After almost two hours when he sat on his chair, his eyes opened wide when he saw a lavish spread of South Indian breakfast on the table. And He moaned in pleasure when a soft idle melted in his mouth dipped in lip smacking hot tangy sambar. "Ummm. Muskaan. it's very tasty." He said licking the tasty chutneys along with.
She was amusingly looking at his face, smiled looking at him as it is not just a satisfactory feeling to cook for him, but it's a fun and a kind of content feeling to watch him eating. He was praising her wholeheartedly and she was looking at him nodding and smiling cupping her face in her palms.
Suddenly he realized something, smacked himself and said," Muskaan, why are you not eating? Come, let's have it together.
Muskaan replied slowly, “no I can’t. you carry on."
Kabeer looked at her confused and asked, “am I a monster or what? Come on I am not going to eat this all. Come here now." And lifted his hand to serve her.
Muskaan stopped him immediately and replied, “no, I can't. Today is my fast. I can't eat anything today."
"Fast for what." scrunching his nose he asked instantly.
Muskaan replied softly," coz, today is Thursday."
Kabeer got confused again and asked, “so, what is special about this Thursday? It comes every week."
Muskaan laughed in his antics and replied to make him understand," Actually, my aunt used to say that young girls should do fast on Thursday."
"Come on Muskaan, what kind of reason is this? You are already delicate enough to starve yourself. Stop these things, and eat with me." he said immediately.
Muskaan replied trying to assure him," no, please. I am having this fast for so many years now. I am habituated to it. Please let me do it."
Kabeer was not at all convinced and suddenly lost all his appetite, and said this time a little annoyed and angry," Muskaan, if you're having this fast, then why made this kingly breakfast. Even now, I am not eating it now." And he stood and turned to leave.
"Please, don't go. Please eat this." she requested
He calmed down as he knew that she had put in a lot of effort to fulfill his demand and her hard work didn't deserve his anger at all. He stopped and sat on his seat, but thinking something said to her, “ok, I am having this, but I think fruits and juices are allowed even in fast. At Least eat these."
" but I... " She wanted to say something. But stopped by him in between.
He said firmly," Muskaan, I will not listen to anything more. I can't let you starve yourself anyway. So, sit and have fruits or else, I will make you eat all breakfast.", He pulled her hand and made her sit besides, while ordering Radhe to bring fruits and juice for her.
Muskaan sat silently feeling overwhelmed by his concern and had her breakfast with him.
"By the way, even I am not habituated of such meticulous caring. “This might be the last words of Muskaan, when before sleeping, he forcibly gave her a glass of milk, as she ate very little in the name of fast in the whole day.
Scrunching her nose, she chuckled and said," I should say, I normally didn't eat this much as you made me eat on a fast day."
He sat before her and asked her to finish the milk first, then replied, “Well, I can't say that I am habituated to it, but before you, I never have someone to dote upon even."
"And now.", Her big innocent eyes were plastered on him, she was asking so. Sweetly, that he started to lose himself in her deep honey colored eyes once again.
But soon shaking his head composed himself and replied, “what now? Now I have you to worry me. Tell me one thing, are you working on some cells or what? Can't you rest for some time? Now, have this milk and take rest."
Both looked at each other deeply, when time of sleep came. The memories of last night and this morning came in their minds in no time. Both felt a sharp deep crave of each other. His hands were itching to pull her and hold her tightly in his embrace, whereas her thoughts were no less than different from his. She too so wanted to feel him and slept against his heartbeats. Both were silent but the eyes were talking. But before he could say or do something, feeling awkward, she laid and closed her eyes. Feeling nervous, he too composed himself but couldn't help, so slipped his hand in hers, and she bent her fingers and held tight and definitely he knew that she had not slept yet.
Holding his hand tight, and due to a hectic day, she slept very soon, but sleep was far away from his eyes. Balancing himself on his elbow, he got so close to her, and thought looking at her angelic face lovingly. Whether he couldn't keep a finger on the exact point, but his heart was feeling something wrong. Though he spent an incredibly beautiful day with her by his side. He demanded to eat something special and then enjoyed her cooking skills.
Though he strictly prohibited her from cooking anything special for lunch or dinner as she was hungry, she still managed to cook something specific for him both times. He was enjoying this pampering and along with all this also laid out a very beautiful design for their room with an interior designer. And this was the point, where he felt something different. She was happy and chirpy all the time, but whenever he talked about her college or wanted her to put some suggestions for the room, she got very nervous and apprehensive. He was thinking but couldn't understand her.
Finally taking a deep breath he mumbled inaudibly," is there any secret between us?" and tucked hairs behind her ears.
As his fingers grazed her cheeks, she groaned slowly and shifted a little while turning his side. and coz he was so close unknowingly her head rested on his chest. And unknowingly but instinctively adjusting her position, she finally found her comfort hiding herself in his chest and at one moment where he was astounded by this sudden change of positions but in the very next moment wrapped his arms around her and closed his eyes with a serene smile.
Next morning was another morning of hope and love for both of them. At one side where Muskaan got astounded, but smiled at, when he found herself in his embrace once again. She somehow loved the feeling of open her eyes in his arms and saw him so close. But on the other side Kabeer's morning started with a frown and grumpiness, coz after so many, ahh, correction, not so many but only two days but seemed like a long time to him, he was able to open his eyes right on time at the sound of click. But to his utter disappointment, she appeared wearing a suit instead of a saree.
Though she was looking very beautiful in a straight cut black color suit with red embroidery and a deep red dupatta, he was still missing his morning adventure. And grumpily he got ready and headed for the office with a quite tasty and heavy breakfast. But not before assigning her a lot of instructions for no heavy lunch, and to keep an eye on laborers, working in their room and lastly to list out the things that she needed for college. But a day they started with so many different emotions and feelings, would going to end on a normal note or had something special in the bucket for them. would this day going to unfold some more folds of their personality and bring them closer?