--Louis xx POV—
I jolt awake
I saw the clock, 4:30, déjàvu?
That was a dream? ... It seemed so real, I look at my phone to see Harry texted me.
Hey Louis, i was about to talk to you about some kind of bad thing that was happening to me, i thought it was you who was ordering someone to do it, but i found out it was just a side effect of my curse, maybe I’ll explain it to you next time we get to talk but for now, I’m sorry for scaring and being a bitch to you, I’ll try to be nice to you from now on. –Harry x
... Wait so he doesn’t want me to come to his house, that bad thing he was talking about is it the same thing he accused me on my dream? ... This is too much to handle, I lay myself down in the bed again and tried to sleep, but my mind won’t shut, that dream was too realistic to be true, it was the best dream i have ever had to be honest, i can still feel the tingles in my lips from Harry’s kiss.
Harry kissed me ... in my dream. I hope it wasn’t a dream, but if it wasn’t then what did Zayn do when he saw me kissing Harry, dang it this is making my head hurt. I lift myself up and fixed myself i grabbed my laptop and let my hair dry i don’t want to style it for now, i have enough time later.
I open the homepage and searched Love Vampire Curse many irrelevant articles popped up i clicked the last page of the search and saw one article, it’s the only article that was relevant though
Love Vampire Curse: About, Cures, Side Effects, Strength and Weaknesses
I clicked on it and saw the About page it explained the history of the first Love Vampire who got cursed, it also said here that he killed his wife, but he didn’t know his wife had a child, he wanted to go look for the child but only stopped by humans who hated him for killing his human wife, then the story goes on to building the school and village and blah blah blah then the humans went back to normal and forgot about it... i already know this.
I scrolled down again and one word caught my attention second Love Vampire that was cursed, there was a second one? I thought there was only one and that was the founder of the village and school. I guess there was another one who didn’t go by the rules.
A 16 yr old Love Vampire is introduced to a certain person that their family wants them to fall in love with, it was a tradition, and breaking it will result in various awful punishments, but one boy was introduced to the preferred girl, but only fell in love with a boy, and what’s worse was the 16-year-old vampire fell in love with a human prince. Not only did he break the tradition, but also killed him... accidentally or not ... he was still cursed with various curses, one curse put him between a rock and a hard place, he was cursed to only love one person, a specific person. No one knows where this specific person is neither does vampire, he searched and searched but only resulted in another temporary cure, that specific person became unknown so they called him the chosen one ... The chosen one?
Is that what the angels said that Harry needed to love? The wait is the article talking about Harry? I searched for his name, but there was nothing. I scrolled down desperate to find more stuff about Harry... wait why am i even searching his kind anyways? ... What if i can find a cure to one of his side effects, whatever you call it that will at least help him a bit?
I scrolled down and saw the cures, there was only listed 2 cures, one was finding the specific person, two is feeding off humans to live, I’m pretty sure if I’m going to help Harry i will help him find the chosen one, rather than help him feed off of people. The side effects were vomiting blood, uncontrollable emotions, and uncontrollable jealousy when it comes to couples, and more sickness that i couldn’t understand.
The uncontrollable jealousy one was pretty familiar, he was looking jealous at me and Zayn, maybe that’s the reason he is rude to me. I saw his strengths were human blood, any sign of a sexual desire to a specific one, any sign of love to a specific one. He’s weaknesses were pretty specific, witches, werewolves, kissing humans that are not their preferred person – may result in fainting—
Wait so when Harry kissed me, he didn’t faint ... then that’s it, it WAS a dream ... right? Am i missing something probably not
I look at the clock and it was already 7 am, wow time went by fast, i ruffled my hair and put my beanie on, grabbed my backpack and went downstairs, i saw Eleanor left me a note, saying she already left ... that’s weird. I walked to school just in time to see my friends leaning in a tree right outside the front gate.
“Hey guys” I shout at them, making them smile and various Hi’s were heard. Liam was looking at me worriedly “Are you ok Louis?” Liam asked. All of them had their eyes on me ... that’s weird, “Yes, why wouldn’t I be?” I asked, they all looked at me confused, Liam just walked away saying he was going to talk to someone.
“Well because you didn’t go to school yesterday,” Danielle said eyeing me worriedly, I furrowed my eyebrows “what do you mean? I went to school yesterday, I even went on a date with Zayn remember?” I asked them this is getting confusing, “Louis, that was on Wednesday” Ashton said I looked at them and muttered “so?” Perrie handed me her phone and showed me a calendar marked today ... Friday.
“Wait—what?” I asked them “why did i skip a day?” Calum was about to say something when Zayn appeared right next to me putting his hand on my waist protectively ... and possessively. “Hey babe, are you ok now?” Zayn asked, i shrugged and shook my head “honestly I’m confused as hell... i went on a date with you on Wednesday, and i am sure this day was only Thursday, but i skipped a day ... i don’t know Zayn” I rambled not even making any sense
“Oh i forgot to tell you after we went on our date you said you had another headache and you fell asleep, the next day Eleanor said you had a fever and that’s why you didn’t come to school, i didn’t get to tell these guys because i took care of you on the morning while El was gone... you were pretty sick yesterday ... you should be more careful,” Zayn said
I stare at him, there was something odd about him, I looked at his aura, it was yellow, his face ... was red ... he is hiding something, he pulled away slowly and looked at my friends “sorry for not telling you guys” they all muttered a “it’s ok” and smiled, Zayn walked away after kissing me on the cheek.
