Let's just say Ross and I working together is hell for me. That man is hell in the middle of heaven and I don't know how long I will hold onto my common sense and not lose my mind when I'm around him. It's been a while, we haven't actually been getting along with each other and that's okay, I wouldn't want it any other way. Of course he has found time to tease me about never sleeping with a guy before or about my clothes and my never-foul language... It's all normal for him. Lucky for me, I haven't walked in on him in bed with anybody but I hear some moans from his room in the middle of the night sometimes. Walls are too thin.
We are currently at Gomez Publishing and he's trying to get on my nerves by not letting me work as always. I will lose my job if this continues.
"Shut up. ", Ross groans and I pinch his arm. Just as he annoys me, I annoy him.
"Look, I'm not looking forward to working with you too, especially after you almost killed me with that cigarette, but we have to learn how to communicate or we'll get in serious trouble. ", I say and slam my palms against the wooden desk.
"I know.. but you're annoying. ", he whines and I roll my eyes.
"Fine. Have it your way. I'm going to finish our assignment and turn it in without you. Then, Mr. Gomez might as well fire you. Good for me. ", I smile and type the last sentence into my computer before hearing a muffled laugh.
"Reece will never fire me. ", he says and walks up to me.
"How would you know that? ", I ask not looking at him.
"Because he's a good friend of mines. "
"Er.. ", I shrug and keep on typing. I then see my paper has been stolen and look up to find Ross holding it with a serious expression on his face.
"Look at me when I talk to you, damn. ", he growls and I raise my eyebrows.
"You're seriously making drama over me not looking at you? Give it back to me. ", I stand up and face him, pulling out my hand.
"I won't give it back to you unless you do something for me first. ", his face holds a familiar smirk that drives me crazy.
"Seriously? What? "
"You'll have to do my part of the work too and if you want, you could let me bend you over this desk right here. Could be fun. " Oh god. I hate him.
"Of course I'm not going to do any of that, what the heck is wrong with you? Give it to me, this is important. ", I jump as I try to take the paper from him and he laughs.
"Then I'm afraid you're not going to finish what you've started and Mr. Gomez will be mad. Very mad. ", he wiggles his eyebrows.
"This is low. Even for you. ", I hiss and push at his chest.
"Nothing's too low for me. ", he licks the paper on each side while I try to take it from him.
"Please give the paper to me. ", I plead.
"You're not going to achieve anything with that fragile side of yours. Show me you've got a dark side and I'll give you the paper. ", his teeth bury themselves into his bottom lip. I laugh.
"You know what? I'll go tell Mr. Gomez that you're bothering me and we will put an end to this drama. ", I try to walk past him but he grabs me by my shirt and pulls me back pressing my hips to the table with his large hands. I groan.
"I'm afraid that won't happen either. ", he gives me a cheeky smile and I raise my hand to slap him, but he catches it in his own and makes a serious face. "Don't ever try to slap me again, got it? "
My lips part, mouth drying quickly at the intimacy of his words. I feel so exposed with him. That frightens me. He frightens me.
"Let me go, that hurts. ", I say and breathe in. He slowly lets go of my wrist, constantly staring at my face.
"You're the worst person I've ever met. ", I push him away and sit back on my chair. He laughs and leans onto my desk next to me with a paper hanging between his teeth.
"You've already said that to me. I'm the worst person anyone's ever met. "
"Would you give me back the paper? ", I turn on my chair to look at him. He seems to think about it.
"You've got to be a little crazy sometimes. I bet your whole life has been leaving for school and coming back home, bored out of your mind only to go sleep and repeat that process again tomorrow. ", he says.
"You know nothing about my life. ", I tell him seriously.
"Might be. Might not. ", he pauses. "Look, if you want the paper, this is what you have to do. ", he pulls it out of his mouth and points to the big wet spot on it. "You have to bite on the opposite side of mines and we will fight for it. Like dogs. "
"What? No way. ", I wave my hand at him. He smiles.
"That's the only way. "
"That's stupid. "
"Stupid is fun. Also, it's the only way. ", he repeats and I cringe.
"Ugh. ", groaning, I turn to him. He offers me one side of the paper and I look at it disgusted before I put it between my teeth. Ross does the same with his.
"Now pull. ", he demands and I growl and start pulling the paper with my teeth. It tastes awful.
