Lexie POV
If you want something fight for it.
Fight for it till the very end.
Fight until you get it.
Unless you don't want it anymore.
It happens.
"You stupid pile of crap!" I screamed before thrusting his muscular body roughly against the dirty gym floor, my right knee slammed hard against his padded stomach as my hands squeezed his shoulders tightly down against the cluster of black yoga mats. "You are pathetic," I hissed as I glared into his mocking brown eyes.
"You think you're real special? You've won a few matches in your little arena, so you now think you're unstoppable?" He began with a snicker before slamming his left knee into my back, causing me to lose my grip on his granite body and stagger to the side. "Now who's pathetic?" He snarled, as he rose to his feet and reclaimed his fighting stance across from me, now holding a silver knife in his clenched left hand.
I tucked my loose hair behind my ears as I slowly rose up, my green eyes observing as he twisted the knife around his toffee-colored hands. "Aw, thank you so much for keeping such a close eye on me!" As I softly placed my hand against my heart, I ridiculed bliss. "Besides, given Nathan's habit of sending over foolish, poorly dressed 22-year-olds to hide behind our bins, you'd think it would be obvious who the sad one is," I said as I drew to a standstill in front of him, my arms folded tightly across my chest.
Before responding, the man lifted the icy knife to just below my chin, his eyes ablaze with the intent to kill me. "You shouldn't be so quick to criticise the Nitric gang; after all, don't we have your brother? You call yourself the world's most feared and powerful gang, but you couldn't even protect your own brother!" He laughed causing me to quickly stiffen up, my hands clenching tightly by my side.
Leave it Lexie. Breathe Lexie. The idiots giving you important intel Lexie. Breathe Lexie. Don't kill him yet Lexie.
"So tell me," he continued to chuckle as he moved the knife closer towards me, clearly confused as to why I was completely unfazed by the cold metal pressed against my chin as well as his harsh words. "How does it feel to have failed your own brother? Your own flesh and blood?"
My hands itched to strangle him, to watch as the humour in his mocking brown eyes died out but I couldn't. I had to hold myself together because this idiot without even realising it had already given me so much important information. Information that we have been searching for, for years.
"Although being pathetic must run in your little family's blood. All he does is scream and wail like a little baby and he does it a hell of a lot to! All day everyday. Can hear it going right down the flipping corridor! Does me bloody head in, it does but don't worry nothing a good few knock outs-"
I connected my foot forcefully into his stomach before twisting the knife quickly out his loosened grip and lunging it into his leg. Silently watching as he screamed in pain on the dusty ground.
"You friggin rat! I'm going to kill you! Nice and slow, alright you stupid girl?" he started before pulling the knife roughly out his leg and throwing it clumsily to the side, pain evident on his distorted face.
I rolled my eyes before dragging him up by the neck and pressing him hard against the wall. "People like you disgust me," I snarled as I continued to tighten my grip around his throat. "How can you be so heartless to talk about something like that? How can you hear a child scream and feel no remorse at all? No sympathy at all? Weren't you a child once? Is this what you wanted your life to become?"
My head snapped abruptly to the side as he threw a quick punch to my face, causing me to stumble back, my right hand now resting against my new forming bruise as he fell into a slumped seating posture, his back pressed up against the black tiled wall. "Your gang is pathetic in comparison to ours! Nathan is more powerful than any other leader out there! He will kill you all!"
I let out a low chuckle before walking back over to his shaking body. My eyes burning with an intense rage as I kneeled down to his level, cocking my head slowly to the side as I assessed his feeble position. His hands were pressed firmly against his injured leg in an failed attempt to stop the bleeding.
"Listen to me me very closely. My dad is the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily; even if he had no title or position, you know why? Because he has good motives and is a decent man. Despite his power and his money he has never hunted down other gangs just to torment them. Ever. Unlike your stupid Nitric gang," I hissed before swooping the knife quickly back up from the cold grey floorboards. "Nathan's hands are full of the blood of Women, children and even grandparents. He will never have what my dad has because power comes from the people and because of the type of person my dad is. Which is why no one will ever voluntarily follow Nathan. No one."
"Oh go choke on all that horse crap," snarled the man as he waved his right hand dismissively while his left hand stayed tightly pressed against his bleeding leg. "You don't give a crap about your dying brother so don't waste your breath chatting. You could have saved your brother that night but you didn't because at the end of the day you're extremely thankful it wasn't you that got taken because if it was you, you never would have gotten full ownership of your little gang gang. Don't worry though, trust me, your brother will be dead soon. As soon as Nathan decides he no longer has any use of the little guys body he will kick him out and then you can continue to live your life without having to pretend you care so much about your dying brother. Honestly kiddo your little depressed girl facade isn't fooling anyone."
Anger flooded into my body before I quickly pressed the knife firmly against his thick neck. My face inches away from his. "How dare you say that in front of me. How dare you speak to me about my brother! How bloody dare you!" I screamed as I pressed the flat bridge of the knife deeper and deport into his fat neck.
"Trust me. Soon, you will be joining your sweet little brother in the sweet realm of he-"
Not giving him a chance to finish, I shoved the knife into his leg once again. A small smile tugged at my lips as I watched him groan in pain. My hand still gripping the knife as I leaned in closer towards him. "Trust me," I hissed down his right ear, as my hand continued to push the knife deeper and deeper into his leg. "I am coming for Nathan and I will take my brother back.
I yanked the knife roughly out his leg, ignoring his loud screams of pain and the never ending blood, before punching him hard against the head causing his body to silently crumble to the ground.
"You called for us miss?"
I turned around to face Daniel, our head of security. A clump of black bushy hair rested on his head and his tanned hands were in possession of a shotgun. His team of five stood obediently behind him.
"Yes I did. This man is another one of Nathan's spies, inform my dad and then dump him into the red room," I replied before yanking the man up by his head, and handing him out towards the others.
Daniel nodded.
"Of course Miss," he signalled with his head for the others to take the body. As he stood and analysed the destruction and blood around the gym.
"Oh and Daniel," I called once the team had taken the man out of my hands and I was able to the dust the dirt that was scattered across my now ruined white top.
"Yes, miss?" He asked as he turned to face me. The light reflecting across his silver rings.
"Tell dad Liam is alive, he let it slip," I said nonchalantly before swooping up my gym bag and heading towards the exit.
"That's great news! Right away miss!" Daniel called from behind me as I pushed open the black double doors and silently left the room.
I don't know why Nathan bothers sending so many spies over. Like I don't understand what he's trying to accomplish. Regardless, that man might have some good intel and now that he's in in the red room he will spill everything within a good few minutes. Let's just say we don't call it the red room for no reason.
I took an annoyed look at my busted knuckles as I walked into the cold Manchester air.
Great, just bloody great!
School was tomorrow and knowing my classmates, they were all going to create all sorts of stupid rumours. Like why even look at my hands? Look at your own. Idiots.
I paused besides my bike as I picked up the black helmet. My eyes glazed over with ambition. "I'm going to save you Lee. I promise," I whispered before jumping onto my bike and lurching it to life. "I'm going to save you and burn Nathan's people to the ground. I promise."