"People notice how you've changed, but they don't notice the experiences that made you change."
Three years after Callie was born dad moved us all away from Italy and to the UK. The whole King gang followed us, as well as a few other gangs. I never knew the reason. I was just a kid how could I possibly have known?
To my six year old self, we were living a fabulous prodigious life, mums coat business was growing into a huge success, dad had complete and utter control over the gang work and I had a new sister. Everything was up to scratch.
But like I said I was only six years old.
I had no idea about our family legacy.
I never knew how well known my family was to the entire world, I never knew what we were actually running away from. I didn't know who dad was protecting us from. I didn't know until it was too late.
Until the gang life caught up to me.
Until he caught up to me and now my family is paying the price.
All because I was kept in the dark.
Now I know my identity.
I know who I am and what I have to do.
I know my names worth and I know how other people see me.
My life is full of pain and suffering.
Any moment of happiness I can get hold of is always harshly taken away and in exchange, death pays a visit.
Happiness is only temporary.
Friends are only temporary.
Family is only temporary.
So why enjoy those moments at all when you know they will all eventually end.
Why go through all that pain?
My name is Lexie Peterova and this is my story.