The guys outside were very shock and frightened. They were sure that the machine is not fragile. For freaking sake, they punch the machine with all they got. And this girl... just broke it.
Isabela couldn't move. Did she punch that too hard? Or the machine is just too fragile? Now she has to pay for the consfiscation. She shoul've just rented a place, now there are more damage to be paid.
Meanwhile, those guys behind her suspected that she must've cheated. They couldn't feel any mana from the girl, and the girl just look... too weak. She must've made fun of them to make them look stupid. Oh yes, they denied that Isabela is strong.
One man started to throw mud at the girl. Issa tremble in fear, she could sense that the men behind her are angry at her. she didn't want to cause a fight, she didn't even bother to fight back. More mud was thrown at her.
"You weak vampire? Whatcha trying to do? Make us look weak!"
"Yeah man! This girl is so weak, she couldn't even fight back! Show us your little punch gir!" They laugh and more mud was thrown at her.
Isabela became numb. She didn't mind the mud thrown at her. More words was thrown at her, mocking her for being weak and fake.
If she fought back, the fight will grow bigger. She knew she didn't cheated, but what else did she knew? She's just a new weak vampire came roaming around this place to experience what is highschool like.
Well, if school has the same discrimination towards weak and poor, then she'd rather go back to her forest and fight Moori. One day was already enough of her. She'll come back to their house.
Meanwhile, a curious 4 eyes watched the scene. A while ago, they were playing poker when a bothersome noise bothered them.
'Aish! What's the commotion outside?" He dropped his cards.
They are the elite members of the club 3569. Vilo, the werewolf who just drop his own card came from the Duke's Element.
"You ruined the game man!" Vincent hissed as he saw the cards scattered around the table. Vincent, a shapeshifter came from the WCA.
The rest of them sigh. The loud chant became louder. "What is it?" Finral said annoyingly. Finral just like Vincent came from West Columbus Academy, he's a vampire.
Last but not the least, a bored werewolf Reece drank his mayana juice. The guys gag how disgusting Reece was. Unlike the rest of them Reece was not a show off. He's from the Benders of the South. Although his power is as powerful as the rest of his gang, he choose low profile.
All four of them came from the royalties.
With their speed, they all quickly gathered outside, above the tree. Boys are chanting for her to punch.
A smirk plastered from their face. Well, maybe she's one of those girls who wanted their attention.
Club 3569 is a men club. They do not forbid girls, it's just that. No one can score up to their standards.
Well they were sure that that girl is just one of those desperate wannabes. From the look outside of her appearance, she has no chance entering the place. They design that machine in order to know how much power can he/she has. It is accurate, it cannot tell a lie of one's power. Even cheats won't work for the machine. It is specially build, it cannot break. It's impossible to break. It's priceless and very rare.
They highly respected that machine. Even their fathers used it. It has been passed down from generations to generations.
Reece got bored and was about to go back but Finral stop him. "Let's just look for a while..." Finral smiled. Reece huff back.
Curious to how things end up, all of them patiently waited for the girl to punch. As soon as her punch meet the machine, a cold breeze shiver down at the back of their neck as her punch penetrated across the machine who they all thought was impossible to break.
"90,000--100,000-- Error. Error." The machine went blank.
They were unable to move. Even the highest score was up to 70,000 to think that this girl exceeded that just... shuts them up.
A mud was thrown at hers. She didn't move, hence she accepted those mud these scoundrels gave. She didn't fight back, instead she stayed.
'Fight back...' they all whispered annoyed. Surprisingly, the machine went back to give more ridiculous high score. "250,000--500,000---1-1-1-1-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9..." it broke down.
The rejected fellas laugh harder and more mud was thrown at her, and she wept quietly.
It became fast then.
The 4 of them protected the girl.
They were contemplating. It was for a moment when they wanted to acknowledged her, no, they just wanted to protect her.
The rejected guys stop throwing. They were intimidated, so intimidated that they began running. Running like their lives are at stake.
They wanted to run after them, well, they were about to... but what stops them was the little sob of the girl.
They all watched her as she open her bag and grab the towel. She wept quietly. She starts to wipe the mud out of her face. It was easy to wipe, especially when it's raining and her eyes are tearing.
"T-thank you..." a small voice come out of her mouth. So small that they didn't want to believe that it was her punched that broke the machine.
"You should've fight back," Reece said wanting to sound annoyed but it sounded worried.
The girl nodded and wipe more mud on her face.
She wasn't that pretty, she wasn't ugly either. After cleaning her face she faced the 4 handsome guys with a forced smile. No traces of crying.
"Are you the owner of this club?" she asked nicely. Hoping she could negotiate them. She started fidgeting her hands.
The girl is new. They thought.
"You see, I didn't mean to break your machine. Umh, I only have small amount of money." she squeak the last sentence. "Here," her parents gave her ¥250. So she handed them ¥50. They all just look at her hands and the tiny amount of money she has.
She guess that it wasn't enough, so with a strained hand. She added another ¥50.
"Wow," Vincent said disbelief.
"I-I don't have much money," she said softly.
"This fucking machine cost billions!" Vincent said at the girl annoyingly.
Isabela became more terrified. Billions? Her face became pale.
"I-i don't have that much money sirs!" she was trembling in fear. Tears started to fall down. Regrets is all that she can feel.
Vincent was dumbfounded. He made her cry!
"C'mon man. So uncool..." Vilo accuse.
"Tss," Reece like a gentleman her mother raised pulled out his jacket to cover the wet girl.
Isabela stopped sobbing and she looked at the man who just covered her. Her eyes is still puffy from crying, when he met her eyes he felt like his world would scrambled apart.
He felt his heart beat raced. His breath became heavy and he's suddenly conscious.
Isabela just stared at him. "W-what are you doing?" she said in fear. She thought he was going to choke her out to death.
"Snap out of it man, you're scaring her." Finral came to the rescue. He smiled at the girl. "We don't understand what happened earlier. Can we all discussed this matter inside?