The date was 13/11 when I first met him .
I slammed my locker shut before hugging my friends and sprinting to get out of school. I entered the black car that was parked in front of the gate and told the driver to take me to my dad's workplace . Today is a Memorial Day for dad, he will be receiving an award for submitting the most beautiful building the world has ever seen. A building that is very modern yet gets along with nature. And for this event the company has hosted a big party to celebrate him so as his daughter I had to attend this party. The problem was that the party starts directly after school and my dad has to be in the company before the starting time so he sent me a driver to take me directly to the company without heading home. The good thing is I had my dress with me so I could change there.
As I reached the company, I headed toward the fifth floor where the party was held .
"Hi sweetie, you're just on time . The changing room is the last room on your left after that long corridor " my mom said pointing toward the corridor. I nodded and walked toward the changing room taking the directions that my mom gave .
Once I entered the room , there was nobody in there so I took my chance, unpacked my bag and took off my clothes. I then wore a white above knee -length dress covered with red roses that made it so simple yet delicate and beautiful. And in the middle of the dress I wore a thin black belt adding more colors to the dress. But there was one problem, the zipper at the back of the dress was stuck in the mid of my back and I just couldn't zip it up. That stupid zipper I should've checked it before putting on the dress.
And while I was struggling to zip up the dress a handsome boy entered. He had brown hair and gorgeous baby blue eyes, he was wearing a black tuxedo with a blue tie. He was absolutely HOT. But no, that wasn't the right time to check the boy out .
I then snapped out of my thoughts and looked straight at the boy. "What are you doing here ?" I asked.
"Looking for the bathroom," he answered.
"Oh really?! Didn't you see the sign outside the room ?"
"Nope," he replied popping the p.
"It's a changing room so will you please get out."
"But I can see that you need some help, " he smirked looking at me as my cheeks turned red from embarrassment.
"No, I don't. I can handle it myself," I replied though it's a lie.
"You sure? I can help you if you want," he said with a smile. His smile was irresistible and I needed help so I gave in "well , the zipper is stuck."
"Okay turn around, " he giggled as I died from embarrassment. I'm not used to such situations.
He zipped the dress up smoothly and then I turned to look at him " thank you." I smiled shyly.
"You're welcome, " he said back.
I suddenly heard the announcer start talking and that meant I had to hurry. I grabbed my red high heels, sat down on a chair and wore them. But when I stood up and started walking , the boy started laughing. I looked at him but he just kept laughing. Why is he laughing? Is something wrong with the dress?
"I have never seen a girl walk like that !" He said once he stopped laughing.
"What do you mean?" I questioned raising one eyebrow .
"You don't know how to walk in high heels ,do you ?!"
"Well , to say the truth . This is only my second time wearing high heels " I said honestly.
"Oh that's why you were walking like a penguin," he teased.
"I'm sorry but you really need to take classes walking in that thing."
"You know what, I will wear my converse!" I said before sitting on the chair again and taking off my high heels.
"Hey wait! I'm really sorry I didn't mean to. You don't have to take them off. I was joking with you . It's true your walk was a bit weird, but I still think you can mange," he said.
What if he wants me to look stupid while walking? Should I trust him? He just said I looked like a penguin so was he just joking with me?
"Look you just wear it and walk to the main hall and once you reach there I'm sure your walk will look natural," he added before kneeling down and handing me my high heels .
"Okay, " I nodded.
After a few seconds he stood up and walked out of the room leaving me curious about who he is exactly. I applied a red lipstick and some eyeliner before untying my hair and letting it cascade down my back.
I walked toward the main hall and saw my dad receiving his big, shiny award. The award was a golden model of the building he designed. My dad smiled and stood along with his mangers to take pictures.
"Congratulations dad!" I said as he walked toward me.
"Thanks sweetheart," my dad replied.
"Congratulations honey!" my mom said as she hugged him .
As we talked, a women with brown hair and a man with blonde hair came and congratulated dad.
"Diana!" my dad called.
"Yes," I answered.
"I want you to meet Mrs. Marie and Mr.James O'Brien." My dad introduced.
"Hi, it's my pleasure meeting you," I smiled as I shook hands with them.
"Oh the pleasure is ours . You look so sweet and beautiful," Mrs.Marie said as she smiled at me.
"You know I think you should meet our son," Mr.James said.
"Kim ! Kim!" He called out for the guy in a black tuxedo who was sitting on a chair and holding his phone.
The guy glanced at us before standing up and shoving his phone into his pockets. I couldn't see the guy clearly because of the colorful lights but as he got closer I recognized his blue eyes. So his name was Kim!
Once he reached us Mr.James introduced us to each other. I walked away with him toward the beverage bar . As we sat down he asked while smirking" wine or whiskey ?"
"Haha funny," I faked a laugh. " I will just have mango juice."
"2 mango juice please, " he ordered.
"So umm are you enjoying the party ?" I asked.
"Well, I wasn't but now I'm, to meet you."
"Oh come on, you met me at the beginning of the party."
"It's true, but now I know your beautiful name and I can chat with you,"he replied with a wink.
My cheeks turned red and I focused my vision on the ground .
He stayed silent for a few minutes and so did I before he lifted his head, looked into my eyes and said :" tell me about your love life" . I raised my eyebrow in confusion and looked right into his eyes to find out why does he want know anything about something like that . But his eyes showed no specific expression. I gave up,
What sort of subject is this !? "My love life !? Why would you want us to talk about something like that ?"
"No specific reason , I'm just a little bit curious . "
"Actually there is nothing special . I fell in love with a boy for 2 years and then he became my boyfriend for 2 weeks - " and before I could complete he cut me off "you had a crush on someone for 2 years ?"
"Yeah , that's what I said ."
"And then you confessed to him so he became your boyfriend ?"
"No, for a fact he confessed to me."
"And then what happened?" He asked.
"After 2 weeks he broke up with me over a text message for no specific reason, the end. "
"Aha, that's weird. So your whole love life is only about one guy ?"
"Yup, what about your love life ?"
"I will tell you later. So ,who is your favorite celebrity?" wow he can actually change the subject very fast. After that we talked about lots of things, our hobbies, favorite food, friends and lots of other things. It was actually pretty comfortable talking to him.