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Chapter 2: New Life

When I finally get off of the plane, I'm beyond excited to meet this city. When you meet the place you're going to, it will be easier to meet people in it too. I buy fries at first fast food shop I find and eat the whole box. They were delicious and they gave me the energy to face my new job. I just hope my boss is not some slob who will make me work all day for a barely existing pay or that he's not a sexual maniac like Christian Grey. Any other version of him would be okay, I guess.

My eyes scan the buildings, parks, shops, people and eventually end up at this woman who's walking down a sidewalk with her daughter, I suppose. I slowly catch up to her and give her a small smile before speaking up.

"Um. Excuse me. Could you tell me where the Gomez publishing house is? Is it fad from here? ", I ask. She returns the grin.

"Oh. It's two streets away. Just walk in that direction and then turn right. It's a huge glass building with a big G on it so there's no chance for you to miss it. "

"Thanks. ", I look down at the girl. "She's so cute. What's her name? "

"Diana. ", woman tells me and I nod, smiling at the girl.

"Well, thanks for everything. See you around. Bye. ", I wave and walk off, pulling my huge suitcase behind me. This is exhausting. I can't wait to lie in my bed and read one of my books I brought to Vegas.

They don't lie when they say it's a beautiful but always alive city. I like it anyway.

I follow the directions I've got and soon enough, I'm in front of G marked, beautiful building like she said. I gulp and walk through the door. Everything here just seems so clean and luxurious. I can't believe they wanted me out of all those students who wanted this job. I'm glad though.

I approach the elevator and enter it, going up to the top floor. When I get out, I see the door marked with the same G just like the building. This must be it.

I breathe in. Okay, Allison. This is what you've been preparing for your whole life.

Don't mess it up!

I knock two times and then slowly open the door.

"Good morning. “ I say and the man in the spinning chair turns to look at me. He flashes me a smile.

Please don't be a sexual maniac...

"Hi. I'm Reece. Who might you be? ", oh, he's nice. Alright.

"I'm Allison. Allison Noren. The student you accepted last semester. I've just graduated. ", I announce proudly.

"Oh right! I remember you. You sent me that email about all your expectations and abilities. I'm glad to have you here. Sit down. We are going to talk a little. ", he points to the chair on the opposite side of desk. I do what he said and put my purse onto my lap, suitcase is left next to the door.

So, this is the part where we talk through what I expect from this job and what are my goals in life. He tells me about all the employees and what my job will consist and I repeatedly nod, undeniably happy to be here.

"Okay, Miss Noren, I am very pleased with your interview and I heard you were one of the best students in your generation at Yale. I've read some other documents and your diploma in an electronic shape, sent to my computer from Yale. You're impressive and seem to be a very bright young woman. We've worked out the details, show up here tomorrow at eight am. Your office is down the hall, the last door. ", dark haired man smiles at me and I thank him. This is a dream come true. I've worked so hard my whole life to get here and it's amazing to see that my hard work has paid off.

"Thank you so much. You have no idea how much this means to me. ", I stand up from my chair, fighting the urge to jump around and tackle my boss with a hug.

Careful Ally, you don't want to lose your job even before you got it.

"It's okay. You may go see your office, here's the key. ", he gives it to me and walks me to the door.

I, being the annoying person I am, thank him again and head down the hall. Office looks amazing and it's everything I could ever wish for. Huge windows giving me the amazing view of world below me are everything I needed. I've always had this thing for windows, not sure what it is though. They are most beautiful objects in a room, at least to me.

I happily sigh and check out the rest of my small but very comfortable place to work. When I get out of the building, I try to find a hotel where I made a reservation. I know it's really expensive but I have saved the money and got a scholarship for the college so my dad got an idea, because he doesn't have to pay for it, to save money for me when I need it in the future. Plus, his job is doing very well. So, this is it. When I walk in, I gasp from the sight. Everything's just so... amazing. So pure, so... beautiful. It looks much better than on the pictures. I see a woman behind a counter and smile at her, approaching.

"Hello. ", I greet her.

"Good day, how can I help you? "

"Uhm... I have a reservation here. "

"Name? “She asks, pulling out her papers and digging into them.

"Allison Noren. ", I slightly nod, bending down my head to try to look at what she's reading through.

"Wait a minute. “She gives me a small smile and starts checking the papers.

