Everything in the past few weeks went smoothly. We had our mid-year exams and now they are done. I was really happy they finished. Because I was seriously going to die if we had one more exam.
Okay so let's get this straight, I was going to meet up with Kim and his friends at the park. I was really excited, coz this was my first time meeting them.
It was 4:30pm and I had to get ready or else I will be late. It was a little bit cold outside so I wore blue turtle neck shirt with a thin black jacket and black shorts. As for my hair I tied it up in a ponytail.
After I did all this it was already 5:20 and I needed to get to the park before 5:30 so I just grabbed a pair of a high neck converse and ran to the street. There I took a taxi to the park.
I reached there late by 20 min. I walked in the park until I saw Kim standing with a bunch of guys who were totally hot. Man this is my first time to know that these boys existed in the city. I thought this city lacked out of boys. I walked to them and then attracted their attention by saying " hey Kim." Kim turned to face me as they all did and said "hey lollipop, where have you been? I thought for a minute that you weren't coming." Yeah, I always show up on time and it was strange I didn't this time." Sorry, there was a traffic jam, " I reasoned. And before we could say anything the boys asked " is she your girlfriend?" Do we look like a couple to them? Of course not. " umm, no. She is my best friend." The guys went like ohhhh, and then he introduced me to them. The first one had brown hair with hazel eyes and tanned skin, his name was Chris. The second one had blonde hair with natural brown highlights and green eyes, his name was Will. As for the third and the fourth guys they were brothers but not twins, they had light brown hair with dark blue eyes. They looked so cute, I mean handsome standing next to each other, their names were Ben and Tom. Not to mention that all the boys had perfect body structures.
Anyway, we walked in the park as the boys talked about cars, teachers, girls and lots of other stuff. It was kinda fun walking with them and listening to whatever they were saying. But then Chris, Ben and Tom had to excuse themselves because they were already invited to some sort of a party. So, I was left with Will and Kim. Will suggested that we should skate as long as we are here and we both agreed.
While we were skating I heard Will say something in Japanese. " What did you just say?" I asked .
He raised one eye brow, looked at me and said: "you guys are so fast."
"Not this, the word after this."
"Bakas?" It meant stupid people.
"You speak Japanese!!?" I asked with excitement.
"Yes, but I'm not sure if it's totally right because I have learned it from an anime show." wowowow !!
"OH MY GOD !!YOU WATCH ANIME !! I LOVE ANIME!" Okay so I was over excited here.
"Really!!! That's so cool, finally I found someone who loves anime just like me." I am so so lucky. He even said the words that were running through my mind.
"What kind of anime do you-" but then I was cut by Kim "hey hey, stop. What's anime?"
"Okay, so it's like a cartoon series but with characters that look almost like people but with very big eyes" Will explained.
"Oh god! How old are you dude? Watching cartoons!" Kim teased.
"No Kim, you don't get it. It's like human series movie but with cartoon characters, it's even better than reality. It is like another world, you can find romantic, comedy, action, tragedy and what ever type you like," I said. To say the truth I am obsessed with anime.
"Yeah, man. You should try and watch it and if you want a good start, watch kaichou wa maid sama, it rocks." Will suggested
Kim nodded and then Will and I kept talking about anime, as for Kim well, he kept listening.
As we sat down on one of the benches I looked at my watch to find the arrows pointing at 9:30. I told the guys that I should head home before my mom gets worried and so they both said that they needed to go home too. Before getting separated from Will, he asked for my number and I gave it to him. "Goodbye Will." We both waved. "Goodbye Kim, Diana, see you guys later." He waved back.
Kim walked me home and then went to his home. I went to my bedroom and threw myself on the bed. I was really tired and I needed a very long sleep after this tiring day. And before I knew it, I was already in a very deep sleep.