One hell of a week later
Jorge and I are currently in my room and he's definitely had a drink or more before he got back to the suite.
"You're drunk. ", I laugh at Jorge who leans his cheek against my shoulder and closes his eyes.
"Never claimed I wasn't. "
"Oh my gosh. Go take a shower or something, it'll help you sober up. Plus, you stink. ", I laugh.
"I want to fuck. ", he whines, hitting my shoulder gently.
"Thank you for sharing that information with me. ", I scoff at him and roll my eyes.
"Sorry, I forgot you are the virgin Mary. ", he giggles, literally.
"I am not. ", I hiss.
"If you're not, then fuck me right now. ", he wiggles his eyebrows and I laugh.
"Not going to happen. "
"Ugh. ", he groans, getting up from my bed. "You're right. I'm taking a shower and then I'll fuck Regina.. if she hasn't got off with Ross already. "
I make a disgusted face remembering the two of them a few nights ago and nod at him as he exits the room.
Sigh slowly pours through between my lips and I bury my head into the pillow, my thoughts wandering to my dad, living all alone. He would get a heart attack if he knew where I live and who I spend my time with. I need to make some real friends here because I can't stay with these kind of people. I don't know what is wrong with me anymore. I can't believe I didn't tell Jorge no when he first offered me to stay in this suit with them. I should just tell him and he'd help me find an apartment right away. But.. He'd be disappointed in me if he knew I'm here with these pricks so I can't allow myself to share that information with him. I won't let Sarah know either, she's probably not worried. Her and Bianca, two of my best friends, never doubted in me. They always trust me with everything and it kinda bothers me because I'm not perfect and I need to have a permission to make mistakes too. Mistakes are good and this apartment thing is my worst mistake made by now. When I'm done looking around the room like an idiot and thinking, I start walking back to my bed. That's when I trip over something and stumble, falling to the floor.
"Ahh. ", I groan as I feel my ankle ache.
I stay that way for a few seconds, just trying to take in the pain. When you get used to the pain of any kind, it becomes easier to bare it. Pain's the power if habit. That's why the more you get hurt, the stronger person you become. Anyway, that's not the real point here, what really matters is that my ankle hurts as hell.
I try to lean on that foot and hiss, falling back on my butt. There's no use to trying. I lean back against the edge of my bed and groan. This week couldn't be worse.
Jorge is probably taking a shower so he can't hear me even if I yell and plus I don't have energy to do that. Yelping on the floor, with my head buried into my knees, I just keep on sitting, not knowing how much time has passed since I hit my ankle.
Something that sounds like a knock pulls me out of the darkness and I open my eyes. Have I fallen asleep? I don't remember it. I groan, waiting to see if the knocking was just a part of my imagination or if someone's really pounding at the door. Heavy eyelids roll up and I lazily look around. The sound can be clearly heard. Wait. Where am I?
Taking in my surroundings, I frown in confusion. I'm on my bed? How did I get here? I must have somehow crawled up on it before I fell asleep.
"Come in. ", my raspy, hoarse voice says it and the door opens. I blink rapidly and recognize the person in front of me as Jamie.
"Allison, hey. What are you doing? ", she gives me a small smile and I sigh, hugging my pillow and taking in its scent.
"Nothing.. "
"I came here to ask you.. Don't you want to, by any chance, come to the party with us tonight? ", she shyly asks and sits on the edge of the bed by my feet. She's the nicest one here.
I return her grin and sigh.
"I can't. Nor I want to. I want to rest and read my books. Besides, my feet hurts. I think I sprained my ankle. ", I hiss when I touch it and she bites her lip and frowns.
"Oh. Did you see the doctor? "
"No. It's probably not so serious. That's just a possibility. ", I cover myself over my head with my comforter.
"You should have someone look at it anyway. ", she pats my back and stands up. "I have to go now. It's almost nine and I have to go to Kian's to get ready. My stuff is there. ", she sighs. I nod.
"Why are your clothes at his place? ", I raise my eyebrows.
"Two days ago, when we partied, Jorge, Regina and I crashed at his place because we were so fucking drunk that we couldn't walk, let alone drive. ", Jamie explains.
"Wait.. So I was alone with Ross that night? I never knew this. ", I widen my eyes.
She laughs. "You were asleep when he came here. Don't worry, he didn't do anything to you. "
We don't know that, J.
"Alright? Well, see you then. ", I smile.
"See you. ", she kisses my cheek and I hum as she exits the room. A few minutes later I hear the front door open which means she left. God, my ankle hurts badly. I didn't even put the ice on it.
