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Chapter 4: What are you doing here?

When we get in the hotel parking lot, I open the door and step out of the car as soon as he parks it.

"No thanks? ", he smirks at me through the window. I roll my eyes and wave him off. Such a prick.

I see him drive back in the direction we came from and I assume he's going to XS again. I don't mind him leaving me alone, I wouldn't stand to spend my first evening here with him anyway. Needing time to rethink this, I enter the hotel and go up to our floor. When the door's unlocked, I enter and admire that beautiful living room for the second time today. I just can't get used to it. What am I doing here again? Oh yeah, keeping my job.

I take a shower thinking of how things will turn out for me and wash my hair properly, then dry it and put on my hello kitty pajama. Wuthering Heights is on the bed in front of me and I'm trying to read it but not successing in it. I can't focus, I don't know what's happening to me. It has to be my surroundings and this circle of people that flashed like a thunder into my life, so quickly that I can't even process what happened. I have to find another place to stay soon, I can't live here with four of them. This is ridiculous, it seems so unrealistic but at the same time couldn't be more true.

I put my book on the nightstand and grab my phone, calling my father who doesn't even bother to answer me. Sigh surrounds my lips and I throw myself back on my bed. Before I know it, I doze off.

Weaking up in the middle of the night, I start sweating like I've just ran a marathon. Crying is the only thing I do after dreaming of my mother's faceless figure. I try to go back to sleep but it is useless and I am left alone in the darkness to turn left and right and stare up at the ceiling. The problem's not the room, or the bed, it's me. Unless I find my inner peace at night, I can't sleep. I'm just torn. I can't stay here forever, I just can't because I don't belong with these people and now that I've found out all the things they do, I'm just more convicted how bad influence they have on everybody. I didn't come here to become an all-guys-sleeping whore or something, like Regina. The bitch. I came here to work, build my future and earn a nice life for me and my future family, which I'll have when I meet the man I want to have by my side until the day I die. They are all just jerks, especially Ross who just kept on ignoring me in the car and then left as soon as he dropped me off. I've spent most of the night alone, reading Wuthering Heights in my room. I read everything, from classics to action and fantasy. Literally everything.

I stumble off of my bed and exit the room. I hear some pleading sounds from the room across from mines and my first instinct is that there's a robber or a killer. I hold onto the fact that I've watched some caraté on TV and that I've learnt something watching it. My foot kicks the door opened. When it does, I instantly regret it...

The sight burns my eyes and I stumble back and hit the doorframe.

"Damn! What the fuck are you doing here? ", Ross growls, pressing his body more against Regina's naked one to hide them both. His arm is tattoed with a heart and an A? Which I would never guess if I didn't see him shirtless. He didn't seem like the tattoo type of a guy.

"I... I... Uhm... I... I thought that... Didn't mean to... Uhm... ", I stutter and turn away so my back is facing them.

I hear the heavy crack, meaning one of them got up and I assume it's Ross. I'm shaking. Why the heck did I have to come in here? When I think about it, the idea seems silly, Ross would murder any murderer if they come in there and also, I wouldn't be able to save anyone from lunatics like that.

I gulp, looking through the window, and finally exit the room, rushing back to mines. Before I close the door of my room, big foot blocks it and I almost want to curse. I stumble back as the door slams opened and an angry blonde, wearing only black boxers, rushes up to me.

He gently pushes me and I fall back on my bed, scared as a freaking rabbit in front of a fox.

"Why the fuck would you walk in on us fucking? What were you trying to do? ", he growls and stands in front of me.

I begin to feel scared and back away by pushing my feet against the sheets. When I am pressed against the wall, I hug my knees and hide my face in them.

"I didn't try anything... I thought that.. that there was someone hurting you or something. I'm sorry. ", I don't know why but I feel too exposed and vulnerable that I begin to silently cry against my knees.

"Hurting me?! ", he spits.

"I'm sorry, please don't hurt me. ", I sob and blurt out. He stays silent for a moment.

"I won't hurt you. Just... Don't come into my room anymore. ", he says with no emotion behind his voice.

"I hate this place. ", I groan and wipe my eyes, tucking myself into my baggy shirt. When I look up, Ross is still there. Why hasn't he left?

"Me too. ", words give me certain amount of confusion.

What? That was not the answer I thought I'd hear from him. I thought he'd cuss me out and tell me to leave if I don't like it.

"You bitch! ", Regina enters my room and rushes up to my bed. "Who gave you permission to come in there? "

"Sorry. ", I look up at her and sniff.

"There's no sorry, I hope Anderson has slapped the shit out of you for this. I would... "

"Get out. ", Ross growls.

"What? ", bitch looks blown away.

"I said get the fuck out, Regina. ", Ross repeats and faces her. She scowls at him and walks out of my room.

"Thank you. ", I whisper. He nods at me and sighs.

