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Chapter 5: Dating and Killing

--Louis xx Pov—

The classes were boring as hell, but i need to at least get a high grade on each of them if I’m planning to continue studying here in Verdana. I said goodbye to my friends and walked to mine and El’s house, I continue walking feeling a little bit tense ... I look around me and i swore i saw a figure behind me, i walked faster while looking behind me, it’s better to be cautious than not safe at all.

I made it to our house feeling safe ... i look behind me and saw someone looking at me “Who are you?” I shout at the end of the street from where he is standing. I walk towards him, but he just ran away. That was weird I enter our house to see Eleanor muttering something in the couch, must be a spell. I wave at her and said hi before going to my room, i look at the clock; 5:00, Zayn will be here in an hour, I need to get ready.

I showered and shaved and styled my hair in a quiff, I made it look like a cinnamon roll, which is different but change is nice. I ransacked my whole wardrobe for the perfect outfit; i ended up dressed in a plain black shirt, a coat, skinny jeans, and converse. I completely went casual, i hope Zayn will like it.

The doorbell rings and my heart beats loudly my palms are sweaty and i tried to calm myself down, hundreds of questions and doubts came to my mind. What if something goes wrong? What if Zayn doesn’t like me? What if someone will ruin our date? What if that someone will be Harry? What if Zayn turns again? What if i can’t calm him down this time? What if he kills me? What if somebody else kills me? What if –

My Thoughts were broken by Eleanor knocking on the door “Louis, Zayn is here” I shout a quick ok. And took a deep breath, I shouldn’t be doubting myself, I shouldn’t be afraid either, If Zayn tries to turn again then I’ll kiss him again to calm him down, I know it will work again if that happens. I smiled at the mirror and walked downstairs seeing Zayn looking beautiful as always

“Hey,” He said I muttered a quick Hi, before saying goodbye to El and followed Zayn outside, this time he has a car “You have a car?” I asked completely dumbfounded He chuckled “No, this isn’t mine it is Harry’s I just borrowed it for today” He said making me remember what Harry said ... I really do hope that Harry won’t do anything stupid to me or to anyone tomorrow morning.

I haven’t told Zayn what happened earlier, and I’m not planning on telling him about what will happen tomorrow, to be honest, i don’t know what will happen tomorrow either, but knowing Zayn will flip shit again if I tell him I’ll be seeing Harry in the morning, i don’t think I’ll be willing to take that risk.


Zayn drove smoothly into the path away from the village into the woods, Louis tensing a little bit knowing something might happen to the both of them in the woods, not the sexual kind, but the deadly kind. Zayn noticed Louis’ tense posture and held his hand, Louis calming down a bit and blushed at the sudden touch making Zayn chuckle and realizing he has the power to make Louis blush.

Zayn clicked a button and the windows started to blacken the front window on Louis’ side blackens too... only Zayn had the full view of their surroundings making Louis confused “I don’t want you to see where we are going just yet” Zayn said nervously, he doesn’t want Louis to be afraid of him, he just wants to surprise him maybe that will be an awesome way to get Louis to like Zayn.

Louis nods completely nervous at the fact they were in the middle of a path through the woods alone together, and it does add the nervousness when Louis realized he was alone with a werewolf with very bad anger issues. Zayn came on full stop and let’s go of Louis’s hand, missing the presence of Louis quickly than he expected as he got out of the car.

He goes to Louis’ side and helps Louis out of the car, Louis looks around completely confused as to why they were in the woods when it was completely dark and made it hard to see. Zayn chuckles and turns off the car making the headlights gone, leaving them both in the pitch dark. Louis was beyond nervous but he thinks that maybe he can trust Zayn even for a brief moment.

Zayn clicks a button and lights hanging from the trees lit up, the trees were formed into a circular design, a table for two are in the middle of the circle, Louis blushed harder seeing how romantic the place was, He never thought Zayn was the romantic type, but he was also relieved that Zayn didn’t put them in a place were Louis wouldn’t afford anything.

Louis sits down in the chair while Zayn shuffles at the trunk of the car, he opens it seeing a box wrapped in foil, he opens it revealing a two-course meal he made just for the two of them, he brings it to the table and lays it in front of Louis making Louis gasp at the magnificent food laid in front of him. Zayn sits down across from Louis and holds his hand.

