I didn’t know how to react. The two old couple seemed to completely forget that I’m still in the carriage.
“Oh, I miss you son!” Grandmama wept happily.
“It’s been so long!” Grandpapa laughs as he embrace the three of them.
“Patricia, still as beautiful as ever,” Grandmama complimented.
“I’m glad you’re both finally home,” I heard my mother cried softly. Both, huh.
It was such a lovely view, but my heart aches at the sight of it. Bitterness crept inside me.
Another four people came outside the beautiful house. The two of them are familiar, while the others are not. A wave of nostalgia swept over me.
(Many years ago)
After I lost the bullies, I sneak on a very narrow corner to hide myself. Still intimidated and scared I hug myself not minding the tears that are coming out. For what it feels like eternity, I stayed on my position. I was trembling in fear when I heard footsteps coming over on my direction. I buried my face even more on my knees as I continue to cry silently.
“Issa! Issa!” I heard my brother whispered quietly.
A shriek when I felt someone touched my knees, pulling me towards him. “Hushed, Issa. It’s me, Kuya..."
He lifted my face. Although I have a blurry eyes from all the crying, his voice and presence was enough to soothe me a bit. Kuya, help his little sister wipe her tears. My vision became clearer and I can see him well, but instead of feeling delight and assurance, I felt fear and panic as I saw his handsome face.
The side of his eyes is swollen, a cut can be seen on his lip and his cheek has a red bruise mark.
My eyes started to water again. My fragile heart ache at the sight of him. "Don't cry anymore Issa," he smiled it was easily replaced by worriedness when he notice my bleeding knees. "Can you walk?" he ask gently. He gently angled my knees so he can see better, which makes me wince in pain. Worried etch on his handsome face.
"It hurts," I told him sobbing.
"You can ride on Kuya's back," he said turning around on to that position.
I shook my head hesitantly. "But you're hurt," I said sadly.
"Kuya can still manage to carry Issa on his back. Kuya Levi is strong, see?" he said flexing his small arms.
Kuya Levi convince me. I don't have any other choice since I really did injured my feet.
Kuya Levi walked us home.
When Ate Sheil saw us she quickly run towards us.
I was very attached to my Ate that seeing her overwhelmed my emotion. I cried again wanting to complaint about those kids who just bullied me and who hurt Kuya Levi.
"They're very mean Ate!" I cried. "Look!" I pout, showing her my bruised and wounds. "They also hit Kuya! Look!" I told her again and continue to bleat loudly.
Ate hug me soothingly.
"I'll report this to the council. Do you remember their faces?"
I nodded.
"It was Hubert's group," answered Kuya Levi.
Ate smirk. "And you got beaten?"
Kuya huffed. "They only grazed me," he defended.
"Whatever, loser." Ate laugh at him. We went in the backyard where a lot of fabrics hanging on the rack. They talked a bit more. Ate treated my wounds.
"What about me?" Asked Kuya after ate was done nursing my wounds.
"Don't you have your own hands loser?" she raised her brows at him.
Kuya sulked in the corner as he treated his own wound. "Kuya, let me help you!" I said cheerly. Kuya gave me the med. I took the guava leaves, squeeze its juice before dipping the cotton on the juice. I planted it on his wound carefully, just like what ate did to me.
Ate was braiding my hair.
"Ow..." Kuya hissed.
"Stop being a crybaby, you're surpassing Issa."
Kuya pouted again and I giggled. But I was still worried about his cuts. "What if they'll come back again?" I asked concerned.
“Don’t worry Issa, big brother will protect from the bullies…” He took the fabric on the clothes rack before putting it around his shoulder, making it look like a cape. I giggled because he looks so silly.
“Ugh! I told you to stop messing with her hair. Her braids will get ruined!” Ate Sheil swat his hands away. I glance at them admiringly.
I snap out of my thoughts. They sure grown.
Still don't know what to do, I stood far away from them.
"Sheil, Levi, Andy, Yuri! Come, your grandparents has returned home." Mama called excitingly.
I returned home too. I wanted to say. Tears crept in my eyes but I cleared my throat hoping the tears will fade away. It did actually.
I saw grandmama and grandpapa heads turned to call me.
"Isabel!" They called. They gesture me to come to them. Awkwardly, I put on a stoic face as I walk towards them. I saw how mama and papa stop at their tracks. I also notice that the two of my once closest siblings was in shock too, while the other two just looks at me curiously.
I bow down my head for courtesy.
I've thought about them many times on how they will react once they saw me. I imagine them visiting me to know if how was I doing, how was my health or just a simple letter. They never visited me.
The hopes of meeting them and my wish for them to love me as a family died down.
Never once did I imagine right now for my mother to look at me with teary eyes and a sad face. Never once did I imagine for her trembling hands to reach me so much that to felt her need to want to hold me. Never once did I imagine that both of them would look at me guiltily. For what? For all those years that I was thirsty for their love and care and they were not able to do that simple thing?