"Can I stay here? I already came and Regina is so fucking annoying after we have sex. "

"No. ", I say right away. His lips start to turn up at the corners.

"I knew it. ", he murmurs and smirks. "Well, good night Allice. "

"It's Allison. ", I yell after him when he approaches the door.

"Whatever you say, Allison. ", he shuts the door.

With that, I am left in the darkness with image of Ross on top of Regina fresh on my mind. I think I'm going to need to do a detailed washing of my eyeballs tomorrow.

In the morning

Bright sun prickles at my eyelids making it hard for me to keep my sleep. I almost want to groan because of the light that's teasing my dreams but I find myself having no strength to do it. Instead of fighting the morning, I force my eyes open and blink a few times, trying to process what's in front of me. What the heck?

"Morning Allison. ", Ross gives me a wide smile and stares at my face that's too close to his for my liking.

I look down to see he's tangled in my comforter, his right leg in between two of mines.

"What? ", I breathe out. What happened?

"I always get what I want. ", he winks and grabs me by my waist, holding me closer.

"What are you doing here, dude? ", I squeak and try to push his arm off of my body.

"I snuck in when you fell asleep. ", he wiggles his eyebrows. What is it with him?

"Why? Let me go. "

"Like I said the night before, Regina was so damn needy for me to stroke her. It seemed easier to just stay here since you fell asleep already and couldn't annoy me, ugly ass. ", he pulls something off of a nightstand and I see it's a small box full of cigarettes. He takes one out and turns on the lighter, burning the tip of the horrible thing. I know I should be upset over him calling me ugly but honestly, it doesn't bother me at all since I know he's just trying to be an asshole. Typical.

When his lips hug the cigarette on each side and he pulls in, I swear it's the worst yet the hottest sight to wake up to. I begin to cough when the smoke catches my nostrils.

"Put that thing away. ", I whine.

He only smiles and puts one of his arms, bent on the elbow part, under his head, looking at me. He sucks in.

"You know, this is the way you could suck my cock if you weren't a lame girl. ", he remarks. I gasp, not only because of the stinky air but because of his horrible use of words.

"Get out of my bed, are you out of your mind? ", I kick at his sides and he laughs.

"Oh, I could fuck you hard until that cute ass of yours falls apart. ", he winks.

"You're sick! Are you high? "

"I'm always high, baby. "

"Ross! ", I groan and he uses the chance to put the cigarette into my mouth as I take in a breath. I begin coughing uncontrollably.

"Oh, I wanted you to try some but I didn't know you were so sensitive. ", he laughs.

My lungs are burning. Oh no. I keep on coughing and it gets hard for me to breathe, I can barely suck in a small breath. I've always had asthma attacks when my lungs register something they shouldn't.

"I.. ", I can't even say anything, my eyes begin to water. Ross' face turns from smiley to neutral as he watches me choke. I press my hands against my chest and keep on struggling to catch some air. He only brings back that smirk on his face, like he had planned on me choking.

"Ross. ", cough, cough, cough.

I try to breathe slowly while letting a few tears run down my face. To my surprise, coughing becomes rare and I sigh as my lungs fill with air again.

"Do you expect me to ask you if you're alright? ", he mocks me and anger begins to rise.

"What was that? Did you try to kill me or something? ", I yell and push him away from me when I finally go back to my normal self.

"Maybe. You're annoying. It would be a good thing if you died. ", he remarks and my chest burns again, this time it's not the asthma symptom.

"When did you get the right to push a cigarette into my freaking mouth? Who gave you the permission?! ", I scream and push him completely off of the bed. He falls onto the floor and groans, holding his back.

I begin to panick when he rolls onto his stomach and crawls up in a ball, squeezing his eyes shut. Maybe I've hurt him.. Oh no.

I stumble to the floor and gently touch his shoulder. Why on Earth am I being nice to him? What is wrong with me that I can't help but care about everyone? I hate my easily breakable personality.

"Ross? Ross, are you okay? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.. ", he grabs my wrists and pulls me onto him as he rolls onto his back and lets out a laugh.

"Gotcha. ", he grins from under me and holds me by my hips.

What is wrong with him, he's just tried to choke me and now he's smiling? Oh my freaking god.

"You are such a disrespectful, selfish little bastard. ", I spit and push at his chest. He has tried to choke me and now has tricked me into believing he's hurt just so he could have me straddle his lap.

"Okay. I've punished you enough. Now don't dare to come to my room while I'm fucking, ever again. I'm not afraid to kill, women aren't an exception. They're still trying to be equal to men, I respect that. ", his face turns serious.

"You are literally the worst person I have ever met in my entire life. ", I say and his eyes darken.

"If you know what's good for you, you won't mention my fucking personality again. ", he squeezes my hip really hard and it sends shocks of pain through my body. I quickly grab it with mines and remove it.