"Yes. Growl at me like a fucking dog. Show me you have it in you. ", blondie groans and pulls it harder.
My teeth tighten around the thin material and I growl again and again, like an animal, literally, pulling the thing and sucking it in my mouth. I find myself standing up and gripping Ross' shoulders to push him as far as possible so I can win. He groans and pulls it harder, grabbing my shoulders too. This is so.. crazy.
"Shit. ", he says when the paper starts ripping on two parts. I widen my eyes and keep on pulling. It rips completely and I gasp, one half of the thing glued to my tongue. Ross only laughs and hands me other side of it. It's covered in saliva.
"Here. You've earned it. ", he winks as he puts the wet paper in my hand and I gasp again.
"I hate you. Look at this!! This was supposed to be my manuscript! ", I squeeze it in my hand and throw it into a trashcan next to the desk. He laughs again.
"Good boy, Ally... ", he pats my had as if he did it to a dog. " Dogs are not usually good employees. ", Ross says and heads for exit. I rush walk past him, heading for Reece's office.
God help me.
"Mr. Go- Reece. ", I correct myself when I walk into his office.
"Hello, Allison. ", he sends me a cute smile. I return the gesture and approach him.
"Uhm.. I.. I accidentally poured water over that assignment you gave me. Is there maybe a copy or something? ", why the heck am I lying to protect Ross?
It just came natural.
Boy, I'm so going to get fired and it's only my first week..
Reece only chuckles and pulls out a paper, laying it in my palm. I thank him and smile.
"Your timidity might freak people out but it's also pretty adorable. ", he says and looks back at his computer.
I feel the blood rushing to my face and I believe I'm red within seconds so I thank him quietly and excuse myself, leaving his office. When I close the door and turn around, I am face to chest with a blonde nightmare. I glare at him.
"Did you just save my ass in there? ", he asks me, his face victoriously watching me from above. I roll my eyes.
"Stop annoying me. ", I say and try to walk past him. He holds me by my wrists and presses them against the wall next to my hips. I gulp as I stare up at him, frightened. He did it in gentle way but I'm still not comfortable with him.
"You literally haven't told Reece the truth? Why? ", his face is close. Too close for my liking and I have to look away and turn my head a little right.
"I... don't... know. ", I say it so quietly that it could almost be a whisper.
"When will you learn to look at me when I talk to you? ", he hisses in my ear and I feel an uncomfortable shiver rush down my spin. He's not stable. I have to get away from this guy.
"Maybe if you weren't pinning me against the wall then I would look at you. ", I say.
"So.. The closeness is the problem? ", I can see him smirk from the corner of my eye and I growl.
"Just let me go. ", I demand.
"Just fucking do so. "
"Do what? "
"Look at me. Damn. ", Ross curses and I find myself obeying and making contact between our eyes. He finally smiles.
"That's better. Now tell me. "
"I have nothing to tell you, let go of me already. ", I try to pull my hands from his grip but he holds them tighter and buries his hips into mines, pressing my body against the wall completely by his own.
"No can do. Want to ditch this place and go smoke up on the roof? ", he whispers in my face, his lips almost brushing my nose.
"You know I don't smoke. ", I say harshly.
"Oh.. Yeah. Forgot the lame girl chokes on cigarettes. Plus, you're the only one lame in our squad. "
"I'm not a part of your squad nor a lame girl. ", I defend myself and he finally smirks again.
"Alright. If that helps you sleep at night. ", his hands let go of mines but attach themselves on my hips, holding me still.
"I have to go. ", I whisper and look away.
"Are you intimidated by me? ", he smiles as he playfully bites my nose. I groan.
"Let me go already! ", I push at his chest.
"No. "
"Ross, I'm warning you before I use my final trick, kicking you in your balls and running away like girls do with kidnappers. ", I send him a threatening glare.
"Oh, so you're thinking about my balls? Would you like to feel them, Miss. Noren? ", he presses his manhood against my center and wraps my leg around his waist before I can react.
That's when someone gets out of the elevator and enters the hall we're in. Oh my..
"What the fuck? I didn't come here to watch some shitty slut and an over hormonal motherfucker have sex against the wall in front of my brother's office. ", he growls. "Get out of here. "
My eyes widen and I quickly push Ross away who doesn't hesitate this time but only stares at this angry man. My eyes water. I blew it.
"I'm so sorry. I... I... ", I start to mutter.
