--Louis xx POV—
It’s been three days since that interesting day, Harry has been missing since then, the angels and the fairies have been helping me ... but we still couldn’t find where Harry is. Zayn have been very suspicious lately, i don’t know if he’s the one hiding Harry, but he’s movements with Niall and Liam have been very suspicious ... I just hope he has nothing to do with Harry being missing, I don’t want that, I’m not going to like that.
We stated a plan so that we could all work this out sooner, the sooner we get answers the sooner we get to Harry, You might be asking why I’m doing this ... it’s because Harry is a vampire, a vampire can’t last very long without food, they’ll die ... and if they find a way out of there in their hungry state, they’ll kill any human being insight and I’m not risking any humans, including myself, in this kind of things.
As i walk home with Ashton, Calum, and Danielle ... we felt like we are being watched again ... the feeling i got when I came home just before Zayn and I’s the date ... good thing that i have some company that can protect us this time. We walked to the front porch and went inside without getting in trouble.
The house was quiet which was weird; I’m sure at this time Eleanor would’ve been cooking while singing loudly making the whole house very noisy ... but Eleanor’s not here, It’s been three days since she last talked to me .. I always end up seeing her fast asleep and waking up seeing her gone only leaving me a note. It was weird but i don’t want to seem clingy, She’s my best friend, not my girlfriend.
We went to my room and Danielle blocked the door and the windows with her spells, which made the room all sparkly ... I thought Fairies would make any room beautiful and sparkly ... but this sparks hurt my eyes ... she says it’s because sparks are not actually pretty, but they are used for defense which can be deadly, another thing i didn’t know about.
“Ok, Louis ... we need to plan this out perfectly, no flaws equal no problems” Ashton said looking serious, which made me chuckle because he’s the one in the group who always laughs. “Alright, first we need people who can give us info on where Harry could possibly be, and if by any chance one of us already knows where Harry is we need to go to him as soon as possible, but we need to call at least one of us in the group so we can have back up if that happens,” I said firmly
They all nod “Alright, I’ll talk to Niall” Calum said I look at Danielle and Ashton “I’ll talk to Liam while Ashton should talk to Zayn” Danielle said “Ok, I’ll talk to Eleanor, she seems very suspicious during these days ... maybe she knows something” They all nod
“Ash you need to very careful ... you’re going to talk to Zayn, and he has a very bad temper if you make him angry, he’ll turn in a snap” I said to Ashton, he scoffed “Don’t worry, I’m an angel ... he can’t kill me, I’m already dead” Ashton said laughing ... I didn’t find it funny though, i found it very creepy, realizing I’m here in my house with two angels and a fairy ... when did my life become so interesting.
“Alright ... as soon as Eleanor comes home, the plan is in place” Just as soon as Calum said that the doorbell rings. “Alright Eleanor’s home,” Calum said all of them rushed out of the window, I took a deep breath while i walk to the front door opening it revealing Eleanor ... sweaty, bloody and tired. I got to her quickly before she could collapse
I carry her to her room ... she has blood smeared in her clothes, but no bruises ... who’s blood is this “El ... who’s blood is this?” i ask her she just stared at me “Please tell me Eleanor ... what happened? Who did this? Who’s blood is this” I ask her she looked down and muttered a name i didn’t know i would here ... “Harry”
--Danielle xx POV—
As i walk to Liam’s front porch i can here a glass smashing and a lot of noise, I panicked and opened the door ... I see Liam holding on to the top of the table, beaten to a pulp, bruises all over his body, his body was almost drenched in his blood. “Liam,” I said as i help him to the couch i fly quickly to the bathroom to get some supplies and fly back to him.
He sat there sobbing looking at me with tears and blood mixing in his cheeks “I’m sorry, I’m really sorry” Liam said I hugged him and fixed the deep cuts in his body ... ripping his shirt, and pants only leaving him in his boxers, he continued to say sorry, i bandaged his cuts and sat right next to him “Shh Liam it’s okay .. Tell me what happened” I said to him while rubbing his back in his circles.