I look at them and gestured for them to come closer we all huddled into a circle, “What is it Louis?” Luke asked i can hear the curiousness in his voice; I stared at them and slowly said.
“They are hiding something, and i need to find what it is, but for now, i need to know where Harry is?” I said they all shared looks and nodded “We feel that they are hiding something too, but unfortunately, we don’t know where Harry is” Michael said to all of us.
I look around and saw Zayn, Liam, and Niall eyeing us suspiciously before they could see me looking I turn my head away “Ok. I’m going to find him later, but for now, you guys need to help me stay away from those three... I feel they are hiding something, and i feel like they are planning something, bad ... and we all need to watch each other’s backs” I said
The bell rang and Zayn appeared right beside me I look at my friends and they all nodded and went on different ways, I can feel Zayn’s stare at the corner of my eyes I look at him and smiled, he took a deep breath that confirmed that he was nervous about something “What did you guys talk about?” He asked.
I shrugged “My dreams, I’ve been getting a lot of weird dreams lately ... i had this dream where I went to Harry’s house and we kissed and then you came and then ... it ended” I said eyeing him if he will be angry, or he will ACT angry “Oh, well that’s probably just nothing Louis, don’t sweat about it, and just forget the whole dream” He said calmly ... bingo ... that either means, the dream did happen, or something happened ... close to what i dreamt, but as far as i know he IS hiding something.
I smiled at him he smiled back “Are you ok?” He asked eyeing me suspiciously he is doing that eyeing thing quite often now ... i don’t like it “Umm just thinking,” I said he looked at me waiting for me to tell who/what i was thinking about “About Harry,” I said his hand grabbed my waist tightly, i swallowed a yelp.
“Why are you thinking about him?” He said sternly I relax my body and put my head in his shoulders that made him calm down as we walk to the classroom “It’s just weird that he isn’t here early in the morning to bitch at us” I said he relaxed fully and laughed
“Yeah... I’m actually glad about it, don’t worry he will probably not bother us anymore... he’ll be gone for quite some time” He whispered the last part, but i still heard it ... I acted like i didn’t hear anything and he seems to fell for it, the class started and there is only two things on my mind.
Where is Harry? ... And why would he be gone for quite some time?
--Harry xx POV—
I fiddled with the roped tied tightly around my wrists, I am weak, i need to feed ... but Niall won’t let me, and he even ordered Liam and Eleanor to put another spell on me so that they could track my every move, Fuck this ... I needed Louis, he made me happy ... he ... he’s supposed to be mine. Thinking about Louis being with Zayn right now angers me more. The rope snapped and i rose and feel on the floor again, I look back up and see Eleanor muttering a spell.
“I need to talk to Louis,” I said weakly she just shook her head as Niall went inside the room, I tried my best to launch at him, at least punch him or slap him or hurt him or something ... but i was weak, i felt like my whole body was being buried in bags of sand, and i couldn’t get out, no matter how hard i try, i couldn’t
“Niall,” I said he looked at me worriedly, he just shook his head “I’m sorry Harry, but I didn’t want this to happen ... Zayn and I had a deal, If he gets Louis I’ll get you ... and if I don’t get you, neither does Louis” He said he smirked at what he said ... I didn’t see that coming “I thought you were okay with me being with somebody else... that’s what we are, even if i don’t love you, you’ll still live, I just need to do stuff with you ... and you’ll live, but this is how you repay me?” I snapped at him
He scowled “Stop with your bullshit Harry, no one is regretting putting you into this kind of place, you’re the one who made a mistake years ago, and you ended up having a fucking pathetic curse, it’s not our fault, it’s yours” He said, I tried to stand up but i only sat back down on the chair i was sat on earlier
He was right ... why am i even complaining, when the chosen one was rumored to be gone, I left and killed hundreds and thousands of humans trying to find him and prove everyone wrong and take my revenge to that wretched witch who cursed me ... but it only angered everyone more, because I didn’t learn my lesson and i kept killing people, resulting on me getting a lot more sickness and weaknesses
Niall smiled and hugged me, I sat there stiffly ... i didn’t want anything to do with him, i just want to go see Louis, i need him ... I love him? ... yeah, i do, I love him. “You’ll be free in a few weeks Harry ... don’t worry about it, and by that time comes, you’ll stay away from Louis, or else you’ll end up hurting him” Niall said leaving me alone again with Eleanor
I’ll be here for WEEKS? ... I’ll be hungry by then, I’ll turn into one of those vampires who’ll kill any human insight, they are smart than what i expected them to be, because I won’t be going near Louis, even if it hurts me to get away from him ... I won’t ever risk his life ... i won’t ever hurt him, and that’s the only promise I’ll keep ... the only promise that i won’t ever break.
And if anyone hurts him ... I’ll make sure they pay for it, even if it will make Louis hate me, I wouldn’t care, even if it ends up killing his friends ... I wouldn’t care ... I need him, he is mine and i need him to know that, he is rightfully mine ... and the only thing that i need to do after i get out of here, is NOT going to Louis ... but to Zayn.
I’m going to have my killing spree ... until Louis will be forced to be with me because he has no one to go to anymore ... no one and I’ll start it ... with Zayn.