It was a fine Sunday morning in one of Seoul's exclusive subdivisions. The little Taiwanese girl was sitting at the back of their car with her dog, Gucci, in her lap.
It was a brand new place for her. It is her first time to see what Seoul looks like and she is quite impressed. She admired the colors of trees that looked like a painting to her.
"Tzuyu, honey we are here."
Her mother told her when they stopped in front of a bungalow house.
The girl nodded her head and went out to see the house in front of her.
She scanned the surroundings as her parents was busy unloading their things.
"It's beautiful"
The girl thought.
Well, it is not the first time for them to move from one country to another. With her parents work, she had gone to different countries in such a young age of eight.
Her parents both work for the military and they can't just leave their only child in Taiwan while their away.
So, wherever her parents were destined there Tzuyu will be, for god knows how long
She looked at her mom who was caring a box inside their new home and asked her if she can walk around their new place.
"Go ahead honey, but don't go too far okay? You might get lost."
"Thanks, mom!"
And she ran out of the house excitedly.
"Careful honey! Be home before dinner!"
She heard her mom yelled from behind.
She was so excited to walk around then she remembered the little playground they passed while on their way to the house.
She decided to go there.
With a smile, she happily skipped her way to the playground.
On her way, she passed several houses but one caught her attention.
It was a house right before she reached the playground.
It was a modern designed house that was surrounded with flowers around it. She was captivated by the different flowers that was planted on the garden in front.
"This is beautiful."
The girl tried to pick a beautiful pink rose but stopped when she heard someone going out of the house.
She hid behind a big tree on the left side of the house. When she took a peek on who the person is, she saw a girl, a little older than her, went out of the house wearing her pink dress.
"I'm going to the playground mommy!"
"Don't play too much Sana!"
The girl's mom said.
She heard the girl giggle and she can't help but to smile too.
That was the first time she saw the little Sana. The first time she witnessed the giggles that will change her life.
After that encounter, Tzuyu will always go to the playground to see if her crush, yep, she admitted to herself that she have a crush on little Sana, was playing there.
She noticed that Sana was fond of the place and decided to visit it every after class. But, as a shy kid, Tzuyu will not approach Sana to make friends. She will just be hiding behind the huge slide and admire the girl while Sana's playing on the swing.
That became her routine; school, playground, home, repeat.
A few years after, Tzuyu already graduated middle school.
She was supposed to move with her parents to New Zealand but after a lot of begging, she finally convinced them to let her stay in Seoul for she grew fond of the said country.
She decided to enroll on the same high school because of one reason, Sana.
She knew Sana studies there because there was a time when she went to the playground and saw Sana in her uniform.
By then, she made up her mind that she'll enter the same high school and promised herself to try to befriend Sana.
Her admiration towards the girl grew as time went by. Tzuyu always see Sana in the hallways. She was with her friends and Tzuyu can't help but to smile when she saw Sana's giggles when her friends crack a joke.
But that smile turned to a frown when she saw a guy approached Sana and kissed her cheek. She saw how her crush blushed because of the guys actions. And like she always do, when she saw what happen, she hid behind a tree and realized something.
"She's pretty. Of course, she has a boyfriend."
She said looking down and started running towards her classroom.
That night Tzuyu cried herself to sleep.
Turns out, she liked Sana more than what she thought.
Fast Forward to a year after,
By the time Tzuyu turned grade nine, she slowly gained confidence because of her friend Chaeyoung. She met her in class and from then on, they became friends. They became close because they share the same hobby, table tennis.
They even joined intramurals and got second place for the said sport.
Tzuyu was happy not just because of the win but also because she saw her crush participating the same event as her.
Yes, she still have that attraction towards Sana. But, this time, she just accepted that the girl will never know her feelings or even know her for that matter. Tzuyu saw how happy Sana was with her boyfriend Mark. Although she admitted that she did a background check on the guy, Tzuyu never told anyone about what she found out. Mark was a playboy and she was also scared that the girl would get hurt if Mark will cheat on her. So, Tzuyu promised herself to make sure Mark won't do such a thing. Tzuyu's feelings will stay hidden but that doesn't mean that Tzuyu will forget her. She was her first crush or more likely, first love. So, she decided to just support Sana's relationship and just admire her from behind.
"I will be happy for her."
"She deserves it."
"It's not like she knew my existence anyway."
Tzuyu continued to think of these thoughts. She ignored her feelings for Sana and just focused on her studies and friends.
After she and Chaeyoung participated in the event, they gained quite a few friends from different year levels. That includes Mina, Sana's best friend. Just when she thought she can not be any closer to the girl, this opportunity came.