He stared at me and sobbed once again, I hug him tightly, I am continuously treasuring this moment between us ... no one knows except Perrie, that i have a very big crush on Liam since i saw him getting beaten up by Zayn once ... Zayn was a bully years ago, but he changed ... and he and Liam had been on good terms since then “I’m really sorry, I tried to contain him ... he wouldn’t want to drink it ... he wanted Louis” Liam said, as soon as i heard Louis’ name i snapped my head towards him
“Contain who? Drink what? Who wants Louis?” I ask him staring at him intently “Harry” Liam said and hugged me once more, I gulped, I need to call the other’s about this “Why does Harry want Louis?” I asked Liam
“Louis is the chosen one,” Liam said muttering I’m sorry a hundred times afterward... Oh no. I stood up quick Liam grabbing my wrist tightly “You can’t tell Zayn that I told you, he’ll hurt me” I look at Liam confused “What does Zayn have to do with this?” Liam sighed and patted the seat next to him
I gestured for Liam to wait and I called Ashton, he isn’t answering his phone ... I called Calum and asked him if he can go to Liam’s house ... He said Niall wasn’t in his house anyways, Niall wasn’t in his house ... why? As soon as hanged up Calum appeared right in front of Liam gasping at Liam’s bruises
I whispered to Calum everything that I witnessed he nodded understanding everything I sat right next to Liam “Ok Liam... you have to tell us everything” I said Liam nodding “Louis’ dream wasn’t a dream .. it was real, he came to Harry’s house and they ended up kissing and Zayn saw, Zayn realized Harry knew that Louis was the chosen one, Zayn wanted Louis for himself, so he cuffed Harry and brought Louis to his house, explaining to Eleanor what happened, Eleanor wanted to help Louis, but she can’t ... she had to follow Zayn or else Zayn will hurt her” Liam said sobbing and taking a deep breath to continue
“Zayn called me and Niall and explained to us everything, Niall was happy that he could keep Harry, i wasn’t ... I didn’t want Harry hurt or Louis, but they gave me no choice ... they said if i don’t help they’ll hurt all of you and take Louis away with Zayn and Harry away with Niall, and they’ll never see each other again ... The plan came and Zayn said to Louis that he only dreamt it that he didn’t come to Harry’s house, while Eleanor and Niall stayed to watch over Harry ... it’s been three days and Harry is full-on hungry, not deadly hungry but desperately ... he didn’t drink the potion i made for him ... it was supposed to erase his memory of what happened to him and Louis, it was my job and he didn’t drink it ... he went on full rampage and beat me up even if he was weak, he managed to beat me up “ He sighed
“He was about to hurt Eleanor when she ran full speed back to her house ... i don’t know what happened next, the next thing i knew Niall was in the room, he locked the door the two of them inside alone ... I came home, beaten to a pulp until you saw me” Liam said panting because he was crying harder and talking fast at the same time I hugged him that was when it hit me.
Louis is alone ... with Eleanor ... if Louis will know about this ... he’ll go to Harry, he’ll get killed by Niall ... Louis is going to get killed. Calum saw my expression and I knew he was thinking the same thing we all ran to Louis’ house praying he’ll be alright we opened the door and saw Zayn holding Eleanor by the neck ... Louis was nowhere in sight.
“ZAYN!” we scream, his eyes went back to normal and gasped when he realized what he was doing, Eleanor passed out on the ground and Liam came to her and carried her to her room, Zayn glared at the both of us “Where’s Louis?!” He shouted we flinched “We don’t know ... we just got this information about you keeping Harry, we don’t know where Louis is” Calum said Calmly, Ashton appeared right beside us and held Zayn in his hands ... when Ashton’s angry, he can have strength bigger than Zayn’s or Harry’s “Where are you keeping Harry?!” He screamed Zayn whimpered and nodded “Alright I’ll tell you where he is” I shook my head “No, Show us where he is ... because I’m sure Louis is on his way there now,” I said they all snapped their heads towards me and we all ran outside the door ... one thing all in our minds ... Louis.
--Louis xx POV—
Why was i so stupid to believe Zayn, I knew it was real ... I knew I kissed Harry in real life, I knew i did something to him ... I knew i made him feel Love ... I don’t know why he felt Love when i was with him, even if I’m not the one he is looking for .. But i knew i needed to save him.
I rushed inside the abandoned motel near the village ... this is where Eleanor told me where they were keeping Harry, I knew Zayn was the one who rang the doorbell as soon as Eleanor finished her story ... I didn’t know Zayn and Niall would bet on the two of us just like that, they even dragged my best friend and Liam into this shit.
I tiptoed through the hallway until i heard a scream ... it’s Harry I ran to the door at the end of the hallway and opened it with the strength that i never thought i had “What are you doing here” Niall snapped at me ...I saw brown curls at the corner of the room ... Harry. “I’m here to get Harry,” I said confidently... I don’t know where the confidence is coming from.
“I told you to stay away from him, I told you to never fall for him, I told you that if he falls for you ... I have to kill you ... now that you did fall for him and he fell for you, I have to keep my word Louis” He said as soon as i heard him say that I shivered in fear
This is it ... I’m a goner. Niall pounced towards me in vampire speed, red was his aura, full dark deadly red, I felt a sting in my jaw, he punched me ... i tried so hard to get away from his grip, he continuously punched me ... I felt like my whole body was giving up, i felt his fangs digging into my wrists and i screamed loudly in pain.
My eyesight was a blur ... I can’t feel anything ... everything seems to be going in slow motion, I can see a body shift from the corner of the room to Niall who’s still sinking his teeth in my skin, pain ... that’s what i felt ... only pain.
I felt Niall’s body leave me and i felt two strong arms carry me, I hold on to the mystery person ... i can hear Niall’s voice echoing behind me, the sunlight blinding my sight ... I tried so hard to see ... but i couldn’t one thing slipped out of my mouth “Harry ...” and I passed out