued as he sighed again. He felt like his head was going to explode. Maybe it probably will.
Ryan said no comment as he left Jason to get to work. Jason had carefully laid the remnants of what was once a functioning computer, in his bottom drawer. As soon as he pulled out that same drawer, to retrieve the pieces, his heart flopped, and dropped all over again.
The thing was so fucked up.