I sit up and uncover myself, taking a look. Oh my.. It swell. This looks horrible. My hand reaches up to touch it and I frown and quietly groan when I do, feeling the unstoppable sensation of pain flowing through me.
"Oh my god. ", what am I going to do with this? Nobody knows.
"Virgin Mary? ", familiar voice calls through the suite and Ross' blonde hair peeks through the door. I roll my eyes and ignore his presence.
"Oh. You're still pissed. Just get over yourself, Reece's brother means nothing to you. So what if he thinks you're a whore because he saw your leg wrapped around my hip while you were pressed against the wall by me? ", smirk plays on his lips as he slowly licks them. I make a disgusted face at the disgusting sight.
"Don't lick your lips at me. ", I threaten and pull the cover to my stomach.
"I think I'm allowed to do a little teasing since I laid you on your bed so carefully. ", he winks and walks towards me.
Who is this and where's an angry Ross from a few days ago?
"You were the one who did that? ", I gasp.
"Yea... I mean... Uhm.. You looked really uncomfortable lying on the floor so I carried you to your bed. Then I took off your bra since it seemed like it's choking your breasts. ", he stares at me with that intrigued look on his face and breathtaking spark in his eyes.
My eyes widen and I look down to my chest to find that I'm actually wearing a bra. I glare at him and he starts laughing.
"Gotcha. Again. ", he smiles.
I roll my eyes again and look away. Could he just leave so I can take care of my leg?
"What's wrong? ", he asks and puts his hands into his pockets.
"Nothing.. "
"You're lying. Tell me. ", he demands.
"I don't have to tell you anything. ", I sigh and lie back onto my pillow, my hands falling above my head. He stares at me.
"Why are you being so difficult? ", he groans and I laugh.
"It's you who's not getting it that I am not going to be one of those uncountable women who you manipulate with and throw them aside. ", I shrug and wince when I feel another ache in my ankle.
Ross tugs at his hair and crosses his eyes like a kid would do from frustration. "Ah. You're so damn annoying that it's not healthy for me to listen to you. "
"Then leave. "
"I didn't come here to bang you or some shit I came to see what the only person in this damn apartment, besides me, is doing because I'm bored as fuck. ", Blondie admits and I close my eyes, feeling too exhausted to open them again.
"I don't get it. We.. had that moment in the hall, against the wall, and then you say you don't want to just sleep with me? What's wrong with your brain? "
"Damn it. I was.. I don't know what I was doing but I was pissed and surprised and extremely horny so I pulled you closer. I do that to women all the time. It's no big deal, Allison. "
"It is to me. I don't want you to go around touching me and making me look like a.. like a... uhm. "
"Slut? ", he gives me a small smile and raises his eyebrow.
"Yes. Gosh. "
"Fine. I won't ever touch you again nor speak to you. Is that okay? ", he crosses his arms on his chest and mines are heavy as I sigh.
"I didn't say that, ah!! ", I feel him sitting on my ankle with all his weight and I scream in pain.
"What? "
"Get off! Get off, please! ", I plead and try to push him off of my legs. He smirks.
"Too intimate for you, yea? ", he crawls up to me and presses my ankle with his foot. I feel the tears forming in my eyes. I need to tell him now.
"Ross... ", I cry out as he stares down at me from above.
"What? Want me to fuck you now? ", he questions and brings his lips extremely close to my ear and neck. I feel his hot breath on it and my skin covers itself with a quilt of goosebumps.
"It hurts. "
"What hurts? ", he narrows his eyebrows at me and I squeeze my eyes shut.
"Ahh. My ankle hurts... I fell. Please get off. Please.. ", tear accidentally rolls down my cheek and his facial expression becomes neutral. Within seconds, he is off of me and I breathe out.
"Pull this off. ", he points to the cover and I grip it harder.
"No. "
"Allison, get the thing off of you now. I want to take a look at your ankle. ", he says and pulls it off of me, his eyes momentarily widening. "Your foot is swollen. Ew. Oh my god. Gross. "
I groan. "Thank you for your sympathy. "
"No.. I.. Well, you need to put some ice on this. "
"I can't move. I've been lying on the floor all day with my foot hurting to death. ", I breathe out and he sighs and stands up, looking down from my ankle, to my face. "Could you please get it for me? Please? "
He rolls his eyes and storms out of the room. I sigh and close mines. Within seconds, I feel a cold bag of ice fall onto the mattress next to me. I put it onto my feet and flinch at the coldness of it.
"Please don't tell me you need a glass of water too, or something? I'm not your fucking doctor.. ", he reminds me and I nod at him.
"Just get out please. "
"Why would I? ", he raises his brow.
"Because you are being hateful to me and I don't want to deal with you right now because I have too many thoughts on my mind. ", I say, glancing at my phone.
