"I vow on this day Ryan Montero, you are going to fall in love with me and you won't know what hit you, this is my promi...
Chapter 1
16year old Ryan walks inside on his sister and her best friend, their mother was sending his sister away today, not like she is sending her away but Romeria had decided to leave on her own, she couldn’t tolerate their mother anymore, she wants a better life.
Ruby tries to hide her blush as Ryan walks inside Romeria's room, Ryan is her bestfriend brother and she has a crush on him.
"Ryan, do you know Ruby is also leaving tomorrow? her dad is sending her away." Romeria said she knows her friend had always had a crush on her twin brother.
"Well, goodluck kid," Ryan said, turning towards Ruby.
"I'm not a kid, you are only 3 years older than I am" Ruby said quietly.
"Whatever, I would go meet Nate now sis," Ryan said with a scoff as he walked out of the room.
"Oh mickey mouse" Romeria said softly as she pulled Ruby into a hug, Mickey mouse had been the name she gave Ruby since the first time she met her, though she is 3 year older, Ruby still remains her best friend.
"I will miss you SpongeBob" Ruby said softly.
10years later
The autumn breeze blew gently as the clouds hid the sun, slowly announcing to the citizens of New York city that the day was slowly coming to an end.
Normally, all New Yorkers were already rounding up their work for the day, and already looking forward to the rest that they will need in their sleep, but this time was different, for a particular person. It's time to head to work.
Ryan is a man with only one thing on his head and that is work, billionaire sweetheart and everybody's dream man but turns out he doesn't want them to be his dream, he wants only one person or rather one man.
Have you tried switching it off and on again? Jason asked, looking at Andrew as he turned the computer upside down.
Switching it off and on? Do you guys say that shit? Andrew asked bewildered as Jason rolled his eyes.
Yes, we do say that shit, Andy. Now the fact that I am here, on the third floor trying to fix your computer because you got another virus from one of those fucking porn websites, is pissing me off.
Come on Jason, you know that..... Andrew started but was caught short by Jason.
No, not this bloody time, Andy. Jason aggressively replied "You do not get to give an excuse this time. You don't get a bloody or reasonable excuse, for watching porn on your company computer, you dick headed bison.
Andrew frowned at his scolding words then replied,
You are not as cute when you are angry. He said pulling at Jason's cheeks who brushed his hands off.
Trying not to roll his eyes, or blush at Andrew's word, he replied.
It seems you don't understand the gravity of what you just did. Let's not talk about cuteness, when I am trying desperately to hide the fact from the whole company, that you got a virus in one of their systems by watching porn and also trying hard to not kill you, as it would certainly land me in jail.
How in the flying shit, am I going to remain not pissed off when one of my work buddies and regrettably his best friend continuously decides to ignore the company's restrictions placed on these computers. How are you even accessing porn websites anyways? Jason said, facing the idiot beside him.
Jason said the last part was a little bit loud because his fellow IT guy or girl walked in the room, looking for him since he had spent up to thirty minutes, to catch what Jason had said.
She burst into laughter as we both snapped our heads in her direction.
Jesus on freaking crutches?! Porn! Seriously Andrew your little thing couldn't wait till it got back home huh. Shir said as she burst into another fit of uncontrollable laughter.
Jason almost became medically concerned that she might start choking.
Hey, hey guys. Come on, quit it. I thought that we were all friends and shouldn't criticise any bad thing done by any of us. Andrew said, raising his hands slowly.
He gave Jason a look silently pleading that he should take his side but Jason gave him a fuck you sign that Shir caught.
Tough luck, sugar. She said to Andrew as she patted him on his back.
Andrew rolled his eyes in exasperation and said Why in the...He stopped seeing the look that Shirley gave him. He knew that he wouldn't survive if he said something to piss her off. He gulped and quickly rephrased his question.
So what brings you to my floor, Miss Shirley. Already missing your partner? He asked sweetly.
This dick bag over here? Shirley asked, pointing at Jason.
No thanks, she continued as Jason rolled his eyes.
Then tell us why you came here huh? Jason asked, staring at her point-blank.
Sheesh, so I can't leave the office again or what. Anyways I came here because I have some news about your ball. She added.
What kind of news could you possibly have? I just left the damned office. Jason said.
Well, a lot has happened in the THIRTY minutes of your absence. Shir said, looking back at him.
Should I leave and give you guys enough room to argue or are you going to drop the news? Andrew asked looking from Shir to Jason.