Five minutes passes and she still hasn't found my name on the list. I begin to feel paranoid. What if she tells me my name's not on the list and then I have nowhere to stay?

"I can't find you here. Just wait for me to check the computer. ", she says, gesturing to the machine. I nod and bite on the inside of my cheek. I know I've called. I know I made a reservation, they can't fool me here.

"There's no such name here. Allison Noren, right? "

"Yes. ", I now hiss. "Look, I know I've made a reservation. I even paid half of the money before I got here. "

"Well... sorry, Miss. I can't find your name. We have all the names written here. ", she sighs and let's go of the keyboard, facing me again.

"Look, I won't just let you get away with my money. Don't you have any more rooms? ", I plea, trying so hard to be nice to her when I just want to cuss her out.

"Sorry but in this hotel, you can only make a reservation.”

"But I... I... ", I'm at loss of words now. Tears are pricking at the corners of my eyes and I blink rapidly, trying to get them back to my heart. Nope, once tears leave the heart, they leave eyes to. Please don't let my dream life be ruined...

"What the fuck is going on? “Someone says from behind me and I quickly wipe the moisture of salty water in my eyes. I turn around to face a dark haired guy with this blonde girl. Well, she's not completely blonde, she has small amount of red and blue on her hair too. It looks nice on her but not my style. She has too much makeup on and is wearing revealing clothes. I mean, black mini skirt hugging her body and a small top that could go as a bra, not so appealing. I shiver.

"Jorge... ", this woman behind the counter recognizes him as Jorge and I start to think how awful that name sounds. But it surely fits this guy.

"What are you doing torturing this poor girl, Danielle? Stop being a bitch, find her a room. If she's called, she has to have a room. End of discussion. ", the guy spits and I am thankful but he's still rude in his talking and I don't find it fancy.

"I... I can't find it. ", the woman looks scared. I think they know each other.

The girl with that Jorge guy gives me a reassuring smile and I decide to like her for now.

"Then get her a damn new one. A girl like her can't just be left in the streets. ", he takes a moment to wink at me and I growl inside of my mouth.

He's helping me but he is too eccentric.

Let's not judge, Allison, give the guy a chance.

"That isn't how this works, Jorge. “She spits but regrets it when she sees his face with no emotion leaning towards her across the wooden counter.

"You won't get away with her money. She'll stay in our suite, then. ", he hisses at her and I cough. This girl pats my back and I quietly thank her.

"I... I don't think.. ", I begin but the woman at the counter nods. Jorge smirks at her and walks back towards us.

"You're staying with us, sweet thing. “He kisses my cheek and I pull away.

"What? I can't stay with you. ", I finally speak for myself.

"And why not? “He moves dangerously close to me and puts a piece of hair behind my ear. I step away and his face holds that amused grin.

"Thank you for your offer and for sticking up for me but, I just can't. ", what a good excuse. Come on Ally, you can do better than that. "I don't even know you.”

"Jamie! Jorge! Wait, who's that new girl? Seems kind of boring. ", green haired woman approaches us and I silently plead for all of them to go away and let me be. This day couldn't be worse.

"She's my new roomy. ", Jorge puts his arm around me and my heart fastens its speed. Not because of his touch but because I'm too damn scared of these people. Who are they?

"Oh... Well... Nice outfit. ", bitch grins at me and points to my too many times worn sweater and old jeans.

I silently thank her and she laughs.

"I'm Regina. “Her smirk is the evident of her amusement. "I hope you brought condoms if you're staying with Jorge.”

I cringe and step away from the guy. He chuckles.

"Aw. Stop it Gina, you're embarrassing her and she'll think I'm a maniac.", he says and anger begins to burn inside of me but I don't dare to speak up.

"Let's go, I'll get your suitcase. I hope you keep some nice underwear in here. ", he winks again and I prevent myself from throwing up, barely.

Jorge grabs my suitcase and starts heading down the lobby to the elevator. I follow, not leaving my stuff to this maniac. Regina the Bitch and the girl I assume is called Jamie follow the two of us. Space in the elevator feels too small when those three people are with me and I feel like the walls are closing in on me. This can't be true. What am I going to say to my father? Sorry dad, these rude barely dressed people have taken my things and pulled me into their room to be their roommate because my reservation got lost somewhere in that dumb receptionist's papers. Nope.