"I'm not being hateful for fuck's sake. I'm being more friendly to you than I thought I'd ever be with anyone and you should appreciate that. ", he growls and sits next to me. Why did I think he'd listen to me for once, remind me?
"Well, I don't. Being nicer than usual doesn't mean you automatically aren't rude. ", I tell him and mean it, hearing his angry sigh. I think I'm challenging his nerves. Good.
"I brought you a damn bag with ice and haven't insulted you yet, plus I'm missing my party to stay here with you and watch a movie or some shit because you're hurt and you can't be alone, okay? Is that a bad thing? ", Ross spits and pulls back the hair fallen onto his forehead.
I give him a smug smile. "You're staying here with me? "
He groans and throws back his head against the mattress. "God, I've just said it, haven't I? Okay. I'll stay since you're so desperate for me to do so. ", he smirks and I swat at his arm. He chuckles and grabs a remote.
"Which movie? "
"We don't have popcorn, I can't watch a movie without a snack.. ", I whine.
"Get used to it, princess. Now tell me which channel? "
"I have no idea. You choose. I love everything, from romance to action. Really. ", I sigh.
"Okay. Try not to yell at me when I pick a porn to watch. ", he smiles. I snort and hit his shoulder.
"Please don't make me regret this. ", I plead and he turns another channel.
"Hmm.. The Hunger Games. Gosh, I haven't seen this in such a long time. "
"When's the last time you watched a movie? ", I turn to him and he shrugs.
"I have no idea. "
"That's just sad. "
"Hey. I don't have time for shit like that. But I usually read books so that would be fine. "
"Books? What kind of books? ", I question.
"Anything that I find interesting, really. There are some pretty good classic novels and also adventurous books and action isn't so bad either, plus drama and romance is good too, just keeps me alive. ", he looks back at me. "Gosh, I sound like a pussy right now. ", he rubs his eyes in this adorable way that he does when he's sleepy.
"No, you don't sound like a.. pussy. ", I barely choke out the word and he bursts out laughing. I join him.
"Do not say it again, please. It sounds so weird coming from your mouth. ", he breathes.
My mind is racing. "I know right? Gross. I have never used words like that. They are completely immature. "
"You are the one who's not mature enough to use them. You need to learn how to grow up, Ally, or the world will crush you. You can't stay a child forever. ", he looks away and I want to press him and ask him what he means by that and why is he suddenly acting so vulnerable and weird.
"I feel better if I'm innocent and don't see the world the way it is. ", I shrug. Ross looks at me with his hazel, almost dark green, eyes, then his lips break into smile.
"Gosh, I have some serious work to do with you. This is quite a challenge. "
"Shut up. ", I glance at my phone, hoping dad has texted me. Or Benjamin maybe, he's great friend of mines. He could pass as my best friend too.
"Do you have a boyfriend? ", Ross asks and snaps me out of my thoughts.
"Huh? "
"A boyfriend, do you have one? ", he meets my eyes.
"No. "
"Have you ever had one? ", his eyes twinkle with this spark that I could easily call teasing.
"Just one. Why? "
"What was his name?" Ross swallows hard, as if he is afraid to hear it.
"Luke. Why do you want to know?" I see him visibly tense at the name, as if it has caused some unpleasant memories in him.
"Oh. I thought that.. Well, since you're still a virgin, I wanted to know if you've ever even kissed a guy before. "
I roll my eyes and lean away from his body. "Okay. You are back to teasing me again. I haven't had sex yet, so what? My time will come too. Just shut up about it. "
I haven't really had the intention of snapping at him like this but he is annoying.
"No, no. I didn't mean to insult you or anything. I just... It's cute, I guess? ", he laughs nervously and I roll my eyes.
"Just hush. ", smile breaks through my lips.
"You love me. ", he leans onto my shoulder and makes a puppy face.
What the heck is wrong with him tonight? He hasn't spoken to me since a few days ago and he's always so rude and look at him now I just can't even...
Bipolar. That's what he is.
"No. ", I laugh. He does too.
"I could order some food for us? ", he lifts his head from my shoulder.
"That'd be nice. ", I say and look back at the screen again.
"Okay. I'll do that. Just wait for me here for a few minutes. ", he stares at his phone and types something. "I just have to do some things. I'll be back very soon. "
Ross gets up and I stare at him as he leaves my room. Then I hear the door of the apartment open and close. He left. I snuggle up to my pillow and just wait, not knowing that time is ticking away minutes and maybe even hours soon...
One hour later I hear the front door forcefully open and close and nuzzle into the sheets. This isn't the way Ross opens the door...