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Lexie POV

Home is where our story begins



"Ah no! Not again!" A groan of frustration left my slightly bruised lips as Callie's inadequate voice seeped into my gigantic lavender-scented bedroom, causing my pencil lead to harshly snap.

"That's the sixth time it's gone and snapped!" I moaned as I examined the broken led. I sighed as I watched it roll clumsily off my black A4 sketch pad and onto my double spread grey bedsheets. "It was almost finished as well," I muttered bitterly before slamming the book harshly shut.


"It's bloody seven-thirty in the morning!" I moaned whilst slamming the back of my head into my large fluffy pillow. My hands securely wrapped around my sketchbook, as it was pressed lightly against my chest and my eyes temporarily closed as I struggled to fight the increasing urge to set the entire house on fire. 

"Lexie! Sbrigati o farai tardi!" (Lexie! Hurry or you will be late!) Yelled my Mum, causing her euphonious Italian voice to echo around the entire third floor, pulling me out of my vivid imagination in the process. 

My damp and watery eyes reflected back at me from my bedroom mirror, which was on the opposite side of my room, as I groaned and slowly sat up. "I'm coming!" I lied whilst my hands fiddled with the stupid uniform.

"There are so many school uniforms in the world, and they force us to wear the most ugliest ones," I mumbled angrily as I approached my full-length mirror. 

As I peered into my silver bedroom mirror once more, my hands were busy sliding my thick blue skirt lower down my injured knees and my green eyes trailed over my lean body as I hurriedly slid my navy Prixwix high school blazer, which featured a logo of a yellow circle with an embedded leaf embroidered across it, over my white polo shirt. 


Choosing to ignore Callie's normal morning ritual, I turned to my white dressing table. My eyes searched for my small bottle of concealer. "Time to continue the painful process of getting ready for hell."

If you're wondering why I was half-dressed on my bed at 7:30 a.m., it's because I took a break from getting ready at 7:15 since I was being far too timely.

"You really do look like crap," I muttered with a tired sigh before dabbing at the dark eye bags that covered the surface of my under eyes. "If you don't get a better hold of yourself, your Mother is going to die of an anxiety attack. Is that what you want? Do you want your Mum to die?" I scolded as I glared at my hideous self. 

Mum worries a lot about me. She's always been very concerned when it comes to me and Callies health. If she saw me like this, it would break her and I don't want to give her anything else to worry about. Not when she already has so much on her plate.

"And done," I stated before shoving the concealer back into the red make-up bag, that sat on top of the white dressing table. 

My eyes moved to stare sadly at the row of colourful canvases that stood across my black shelves as I fell into a cycle of dangerous thoughts. 

Lee bought me one every year. Every single year on my birthday he would make the driver take us out to some beautiful landmark and get me to paint it.  I enjoyed it so much and I have kept every single painting he ever got me to paint. 

I pressed my hands tiredly against the dressing table as all my ignored feelings began to resurface. "Liam. Liam, I'm so sorry," I whispered as I clenched my eyes painfully shut due to the tight knot that was forming in my slightly quivering chest. "And it's all my fault. This is all my fault,"  the intense ache in my heart gradually increased, causing me to sink onto my knees and dig them forcefully into my small, fluffy, white, circular rug that lay in front of my mirror. "I miss you so much Lee, so much."

"Lexie!" Mum called again, prompting me to jolt out of my sorrowful condition and rush to rise to my feet, my hands rubbing aggressively at the tears that had escaped my eyes.

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" I called back as I quickly re-applied a ton of concealer and BB cream, in a hurried attempt to cover up any sign that I had been crying. 

Finally satisfied with the way my face looked, I strolled over to sit on top of my queens' size bed. My eyes searching for my blue Jordan's as I began to pull on my white knee-length socks, the earlier emotional breakdown long forgotten. 

"Don't know why she thinks I'm actually going to head towards school straight away anyways. Actually, I might stop off at that cookie shop," I muttered before shoving on my blue Jordan's. "Just let them try and take my shoes off me. I'll just set the entire school on fire. Yeah, that will sort them out."

Are we allowed to wear trainers in high school? No, no we're not. Do I care? No the bloody hell not. 


