"WATCH OUT!!" A small boy skiing across the snow in a high speed screamed out for me to move, but it was too late. CRASH!! He hit me and we both fell hardly on the ground.
Once I opened my eyes, I felt agonizing pain travel through my whole body making me squeeze my eyes shut as I tried to stand up. Yeah, it was a pretty painful incidence, but I was able to stand up again with the help of Kim.
Before moving on I should probably tell you how I ended up skiing with Kim.
When the clock turned 3 my dad told me to go get dressed because we were going out. I tried to ask my parents about the place we were going to but non of them bothered to answer. Anyway I got dressed up, styled my hair and was ready to go.
In the car, I waited and waited for my parents to talk about the place we were going to but they never spoke about it as if they had a feeling about me wanting a clue. I mean why aren't they telling me where are we going? It's really ridiculous how your parents plan stuff about going out and you just have to deal with it like you're fine with the idea. That is if you had an idea about anything they plan.
Once we reached the place I quickly recognized my favorite mall for skiing, ski Dubai!! I loved that place, its actually my favorite snow land. And guess who was waiting for us outside one of the gates?! The O'Brien family! The three of them were standing there including Kim. Mr.James O'Brien is my father's work colleague and they have become close friends since we hang out with them most of the time aside from Mrs. Marie who is now like an unbiological aunt to me. Mrs. Marie is so similar to my mom in a lot of stuff, they both have the same taste in clothes, food and even shows, I think they are only slightly different from each other since we are from different countries. The O'Briens are from the United States while we are from Britain.
After wearing the ski outfit and entering the snow world, Kim and I decided to split away from our parents since we wanna choose other places and games to go and visit. And that leads us to where the little boy crashed into me making me fall.
"Are you okay?" Kim asked as he pulled me up .
"Aside from the pain in my legs and my back, I am fine " I said in a humorous way that made him chuckle .
I looked at the little boy and asked"What about you? Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. And I am sorry for making you fall like that," he said shyly.
"It's okay," I smiled. The boy smiled and then ran to climb up the mountain again.
"Wanna climb up to the mountain peak?" Kim asked.
"Yeah sure." I replied.
We then walked toward the lift chairs and got in one of them. Flying in the air meant being away or above people and it meant a beautiful moment of taciturnity and silence. While flying in the air I felt the cool breeze touch my cheeks as we got higher, the beautiful color of the snow calming me down and the warmth of Kim reaching me as our shoulders touched. But that beautiful moment was disturbed by a sudden stop of the lift chair.
At first it was normal but after 5 minutes I was sure something wrong occurred . We tried calling one of the workers there but non of them heard us.
After another 5'minutes we heard one of the workers say that it would take about 1 hour to fix a problem that was caused in the monitor of the lift chairs. Kim then was already pissed off and was trying to get out of this lift chair but it was impossible until I managed to open the iron pole that was keeping us from falling.
Kim told me to jump to the ground since we were close to the mountain peak but I was scared and afraid from jumping. And suddenly the chair started moving and I slipped out of it. I was falling, it was my end.
I closed my eyes shut and thought I was going to crash into the floor. But I didn't feel any pain or anything breaking. I thought maybe I was already dead. Maybe when people die precipitately they don't feel anything, they just die. And with these thoughts I realized my eyes were still closed, so I tried opening them to see if I was in heaven or not .
When I opened my eyes I saw a boy, he looked so much like Kim, wait a minute he was Kim!! I wasn't dead, Kim was holding my arm making me hung in the air. He saved my life, Kimmi saved my life! I think he is an angel sent to make my life better, if not, he might be a prince from another world in a form of a human.
A few moments passed and we have finally reached. Once my legs reached the steep and icy terrain I felt some weight get off my body. It feels so strange being hung up in the air, your arms will hurt, blood won't be reaching the part you are hanged from and you will feel dizzy, so dizzy.
Once we were standing properly on the ground I started thanking Kim so much for saving my life and then gave him a big hug as a thanks. After that, we took some rest before skiing down the hill. Kim was an expert in skiing, he was skiing perfectly while doing a lot of professional moves and flips may I add.
To the restaurant we went after that to meet with our parents. We enjoyed our time until the night came and then all of us went home to have a good night sleep.