"Don't be so nervous, sweet thing. “ Jorge says as the elevator stops and I am thankful.

"As first, I'm not a thing, second, I am not sweet at all when it comes to douche bags like you. ", I say proudly and walk out.

I hear woos from Regina the Bitch and roll my eyes, stopping in my tracks because I remember I don't know where to go.

"Sassy, aren't we? “He chuckles and walks down the long, plants decorated, hall. I gulp.

Again, this can't be happening.

I stay quiet as we get to their suite and Jamie unlocks the door, since Jorge is holding my suitcase and Regina is not nice enough to do it.

I gasp when we enter and they all laugh at my reaction. This is so... weird. The room is huge and has a pool in the middle of it, right in front of a big flat TV screen, white leather couch is across from it and the floor is made of the nice wood, slightly glowing and giving away the impression that it's clean. I walk farther and notice another room, entering it and gasping again. I gasp too much; they'll think I'm weird. Well, not that I care what they think, but still. This room is a game room, has so much consoles and TV screens, toy guns, two huge trampolines and a small counter with all kinds of drink behind it. I look up and see the small ladder that lead to a gallery decorated with different lights.

"This is amazing. “ I say with my mouth dropped to the floor.

"Like it? Let me show you bedrooms and bathrooms. ", Jorge says and leads me back into the living room.

"Wait... Bathrooms? ", there's more than one bathroom here?

"Yes. One of them has a Jacuzzi. I bet you're going to like it, sweet thing. ", he grins at me and puts his arm around my shoulders.

We seem to have lost Jamie and Regina and I begin to miss their presence now that I'm alone with Jorge. We enter the bathroom and I somehow swallow my next gasp. I've now completely forgotten I shouldn't be here at all.

"Wow. ", is all that leaves my mouth.

"Pretty, isn't it? “He asks and I nod. "Let me lead you to the one with Jacuzzi.”

We walk up to the small door on the other end of the bathroom and enter another one. I gasp again, not being able to control it.

"Oh my god, Jorge, this is beautiful. How could you afford a place like this? This must have cost thousands. ", I say and walk in, touching every single thing I see in the room. Big windows steal my attention and I approach them, facing the fascinating view outside.

"I have my resources. “He smirks.

"Why did you bring me here? I can't pay even for a fifth of this! ", I squeak and he laughs and rubs the back of his neck.

"You looked hot.”

My cheeks begin to heat up and I turn away so he doesn't see. No one has ever told me I'm hot in my entire life. At least not in these clothes.

"Thanks. ", I murmur and turn back around when I cool off.

"But I can't afford this. “ I say, finally thinking of my excuse.

"That isn’t the problem. We split money on four people. You will be the fifth one so you won't pay that much. And the amount of money we pay is going to become lower. "

"Wait... Four? ", I question.

"Yep. Jamie, Gina, this buddy of mines and I. You'll be the fifth. ", he smirks, again. I gulp, again.

"Oh... ", I breathe out. "Do I have to stay here? ", I plea with him. He bites his bottom lip. I've got to admit, he's hot.

"Well... It's not like you have anywhere else to go. ", he points out. "Practically every hotel in Vegas needs a reservation. "

"How do you know I have nowhere else to stay? Maybe I have someone in Las Vegas... ", I ask.

"I can feel it, babe. Trust me, life has taught me how to smell a homeless. "

I sigh and stare at him for a few seconds.

"Where would I sleep? What would I pay for? How do I live here? Do you guys have any rules? When do I clean the apartment? Wait... How long will you stay here? ", I ramble and he laughs at me.

"We have enough rooms, no rules, just fun, apartment is the thing we don't clean, our maid does it, we'll stay here... well, I don't actually know for how long but we have no other home, and if you're worried about paying for something, you could buy groceries? ", last part of his sentence gets out as a question and I sigh again.

This is not a good idea at all. Stupid receptionist can't do her job well.

Despite all the bad thoughts and my inner angel telling me not to do this and find another solution, I find myself nodding at him, earning that hot yet annoying smirk of his again.


I don't know what's wrong with me. This is all happening so soon but to tell you the truth... I was afraid to say no to him and I was frightened to say yes, too, but circumstances made me rethink everything and choose the second option even though I know it's not the best choice of mines but I can't go back home and lose my dream job now that I've just got it.

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