As Callie's banshee voice continued to ring about my spacious bedroom, I rolled my eyes. "Why isn't she stopping?" I whined  before snatching up my brown Gucci rucksack and tossing it roughly over my shoulders and shoving my iPhone into my blazer pocket. "However the real question should be, why is it still the same song? Like, come on! This is just getting ridiculous," I muttered something incomprehensible before stepping out of the comfort and warmth of my bedroom and hurriedly closed the door behind me.

"I am in desperate need of a cookie. One beautiful chocolate chip cookie will solve all my life problems," I said to no one in particular as I began to casually make my way down the third-floor corridor, my hair swishing slightly behind me as I threw it up into a high ponytail. "If only life was that simple."

"Lexie! Call your sister down now to please! Or she's going to get late!" Shouted mum causing me to halt by the staircase. My hand gripping the gold rail.

 Do I have to? Like do I really, really have to?

No, I don't think I do. 

"Now please Lexie!" She called once more stopping me from continuing my stroll down the spiral staircase. 

"Fine," I muttered bitterly before marching back up the stairs. My feet pattered lightly against the black fluffy carpet as I slowly approached Callie's room. 

With a sigh I came to a halt by her bedroom door, internally wincing as the ground shook from her stupid music. "Let's just get this over with." 

"Callie!" I screamed as I eventually shoved open her overly decorated pink bedroom door, gaging as a gust of strong Chanel no.  perfume smacked into me. 

"Oh! Hey Lexie!" Yelled Callie as she continued to hold what resembled a mini-concert on her fluffy pink double bed, an orange hairbrush clasped tightly into her small manicured  hands as she swung it wildly around. "Wanna Karaoke?" She asked as her green eyes stared innocently into mine. 

"No! What I would like is-"


"Callie! Mum said to-" 


"Mum said to-"




"FOR THE LOVE OF THE LORD ALL MIGHTY!" I let out a loud groan of frustration as she burst suddenly into the main chorus, her big round eyes glued to the words appearing on her huge flat screen tv. My left hand was still tightly wrapped around the gold doorknob as I watched her sway her curly red locks wildly around, imitating a possessed demon. 

"Great. Just great," I rolled my eyes before leaving the room. Slamming the door harshly shut in the process. "I mean I tried, it's not my fault she didn't listen."

Singing. Correction, practising her animal noises has always been an extremely irritable habit of Callies. I'm talking non-stop screeching, from morning till night. 

I shoved my iPhone quickly into my blazer pocket as I began walking down the grand staircase, my shoes clicking loudly against the grey marble. 

Her singing isn't actually that bad though, she's part of some big shot singing program as well. Dad reckons she will be able to peruse her far fetched dream and become a professional Singer. I however beg to differ. If she's lucky she might end up with a job at the local circus. She can join the babbling monkeys. 

"Morning mistress Lexie! Did you sleep well?" Greeted our family's housemaid Edna as I reached the bottom of the staircase, my arms folded gently across my chest. 

"Morning Edna!" I greeted back, a small smile plastered across my lips as I took in her familiar appearance. "And yes I did, thank you for asking."

Her grey wispy hair was clumped together on top of her head, and her hands were clenched around a cluster of grey parcels with the word juicy emblazoned across them, and a white apron was knotted firmly around her large waist, pressing against her down to the floor plain grey dress.

"Mistress Lexie, that's wonderful to hear! I'm glad you arrived safely home. Do you want me to keep the back door open for you again tonight?" She inquired, sending terror coursing through my veins.

"Umm...yes please Edna. Could you just continue to do it every night without telling anyone, please. I don't want mum to worry," I whispered as I took quick glances around the hallway, making sure Mum wasn't anywhere within earshot. 

Edna nodded, confusion evident on her frail and wrinkly face. "But if you don't mind me asking Mistress Lexie, why don't you just enter the house using the main door?" 

I briefly closed my eyes as a wave of mental exhaustion washed over me. 

I despise having to defend my behaviour because it forces me to explain how severely I'm dying on the inside, which I simply cannot do. I just can't put the anguish I'm going through into words, and I don't want to have to sit there and wait for sympathy. I don't need someone to pity me!