“I hope you like this Lou” Zayn said the nickname still bothers Louis but he shouldn’t ruin this perfect moment “I just don’t like it” Louis said making Zayn almost tear up “I love it” Louis said making Zayn breath ... He hasn’t even noticed he was holding his breath for so long. They ate quietly afterward Zayn wanted to know Louis more ... that was his goal, to make Louis trust Zayn and maybe like him back.

“Can i ask you a question Lou?” Zayn asked nervously Louis nods without hesitation he was enjoying this so far, nothing can ruin this moment “There are hundreds of other schools you can go to, hundreds of towns and villages you can go, but why here?” Zayn asked. Louis stares at Zayn feeling the awkward atmosphere around them he takes a deep breath and holds Zayn’s hand tightly. Zayn smiled at Louis waiting for him to say something.

“I ran away from home,” Louis said making Zayn look at Louis confused and also sad. Louis continued “After i graduated my foster parents planned something for me, they booked me a plane to America and wanted me to study there for university, I didn’t want it, yet they gave me no other choice ... I did what i had to do, I ran away ... I know it might seem stupid, they were only trying to help me, but i already planned everything, I wanted to go to this village because i want to rest and get away from everything, I didn’t want to go to college just yet, I want to at least know the feeling of having control over your life, having something interesting that could possibly happen. I left without a word, they never did try to find me because they said if i don’t do what they want me to do, they’ll never see me as their son ever again ... even if they try too find me.

They couldn’t because they don’t know this place at all, they don’t even know it exists, i didn’t even know it exists either not until Eleanor told me she will be studying here, I grabbed everything that i had and came here with her, I already knew she was a witch since the past 2 years we have been best friends, but i didn’t know that there will be a lot of other creatures here. Then i realized this is what i was looking for a life full of adventures, a life with interesting people, people who will find me interesting because i was different, people who are different just like me” Louis finished.

Zayn nodded his head understanding how Louis feels, he didn’t expect Louis to blurt out his secret, but he was glad that he now knows anyway. Zayn stood up and sat down in Louis’ lap, Louis sniffed and sobbed in Zayn’s chest “I just miss them Zayn, I didn’t want to leave them, but they left me no choice” Louis said between sobs

Zayn straddled his legs on each side of Louis and kissed Louis forehead and wiped away his tears, both looked into each other’s eyes blue and brown, Louis sees Zayn leaning forward and he leaned just in time as their lips collided, Zayn kissed Louis feeling happiness and sparks, Louis, on the other hand, have someone else in mind while kissing Zayn...Harry.

Louis doesn’t know why he was thinking of that prick, he didn’t like to think about him but he just can’t get Harry out of his mind, it irritates him. He kissed Zayn harder, Zayn flinched at the sudden hunger but shrug it off, he licked Louis’ bottom lip and Louis didn’t hesitate to give Zayn entrance. Their tongues battled for dominance, to Zayn it was complete bliss ... it was heaven. To Louis it was a distraction, to distract him from thinking about a green-eyed curly-headed boy he hates.

They pull away panting Zayn looked at Louis and smiled

“I love you Louis,” Zayn said looking at Louis fondly

Louis looks at Zayn and tried to smile, he wanted to say something else yet the only words that came out of his mouth was

“Thank you”


Louis jolted up looking at the clock; 4:30, he had exactly 30 minutes to go to Harry’s house, he didn’t waste any more time and fixed himself and tiptoed slowly, careful to not wake Eleanor up ... Eleanor has a very wide sense of awareness, she is ready for anything, she wakes up even in the slightest creak, she will even wake up if a pin dropped ... but to Louis’ relief, Eleanor didn’t wake up when Louis got out of the door.

He quickly walked to the path towards Harry’s house; Harry’s house was only 15 min away from Louis’ house, which Louis was glad about because he doesn’t want to end up waking the whole neighborhood in his car. He slowed down when he saw Harry’s house in view he climbed in the front porch and took a deep breath, something was holding him back, telling him to turn around and go home, telling him to stay away from Harry ... but he ignored it, instead, he knocked on the door.


