Immediately Jason entered his office, he saw Shir and Andy waiting for him, with guilt written all over their faces. They were guilty, because they had to make Jason come pick them up last night and had made sure that he got drunk too.
Shirley and Andrew stood up, with bated breaths, waiting for the worst news. Jason, we are so sorry… Shir started to say, as Jason held up his hand.
Don’t even say a word. He said as he went to his table and sat down. Shirley and Andrew made their way to his table and crowded him.
What did Mr. Ryan say? Did he fire you? Should we go talk to him, or beg him? Shir asked questions upon questions.
No, he didn’t fire me. He just told me to drop my things and meet him, in his office, now. Jason said, sighing.
Shir and Andrew exchanged glances and said, well that is a good thing right?
I don’t fucking know, it is Fucking Mr. Ryan, bloody Scott. Jason said, holding his head.
Okay, is there something that you are not telling us? Andy asked as Jason sighed deeply.
Well, yeah. I met Mr. Ryan yesterday, before I came to the bar, right after you drunk dialed me, and asked for teddy bears. Jason said, glancing at Shirley.
Andrew sniggered, as he tried to hold back his laughter.
Is anything funny? Shirley asked Andy.
Wait, you drunk dialed Jason, and out of all things that you could possibly ask for, you asked for a teddy bear. Andy said laughing, as she punched him.
Yeah, so what. For your information, I was drunk, and besides that talk is irrelevant right now, can you see that Jason is telling us something that could probably end his career. Shirley said as the guys both looked at her astonished.
Okay, so not like end, his career, but it is important, so can you pull yourself together, and let us listen to what Jason has to say, or it won’t be just the bull you would ride and fall off, you will lick the street when I throw you off this level’s window. Shirley said, giving him one of her clenched fists.
Jeez, sorry Shir. My mistake, please continue. Andrew said as Jason sighed and said.
Anyways, I didn’t tell you this, but Ryan asked me last night for my name, and I might have lied to him. Jason said.
Wait, you met him, in a first to first face conversation and you lied to him, about what? Andrew said in disbelief.
Look, I freaked out okay, I just said my name was Michael, that was the first name that came to my head, and I didn’t even give him a surname. Jason said.
But, he called you by your real name, a few minutes ago, didn’t he? Shirley, asked.
Maybe he didn’t know it was you, after all it was dark yesterday, so maybe he thinks you are just another person, you do not need to think too much about it, rather you should be happy, he didn’t fire you. Shirley and I were prepared to resign too, if he did fire you. Andy said as Jason looked at them surprised.
Why on earth would you do that for me? Why are you going to resign even if I did get fired? Jason asked as they exchanged glances.
Well… it wouldn’t be the same without you here, I mean, you always have my back, even when I do keep watching those damned porn websites. Andrew said, scratching his head.
And, you put in a letter of recommendation, for me, I wouldn’t have this job in the first place, if it wasn’t for you, and I couldn’t bear the thought of staying alone, I wouldn’t survive. Shir said as she looked away.
Wow, that is… this is the sweetest and not stupid thing, you guys have ever said to me. Jason said as he tried not to laugh.
It wasn’t funny, it was the sweetest thing, but they felt uncomfortable saying it, so it made him laugh.
Didn’t the CEO tell you to meet him in his office, what the hell are you still doing here? Are you trying to get fired the second time, in a day? Shir said changing the topic, as it hit her raw and deep.
Oh, shoot, I forgot, I should get going. Don’t worry I will call you, once I ascertain the problem. Jason said as he headed for the door.
Oh, one more thing, Jason, Shir said as he paused and faced back.
What’s up? He asked, looking at them.
Try hiding those eye bags from Mr. Ryan. They chorused.
It is very noticeable, you didn’t apply makeup to hide it, this time, did you.
Nah, I forgot. Jason said, waving them off, as he left.
He took the elevator to the highest floor, where Mr. Ryan’s office was situated.
He got to the empty hallway, he saw where the personal assistant, Joey used to stay, but it was vacant, now. He wondered for a brief moment who could possibly replace Joey.
Who in his or her right mind would want to work with Mr. Ryan, in the first place? Who in his right mind would say yes to being his personal assistant, after knowing how he behaves irrationally, and he never apologizes, even if he is wrong.
Shrugging, he got to the door, and knocked, but there was no reply.
Taking a deep breath, he pushed the door open, and walked in, the office was empty, but he could see a note on the table.
Sorry, I went out for some urgent business. The item, I want you to repair, is in my drawer, third cabinet. It shouldn’t take you up to 30 minutes. But there is a mini fridge beside the door, help yourself to some water, while you work. Ryan. The note read.
Nodding his head, he went to his table and sat down on his office chair, to open the drawer.