"Sorry Mistress Lexie. I overstepped," rushed Edna as she gave me an apologetic bow clearly misunderstanding my silence. 

"No, no Edna it's fine. I just don't want to talk about it," I politely explained before turning to head towards the kitchen. My heart ached as a million different thoughts raced around my head. 

"Of course Mistress Lexie. I shall go gift these to your sister now. Have a good day Mistress Lexie!" She called before hurrying up the staircase, her hands clutched tightly around the packages. 

"That girl splashes money around like water," I murmured quietly as I strolled along the long corridor, my footsteps echoing off the blue marble floorboards.

"Ah! My beautiful daughter has finally descended from the third floor. Lovely!" Cheered my Mother as I stepped smiling into the grey themed kitchen. My eyes scanned around at the cluster of pans and bowls that lay scattered around the huge smoky countertops. "Hai chiamato Callie?" (Did you call Callie down?)

Mama stood happily by the huge black kitchen stove. A red apron was tied tightly around her small waist, pressing against her long green dress and her red wavy hair was thrown up into a big extravagant bun as she focused her attention on mixing the contents inside her blue bowl. 

"I tried to but the idiot just kept screeching on the tip of her lungs. So it's not my fault if she comes down late," I replied before pushing the flour bag along the countertop, making room for me to jump on. 

Mum ran her pale hand tiredly across her auburn hair before turning to face me. "Lexie, she's your little sister. At least try to get along with the poor lamb," said Mum as she pulled toast quickly out the toaster, her blue gemstone ring flashing under the bright white lights that were pressed against the roof.

"How can I make an effort when she won't even let me speak?" I inquired, frowning, as I snatched a bright red apple from the brown circular fruit basket suspended from the ceiling, my feet inches from the ground.

Mum slowly shook her head as she turned to assess me. Her green eyes boring into my lost soul as she folded her arms loosely across her chest causing her silver diamond bangles to clang together.  "Lexie, you need to stop shutting her out. You used to be so close. She's only thirteen, she needs you."

I briefly closed my eyes as her words left her pink flushed lips, my hands tightening around the red apple. 

Mum thinks the only reason Callie screams her songs so loudly all the time is because she wants me to give her some attention. It's true though, the only time I ever speak to Callie is to tell her to turn her music off but it's for a good reason. What happened to Liam was my fault. I can't let Callie have the same fate. It's better this way. I had to cut her off, it was the right thing to do.

"Lexie, what time did you come home last night? Did you stay out the entire night again?" She asked as she leaned against the huge white table that ran across the centre of the kitchen, concern evident in her eyes. 

"Mum I-"

"Well anyways that doesn't really matter!" Interrupted Mum whilst running towards the ladder draw clearly noticing my slight discomfort. "Would you like anything to eat before you go?" 

Before slipping off the countertop, I exhaled a sigh of relief. "Thank you, but no. I have this apple," I said gratefully, motioning to the half-eaten apple clutched tightly in my right palm.

"Oh, well at least take this with you, so you can start your day with something sweet," suggested Mum whilst handing me the circular-shaped box. 

"Ok lo farò. Grazie mamma," (Ok, I will. Thanks Mum,) I said as I grabbed hold of the box, my mouth watering at the sight of the beautiful chocolate. "I'm gonna head out now though," 

"Aren't you going to wait to go with your sister?" Asked mum as I began to walk towards the kitchen's exit, My backpack bobbling against my back. 

"Um I-"


"Ahh no! Gotta go Mama! I love you!" I shouted before hurrying myself out the white kitchen door.

"What? Lexie what about your sister!" Called Mum as I continued to pelt down the vast corridor, my trainers slapping hard against the dark blue marble floorboards. 


"I haven't got time to wait for her Mama! Sorry!" I yelled back as I raced past the family portraits that hung widely across the walls, filling every inch of red-painted walls.

"Well be safe then Lexie! Love you!" Called Mum as I swung open the front double black doors, relieved that I managed to escape without having to bring Callie along. 

The idiot would have just sang the whole way. 


"Ok, Mama! Bye!" I shouted before slamming the door loudly shut  behind me, putting an abrupt end to Callie's  horrific singing. "Right come on Lexie, let's go buy yourself some cookies."

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