He was about to knock again, when the door opened he peaked inside seeing everything is lit up he came inside hoping to find Harry right away and get on with it, he felt the nervousness kick in. As his whole body was inside, the door closed with force and the room went completely dark. He can hear his heartbeat through his ears. He closed his eyes waiting to wake up from this nightmare, wishing it was a nightmare


Louis flinched at the sudden sound he stepped forward “Harry?” He called through the darkness echoes coming in afterward


Louis suddenly backed away from what was going on, he continued to count the moments of silence







He hears a laugh beside him, it was a faint laugh. It was a demonic laugh that made Louis’ skin crawl, he was scared ... no scratch that, he was completely terrified, he ran towards the door, but only met a wall. He completely touched the wall looking for the door, his hand rested on something. And he wished that it was not what he thinks it is.

“Hello, Louis” Harry’s voice echoes the empty house making Louis flinch “What are you doing Harry? Why is it dark?” Louis asked regaining his confidence, he wants to get out of here, he remembered he had his phone in his pocket all along, he waited for Harry to answer, he just needs a place he could call somebody to help him he fiddled with his phone in his pocket speed dialing Zayn, he was about to run when Harry talked

“I’m here to talk to you,” Harry said laughing at the end, the same demonic laugh, but louder this time. Louis is completely terrified, he was glad he isn’t wetting himself from all of this. “Then let’s talk,” Louis said he felt Harry’s hand connected to Louis’ face Louis cooed into Harry’s touch making Harry smirk “Had fun with your date?” Harry asked suddenly his tone was calm, Louis was glad the fright was over, but hell he was wrong.

“It went great,” Louis said in a flat tone, he just wants to get out of here. Coming here was a bad idea, he knows that now. “Well, that’s amazing, cherish it while you still can breathe,” Harry said, Louis tensed into Harry’s touch when he felt Harry hold his waist, tightly. “You have been very naughty Louis,” Harry said Louis opened his mouth to speak but only to be caught off by Harry “You commanding someone to put a curse on me” Louis furrowed his eyebrows.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Louis snapped Harry flinched at Louis’ tone “Don’t lie to me Louis” Harry said completely furious, He couldn’t believe Louis was still lying to him “You ordered someone to curse me, to make me sick whenever i came close to you, especially this morning when you were shoving your tongue into Zayn’s throat” Harry said now pushing Louis into his bedroom

The bedroom harry takes his snack, Harry lures his snack and tries to seduce them until they completely forget that Harry was a stranger until Harry plunges his fangs deep into his victim. He is willing to make Louis suffer like his victims too ... but he wants Louis to suffer a tad bit more.

“WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT” Louis screamed making Harry flinch he pushed Louis hard into the bed, Louis didn’t even see that there was a bed, with the lights still completely gone, Harry looked at Louis confused ... he looked at Louis he grabbed Louis’ chin and forced Louis to look at him.

He muttered the spell Liam uses whenever he wanted to know the truth, it was three quick words, anyone can say it, even humans can say it, and it will still work. Harry’s eyes went completely green, Louis was telling the truth. “You’re not lying to me?” Harry asked completely guilty of what he might’ve done.

Louis wanted to see where Harry is, Harry saw Louis struggle from the lack of light, he flicked the light switch and the lamp beside his bed made them both visible, Louis sighed a relief that he could see again, he glared at Harry “I Hate you Harry, and you know that but as much as i hate you, i will never do anything as low as what you think I’ll do, I don’t even have anything against you except the fact that you have been a complete bitch towards me” Louis said

Harry looks at Louis, his eyes were beginning to cry, he didn’t know Louis hated him ... he just thought Louis was ignoring him, Harry wiped the stray tears and looked at Louis, He jumped and straddled Louis making Louis gasp from the sudden motion.

They both felt it, the sudden spark, it made both of their body shivers, and they looked at each other’s eyes. Harry leaned in he doesn’t want to think about why he was doing this, he had this feeling that he had to do it, he had too.

Louis looks at Harry and leaned in until they felt their lips collide the same spark went through them, but this time it made Louis moan, Harry smirked and continued to grind against Louis, forgetting he was still straddling him, Louis couldn’t take his body away from Harry, he felt this was the right thing to do, he knows it is wrong, but it just felt completely right.

Their tongues didn’t battle for dominance like what Louis did earlier with Zayn, their tongues danced together in harmony, it fits, they both fit. Harry felt complete bliss, he felt ... Love? Harry pulled away, completely dumbfounded, He felt Love ... for the very first time ... in years.

Could it be? Could Louis be the chosen one? Before he could hug Louis and tell him the news the door suddenly opened revealing somebody that both Harry and Louis didn’t want to see.


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