After a week of Chaeyoung's absence in school due to being unwell, she noticed that Mina and Tzuyu became closer than before. Why did she think of that?
Mina came in her classroom.
At first, she thought that Mina wants to talk to her because she missed her. But turns out, the girl Mina wanted to see was not her but her friend Tzuyu.
Of course, Mina noticed that she is back but the girl just waved at her and said "I'm glad you are not sick anymore." with a smile on her face. But even before she could muster a reply, Mina went to Tzuyu's desk to talk about something.
She is confused as hell as to what happened.
When she looked back where Tzuyu's desk was located, she saw the two talking while showing something on each other's phone.
Chaeyoung can not help but think,
"What did I miss?" She felt so lost on the happenings.
Earlier that day,
Mina woke up early because she was excited to talk to Tzuyu.
She got ready, rode a bus and went to school. When she entered the school's entrance gate she immediately took her phone and texted her best friends to call her if their teacher was already there because she will head to Tzuyu's room first.
After getting an "OK" from Jihyo, She rushed there and immediately noticed Chaeyoung sitting inside.
"I'm glad she's fine now." Mina thought to herself. She was glad she will be able to hang out with Chaeyoung again.
She knocked on the door and the other students let her in. She then went inside and head to Chaeyoung first. "I'm glad you are not sick anymore." Mina was really glad she is back because the girl missed Chaeyoung a lot.
Then, Mina remembered why she came there. 'Tzuyu!' Mina suddenly broke her eye contact to Chaeyoung and remembered the purpose why she went there. So, without waiting for Chaeyoung's reply she went to Tzuyu's desk and talk to her. Chaeyoung is sitting two seats in front of Tzuyu. Both are beside the window on their left.
"Hey Tzu!" Mina called as rushed to the girl's seat and immediately showed Tzuyu her phone.
"I think you might stand a chance!" She was so excited that she slapped the girl's arm playfully.
"Ugh. Unnie, please stop it." Tzuyu said dejected.
"Oh c'mon. You gotta see this."
By that, Mina showed her the phone or more of forced Tzuyu to look to justify what she had said.
Tzuyu's eyes widened when she saw what the message was. She looked again and read that the message was sent by her crush Sana. Tzuyu's heart bested rapidly as she went through the message.
"Oh my god! Unnie! Is it true?!" Tzuyu stood abruptly gaining her classmates attention. When she realized what she did. She bowed quickly and went back to sitting.
Mina was laughing at her and stopped when she saw Tzuyu glaring at her. Mina then did a zipping the mouth gesture.
"Hey Tzu, I gave you a heads up. Please don't be a coward anymore, okay?" Mina clasped both of Tzuyu's hands and smiled at her.
The girl just gave her a nervous smile which Mina totally understood. 'It is not going to be easy.' Tzuyu thought.
Mina knew she is still a bit shy to approach Sana but she knew Tzuyu will have the courage someday.
After some time, Mina went back to her class and sat with her best friends. She saw how badly swollen Sana's eyes and she felt really bad for her best friend. "Remind me to kill that Mark when I see him." Jihyo whispered to Mina after the girl say beside her.
Not long enough, the teacher entered and the class went smoothly. By now, they're on their way out of the school's gate when Mina saw Chaeyoung and Tzuyu walking out too.
"Chae! Chewy!" Mina shouted with a lot of effort. The two stopped on their tracks and looked at her direction and waved.
Mina smirked to Tzuyu and the latter turned red.
"You two goin' home?" Jihyo asked.
Because of table tennis and their closeness to their friend Mina, her three other friends have also gotten quite friendly to the two younger ones.
"Yes, unnie?" Tzuyu asked.
"You should come with us. We will eat at chess café. Their strawberry shake is awesome!" Momo invited them.
"Sure, unnie. Chaeyoung and I got nothing to do anyway". Tzuyu answered without looking at Momo. Instead, she can't help but look at Sana's direction. The girl's a bit silent for her liking, although she knew why.
On the other hand, Mina was smiling to herself while watching Tzuyu steal some glances.
Unknown to them, Chaeyoung was looking at Jihyo and Tzuyu exchanging talks.
After a while they ended up coming with the three girls to the café.
"Chewy! Can I call you tonight?" Mina asked. Tzuyu just nodded to her.
'They seem to be really close now. I was just a week absent though. Did Minari got bored of my presence already? Did she found Tzuyu more fun to be with?' These thoughts clouded Chaeyoung's mind.
"Asa! Thanks, chew!" Mina said as she winked at Tzuyu.
'SHE WINKED AT TZUYU?! OH GOSH! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!' Chaeyoung is now in utter shock. She looked at the other girls. They seemed unaware of what happened they were all busy munching their foods.
'Minari and Tzuyu.What could that wink mean?Are they--- No! It can't be!' Chaeyoung was having an argument with herself. Then shelooked at them once again and shook her head dismissing the thought.
'They're just friends. They just got closer for a little while. Besides, if Mina would be falling in love with someone that fast it should be me, right? We're closer anyway. I can be a great girlfr-' she widened her eyes to what she was thinking. 'Oh my god! What was that?! I can't be--- What the hell?!' she screamed in her head.
Note: Sana's message to Mina (the one she showed to Tzuyu)
Me and Mark are over Mitang...