"What is up with you trying to be so dominant? ", question I have been dying to ask ever since last night.

"Manwhores are like that, sweetie. "

I narrow my eyebrows at him:"Why sleeping with random girls? Can't you just find a girlfriend and be happy? "

"Fucking makes me happy and plus, none of girls wants me in that way. Neither do I want anybody to have control over my every fucking move. ", he says harshly and I laugh.

"Relationship isn't controlling anyone. It's a beautiful coherence between two people who share the same thoughts, feelings and goals. ", I explain it the way my father has taught me.

"Okay, okay, enough with the relationship shit. I need to brush my teeth. ", he grins. I glance at his teeth and decide to tease him.

"Yeah.. You really need to. "

"Fuck off. "

I smirk and sit up on his lap while he's still lying on my carpet. I've been lying on his chrst this whole time? That's when I notice the position we're currently in isn't pleasant at all. I'm practically straddling his lap. Ross stares at me amused.

"Never sat on a dick before? ", he tries to stiffen his laugh.

"Gross. Stop talking like that. Clearly, since I'm a virgin. "

"A virgin you say? ", he raises a brow and looks away for a second. I feel his palms press into my hips even harder. It doesn't hurt, it just sends this weird vibration through me.

I shake my head and stare at him, feeling something between my legs. Gosh. He's getting hard, I should just get off..

I break out of my thoughts when I feel his hips bury themselves between my legs and he watches me. Only watches. I almost want to groan but decide against it.

"Ugh. I'm going to need a new fuck today and you obviously aren't the right person for cooperating. ", he rubs himself against me once more and I quietly groan. When he hears it, he smirks. "Good. Now you know the feeling. "

He moves me off of his lap and I already begin to regret not doing anything to stop him. I don't know where these thoughts even come from. This isn't me, gosh.

"Where's your cigarette? ", I widen my eyes.

He looks around and spots it on the nightstand.

"Oh. There. ", he takes it and pulls in. This time he turns away from me to do that.

"Please don't smoke in my room. I get asthma attacks easily.. ", I look away and he looks back at me.

"You're so fragile that it isn't even realistic. ", he comments. I decide not to respond to that.

"Go. I need to change and go to work. "

"Where do you work? "

I laugh. "Like I would ever tell you. Last thing I need is getting fired from my new job because you found it amusing to walk in and beat up my boss or something, just so you could laugh at my misery later. "

"I'd never do that. "

"Uh-uh. "

"Shut up, Allison. ", he growls and approaches the door.

"Bye Rossy. ", seriously don't know where that came from.

"What the fuck? Don't ever call me that again. ", he groans and I find it amusing.

"Alright, Rossy. "

"See you, Allison. Fuck you. ", Ross exits.

I sigh and decide to finally get ready. My shower is nice, hot water always brings peace to me. I put on a new bra today since the yesterday's is already dirty and grab a new pair of jeans and a shirt. I grab my most formal coat for the job and a new pair of shoes. I'm ready to start my new life.

I grab a cab and drive off to a direction GPS has showed me. When the driver parks in front of the building, I thank him and let him keep the change, which wasn't too much.

My clumsy feet carry me to the entrance of a beautiful glass building and I can't help but admire it again. I can't believe I'm really going to be working here. This is a dream come true. Well, everything except for my home.. I enter and show the guard my new card, proud to have it. He nods and lets me in. When I approach the elevator, this blonde woman grins at me.

"Hi. You must be new here. ", she says and I decide to like her.

"Hey. I'm Allison. Yep, you're right. "

"I'm Ema. Nice to meet you. ", we shake hands.

"Nice to meet you, too. Now I have to go, can't let my new boss wait. ", I shrug and smile. She laughs.

"Yeah. See you around. ", she waves as I walk into an elevator. I decide to say hi to my boss first.

"Good day Mr. Gomez. ", I greet him as I enter his office. He immediately smiles.

"Morning Miss Noren. You may call me Reece. "

"Only if you call me Allison. ", I smile.

"Allison. Deal. ", his grin is friendly and I approach his table, pulling out my paperwork.

"I wrote something last night. It's the manuscript you asked me to write over the phone. I hope it's good. ", I put it in front of him. He nods at me.

"Reece. Sorry I'm late! I'm here man. ", someone says from behind me. Reece's face lights up even more.

"Hey... you. ", Mr. Gomez greets the man behind him and laughs. The guy laughs too and I turn around to say hello but stop in my tracks.

"Allison? ", Ross' blonde locks and neutral expression are only things in my sight.

"What the? ", I let out before I even process what I'm saying.

"You two know each other? ", my boss looks at Ross then at me.

I groan quietly when Ross walks past me and approaches him.

"We've met yesterday. ", I say. "What are you doing here? ", I whisper to Ross.

He eyes me up and down:"I work here. "

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