Lexie POV
The harder the struggle the more glorious the triumph
I slid my silver ring on and off my slim finger as I awaited my fathers response.
My eyes trailing around his mint scented office, a little glass table was placed in front of the grey fluffy sofas, which were to the right of the large black double entrance doors. The floor was composed of bright white tiles, the roof was black, and behind Dad's grey desk was a long row of vast glass windows that gave us a clear view of the entire city.
"No. My answer isn't going to change just because you repeat yourself over and over again!" Snapped dad, while leaning back into his black leather chair. His bulky arms rested stiffly on the thick black arm rests.
I glared at him from across his grey polished desk. My nails tapping impatiently against the smooth wood as I tried to remain calm. My right leg folded lightly over the left. "Why not? I don't understand. Am I not a Peterova? Isn't this my life as much as it is yours?"
Now it was my dads turn to glare at me. His round emerald eyes glared dangers, deeply into my completely unbothered soul.
A funny little insight about my family is that we all have vivid emerald eyes,. I'm not really sure how this happened to be honest but it just has. Luminous green eyes have just become known to be a Peterovas special trait.
"Lexie," said dad before moving his hands into a clasped position on top of his desk. His tanned coloured face holding a look of up most seriousness. "I said no."
I slowly removed my hands from his desk and clenched them tightly by my side, feeling my nails dig deeper and deeper into my chapped skin. "Dad why-"
"No. Basta Lexie. Ho detto no. Puoi andartene ora, (No. Enough Lexie. I said no. You may leave now,) he interrupted while waving me away, his attention now focused on the pile of paper work in front of him.
I slumped further back into my seat as thoughts began to race crazily around my head. Thoughts after thoughts all clashing together. "Do you want me to die of insanity? Is that want you want? Do you want me dead?"
Dad sighed before shoving his papers to the side of his desk. "Lexie you know I-"
"No you don't understand what it's like and you never will because you're not me! You don't know what it's like to feel so trapped and isolated and suffocated in guilt! You-"
"Lexie!" Interrupted dad as he watched my sudden outburst with sad eyes. His right hand reached out for my clenched left fist. "Listen to me. I know you're still hurting but we all are and it's my job to make sure that I don't loose you to. I can't loose you to Lexie. You have to understand that."
I briefly shut my eyes as the pain in my heart intensified.
No one will ever understands what I'm feeling. No one will ever know what I have have to deal with behind closed doors. The thoughts that take over my mind, the demons that posses my every move. No matter how hard I explain it to them or describe it to them they will never understand. They will never be able to put themselves into my shoes because they are simply not me.
"You weren't there dad. You don't understand how badly this guilt is killng me. You have been trying to find him for three years, you have actually tried to do something about and yet you still feel so depressed and angry so imagine how I must feel. I was actually there dad. I could have done something and I didn't and now... as well as for the past three years I still haven't done anything! It's killing me," I whispered quietly, my stinging eyes fixed on the grey wooden floor as My father stared hopelessly at me.
"Lexie, listen to me. I understand really I do. I'm the one that pushed you into boxing aren't I? I'm the one that let you start your training. I understand that you're sad and that you're angry but look how much the training and boxing has helped you. You haven't been arrested for two years, that's progress cl-"
"Exactly!" I interrupted as I grabbed hold of both of his firm hands into my own. Desperate to make him understand my point. "You started my training and for what? I am known to be unbeatable. I am feared by everyone in the underworld. They literally call me Lexie daughter of the underworld. I can do this. I am ready. Otherwise it was all for nothing."
Dad sighed as he stared at me. His sad eyes analysing my desperate face as he rubbed my hands soothingly. "I know you want to help honestly I do but what if he takes your to? What if you die? I can't loose another Lexie, I can't," Dad said before withdrawing his hands out of my grip and leaning back in his chair. "proprio non posso," (I just can't,) He continued as his gaze was now drawn to the massive glass windows that ran the length of the back white wall.
"Mi hai già perso papà," (You have already lost me dad,) I murmured causing him to snap his head in my direction. "Lying and avoiding the issue is pointless. I died a long time ago and I will probably never be the same happy little girl that I was three years ago. So If the reason you're not letting me help is because you don't want me to die and that you don't want to loose your happy baby girl then clearly you don't know me."
As I peered emotionlessly at my father's horrified face in the vast black and white themed office, silence fell. My arms were folded tightly against my chest as I watched him open and close his mouth.
"Lexie," he finally said as he rose from his chair and knelt beside me, pushing my wavy locks away from my icy eyes. "I know you're going through a lot right now, but believe me when I say there's an incredible happy young girl deep inside of you just waiting to be saved. She's not gone or dead," he drew my feeble hands back into his and added, "She's only waiting Lexie, for someone to come free her from her demons and guilt. So please don't say she's dead."
As I pondered his comments, I gently shook my head, my eyes watering as I bit my lower lip. "Yeah, even if that's true, no one will come to her rescue since no one can. It's hopeless; it's too late at this point. The person we should be saving, however, is-"
"You're right Lexie, no one will come to save that happy little girl because she will save herself. No one is more tougher and braver than my little girl. You just wait and see. She will come back stronger than ever becuase she is a fighter because she is my daughter because she is a a a Peterova."