How can I react to that? I heard grandmama's sob at the background. Although my tears wanted to go out, I did my best to hold them back and not letting them see how broken I was.
"Isabel," mama sob and she embraced me tightly. So tight that I almost couldn't breath. I suddenly became numb. Why now? Where were you when I needed you? I was about to break the embrace but I felt my father's hug as well. And my heart becomes colder and numb.
"I missed you, anak!" she sob.
And it scared me. Because... I missed them too. I missed them so much that I'm almost drowned in forgiveness. I almost drown to forget everything they ever did to make me feel so unwanted and weak and so thirsty for their love. Hadn't I push them... I would've forget everything and ready to forgive them.
Shock and startled, mama tried to hold me again but I excused myself politely and I pretended that I left something in the carriage and I went there to get it.
When they face my back, tears formed around my eyes, so big that it fell off. I easily wipe it away, hard to accept that I'm so affected. I wish I'm not.
I took the time to compose myself before going back to them. I'm still stoic as ever. They look like they're done discussing.
Mama and papa smiled at me wearily. I just briefly bow my head in a sign for respect.
I heard grandpapa cleared his throat. "My... Sheil, Levi you've grown so much!" grandmama said reaching Sheil and Levi. A small tear escape her eyes.
Sheil and Levi kissed the back of grandmama and grandpapa's hand, a gesture which shows a sign of respect for elderly.
"Oh, is this your little one? Oh my!" grandmama said after hugging Levi and Sheil. Grandmama and grandpapa knelt down so they could see clearly their little grandchildren.
"They look just like me!" grandpapa yelled in joy.
"I wonder why," papa joked. They all cracked at papa's joke. And here I am, trying hard not to laugh along with them.
"This is your Ate Isabela!" Grandmama jolted in.
I didn't react or anything, I just put on my stoic face and looked at the younger ones. To my surprise, Andy stepped forward and took my hand. His face was so angelic and innocent. Until, "I bet your much cooler than Kuya and Ate. I like you. I can call you Ate right? Since you are my sister." He said it in straight face. Still in daze, I just nodded.
My attention was caught off guard by Yuri, who is tugging my dress. "Hi, am Youwie, am thwee yeas owd..." she said cutely. I almost had an heart attack at how cute she was. "I miss you. Can you cawie me?" she sticks up her hands on me.
"Baby, your Ate Bella is still tired from the travel--" I cut off papa.
"It's ok," I said before I carried Yuri. She buried her small face on my cheeks as she embrace me with her small hands.
My eyes started to water again but I held back. I can't believe how easily these two kids captured my heart. I shouldn't take out my angry issue on them, right? They have no fault in me and they are still kids. So innocent and heart whelming.
"You have a nice smell..." she whispered and buried more of her face on my neck.
I chuckled softly. "You have a nice smell as well," I told her smiling.
I caught Sheil and Levi looking intensely at me. Levi's mouth was slightly gaping as he look at me. Sheil gave me a skeptical smile.
"Shall we enter the house?" Grandpapa ask.
All of us agreed.
I was still carrying Yuri while Andy is on my side, his small hands was holding my dress.
We went inside the house. The house didn't change that much. It all looked... so old. And quite messy. There were drawings on the walls, the floor has a white tiled and lots of a baby's dirty footmark was printed on it. There were clothes hanging on the small chandelier.
"Sorry for the mess, we couldn't handle these two brat much. They couldn't control their powers yet." Papa said, referring to Andy and Yuri. The grandparents chuckled.
"It's ok." Grandmama replied.
I sat on the love seat in the corner. Andy sat with me as well.
"What powers do these to have?" Grandpapa asked.
As far as I remember, there are 4 elements of power. Earth, water, air and fire. Sheil has water same thing with mama. Levi was air. Grandpapa and papa are earth.
"Andy is fire and Yuri' is water." Mama said a bit proud of what she said but when her eyes met mine, she looked away guiltily.
As they were talking, Sheil and Levi started cleaning up the mess.
"Here, let me have Yuri. She's asleep." Sheil said to me. She changed a lot. I was actually surprised that she talked to me. Sheil has a curly hair just like what these family has. She became even more gorgeous. She took Yuri carefully on my arms to not wake Yuri up anymore.
I felt a breeze of wind on my face and I look to see Levi getting the clothes on the chandelier. "My, your power seemed strong Levi. What year are you now?" Grandpapa asked.
"I'm 3rd year Gramps. Sheil is on her last year in the Academy."
"What school did you entered?"
"Benders of the South,"
(There are five Institution all over the Selvaggio World, the best known and most popular is the West Columbus Academy, where most of the royalties and nobles went to. The second one is Duke's Elements, third is Benders of the South, then Academia de Lazaro, Benders of the South. The most unpopular one is the La Sangere University, where most of the students are poor and simple plain vampire).
"What about you Ate, which school do you attend to?" Andy asked.
"Here," grandmama handed me papers.
"What are these?" I asked.
"Papers," grandpapa said.
"Yeah, for what?"
"For applying,"
"Applying what?"
"Yes dear, you're going to school!"