"Just get lost... I can't believe what kind of people work here these days. ", he mutters and enters Reece's office.
I start to walk away, quickly, collecting water in corners of my eyes with the sleeve of my shirt. He will tell Reece and the man will make me leave for good. This is a disaster.
"Where are you going? ", Ross follows me.
I turn around and shove my palms against his chest.
"You! You made me look like a slut. He'll probably tell everything about this to Mr. Gomez and I will lose my first serious job because of you! What the heck is wrong with you? ", I shout at him and press the button.
"Okay. As first, you shouldn't care what he thinks at all because he's just Reece's prick of a brother who doesn't like anyone and hates me. This has nothing to do with you. He tried to annoy me. ", Ross tries to explain it to me and I find it funny that he thinks this situation has an explanation.
"You still made me look bad. What is it with you thinking you can just walk up to me and touch me like that? Do you see another whore in me? Am I a whore to you? ", I ask angrily, pleading for that elevator to hurry. I feel bad about my language.. My mother's taught me not to use those words.
Ross blinks rapidly and stares at me, then his lips twist into a smirk.
"No. Of course you're not. You're just a prudish bitch. "
I stare at his face, trying to find something like a clue that he doesn't mean what he's just said, but all I find is honesty and honesty hurts. Not because it's said by Ross, I could care less what a manwhore I met only five days ago has to say about my personality, but the thought itself hurts. Elevator finally opens and I keep on looking at him. Ross seems to get more uncomfortable each moment I keep staring at him. That's when I just turn around and enter the elevator, not saying a word to that man.
He rushes into it with me before the door closes and I turn around, facing the corner. I've always hated elevators because in them I feel like trapped in a box that is hanging above the profound. Now I feel like there's also a hungry tiger in the box with me.
We stay quiet during that small ride to the ground floor and I keep on avoiding his eyes on me. When it finally stops, I am thankful. I never plan on talking to Ross again. It's not healthy for me to hang out with him. Okay, he's a bit perverted(a lot) and annoying and makes stupid jokes about me and my behavior, those are the things I can somewhat accept, but underneath all of that, he's just a mean jerk. Nothing more. Those kind of people are the ones I don't want to be friends with.
I start walking through the lobby, hearing my own footsteps collided with the sound of his strong ones.
"Allison. "
Ignore him. Bees leave when you ignore them, Ross will too.
"Allison. Stop ignoring me and listen. ", he tries to grab my wrist but I pull it back and head for the exit. My shift is over anyway. I'll have to finish my assignment home on my lap top.
"Do not talk to me anymore. ", I snap at him and head for my car.
"I was just teasing you. I didn't mean to make you look bad. ", he tries to explain with that bored voice of his. I force a laugh and open the door.
"I don't care. You always have to mess with me. Why are you being such a jerk to me? What did I do? ", I look at him and he rolls his eyes.
"I'm not being a jerk, I'm actually much nicer to you than other people. "
I chuckle. "Yep. I've noticed that. "
"You enjoyed it. ", he blurts out.
"Enjoyed what? Being called a whore by my boss' brother? ", I huff and cross my arms on my chest. He raises a brow.
"No. You enjoyed that little game of ours before he caught us. You know, the way my dick was pressed against your... "
"Okay, okay, stop! Just stop! ", I wave my hands in the air and turn around. I feel a strong body of his lean against mines from behind as he wraps his arms around my waist, pressing my behind against his front.
"You like it. I know you do. ", he whispers in my ear, his lips purposely brushing it.
I try to fight his touch. "Let me go. "
"You always repeat that one sentence when I touch you, I guess your brain doesn't function well to think of anything else since you're affected by me. ", his hand goes lower on my stomach and I lean back against his hard chest. I can almost see him smirk. What is his problem?
"Ross. ", I whisper. He mumbles something under his breath and bites my ear teasingly, playfully sucking on it. I shiver and he licks it and makes his way to my neck.
"You're too sweet. ", he mumbles.
That's when the reality hits me and I push him away and wiggle out of his grasp, sitting on the seat of my car.
"Hey! ", he shouts and I close the door quickly before he gets a chance to get in.
I start the car and hurry to get out of the parking lot before he catches up to me or does something stupid.
I only see his angry face that I left behind. He hates it when people turn their back at him.
I did it.
He must be pissed.
I could care less.
I already see another week of us not talking to each other comping up.