I briefly closed my eyes as my dads words tugged at my stone cold heart. Releasing a short shaky breath as I tried to shrug of the tight knot that was rising in my chest.
"Vieni qui Lexie," (Come here Lexie,) he whispered before pulling me into a tight hug. His arms wrapping tightly around my small 5.2 frame. "You are Lexie Peterova. Daughter of the underworld and don't you ever forget it."
By burying my head into the crook of his tattooed neck, I allowed myself to savour the fleeting nostalgic moment. Before unwillingly drawing away and sitting stuffily back into my chair.
Dad sighed and rose, his gaze travelling across his enormous grey filing cabinets, which were stacked near the grey fluffy sofas. "You sure you want to be involved in this now? Once you officially join you will have to do a lot more gang work. You might even have to supervise a trip to the red room...you sure you're up for that?" He asked as he eyed my reaction with worried eyes.
As I swiftly stood up, I gave a solemn nod. "Believe me when I say I can do it. I've done a lot in the last two years, and I've seen enough to be ready for anything that happens in that red room."
Dad sighed before running his hand down his tired face. "Alright then. I suppose if it's what you really want then.....you can join," stated dad causing my face to light up with joy.
"Veramente? Grazie mille! Fidati di me papà, non ti deluderò," (Really? Thank you so much! Trust me dad I won't let you down,)
I gushed as I threw my arms quickly around his shocked body.
Amused at my Fathers reaction to me showing him a sign of comfort willingly, I gently pushed myself away.
"No problem Lexie, you and Liam were supposed to inherit these roles sooner or later. Might as well allow you to officially join today," continued dad.
I returned to my seat with a nod, my gaze fixed on my father's motions toward the grey filing cabinet to his right.
"This card will give you complete access to any room in this entire building. Your old one only gave you access to my office, the security room and the training centre," explained dad while handing me a small green card.
"Ok. Thank you," I confidently replied as I took the green card into my small hands, examining it with pure interest.
"I'll create a team for you as soon as I can and they will all be around your age. All the people I gather for you will be strictly under your command. They will be your own squad, until death does you apart," stated dad as he moved back into his seat, his silver chain bouncing around his neck.
Just great.
I actually have to socialise with people my age.
Bloody fantastic.
"Can't I just work solo? Now that I have access to everything here I can do it myself. I don't need a team," I said before shoving the card into my black hoodie pocket.
Dad sighed and rubbed his fingers across his temples as the white room light reflected off his silver rings
"Lexie you said you wanted to join the gang and take half of your inheritance. You will of course get your full inheritance when I'm dead," began dad as he started to pull his documents into a big messy pile on top of his desk. "But having a close inner team is important. I have one, my dad had one and his dad before him. A leader always has to have a strong close group that he can trust and one day Lexie when you take my place you will see why," finished dad causing me to sigh as I slumped further down in my chair.
"I don't want anything to do with the gang business though. All I want is to find out if he's even alive. To either find his dead corpse, or him alive and well. I want him," I argued as I moved my gaze to the ground.
"The King gang has been ruled by the Peterovas for centuries. We made a name for ourselves, we made a group so powerful and strong and feared by so many people. We can't just let it crumble because of one rival gangs stupid actions. They will pay for what they have done but in order to do that Lexie you need to have a team," continued dad as he watched me huff and puff in my seat.
"Do I? Do I really?" I asked once more, hoping he would just let me work on this case by myself.
Dad nodded. "You can't win a war on you own Lexie. No matter how skilled you are, no matter how much power you possess, teamwork and intelligence is what helps win the war," ended dad as he leaned back into his chair, a smirk on his face as he was clearly proud of his little speech.
"Wow dad you really are a true words smith," I said before slowly standing to my feet, my hair flowing down my back.
"Why thank you Lexie. So will you do it? Will you at leat try and cooperate?" Asked dad as he to stood up whilst pulling on his black leather jacket.
"Yeah might as well try. I'll do anything to find out how he is. You know that I will," I replied as I swung my gym bag hastily over my shoulder.
Dad nodded. "Good and we find him Lexie. Dead or alive."
"I know we will," I stated as we stared at each other. Fire danced in our eyes as we thought of the best ways to kill Nathan Lockwood.
"Well, I now have a meeting to attend to. Will you be going home now Lexie?" Asked dad before shoving a load of documents into a big blue bag and thrusting two black pistols into the waistband of his black trousers.
"I'm going to spend an hour in the training centre first. If that's ok?" I asked before walking towards the double doors.
"Yes, yes that should be fine. It should be free right now as well. I don't think anyone's booked it," answered dad before pulling out his ringing phone.
I nodded. "Bene allora. Grazie papà, ci vediamo in giro!" (Alright then. Thanks dad, see you around!) I waved before pushing open the doors.
"Ciao Lexie e stai attento!" (Bye Lexie and be careful!) He called after me, his green eyes holding a hint of worry as he watched me leave the room.
This is it. I thought as I walked down the white tilled corridor. I can finally help find him.