After weeks of dreadful practices, the day Mina was terrified the most has come. Intramurals! This will be her first competition and she can't help but to feel like puking everytime she remembers the upcoming event.
It was seven in the morning and she's already riding a bus to her school. She brought a backpack and changed to their team's uniform as soon as she arrived. Sana and her decided to meet at their classroom first to gather together with Momo and Jihyo.
When she arrived she was welcomed by a huge banner the two made. They we're overly excited after they knew that the two, Mina and Sana, are going to represent the Junior's team on table tennis. "What do you think, Mina? Momo and I made it last night." Jihyo said as Momo and her held the banner open. It said, 'Go, Mina! Go, Sana! Crash them!' "Wow, thanks guys. You're the best!" Mina said and hugged both her friends. "We'll cheer you on later. Don't be too nervous. We got your back. We'll let haters taste my fist if they say something bad about you and that squirrel" Momo said and rolled her sleeves up acting tough. "Hey guys! Wow that's so big Momoring, Jihyo." Sana arrived and saw the banner. "Yeah we'll cheer you on!" Momo said excitedly.
After a while, Sana got a text from Mark asking them to come to the gym already and practice a bit to get rid of the nerves.
When they got there, the first thing that got Mina's attention was the big crowd and the loud noise they did for their year level. "We'll look for a better spot, goodluck guys!" Jihyo shouted because of the noise in the place. Sana and Mina nodded and waved their hands. "Mark's there. C'mon, Mina." Sana dragged Mina to come to their team's place.
"Oh my gosh! What do I do? Sana, I want to back out now." Sana slapped Mina's left arm after hearing this. "Relax, Mina. You're even better at me in this. Don't be nervous, okay? Let's just have fun. Besides, our friends are supporting us. Let's dedicate this for them, okay?" Mina then smiled at Sana. Although she still felt like she's about to puke her heart.
Her hands are sweaty she can't help but to be nervous. 'This is my first game and I think I'm going to faint.' She thought to herself as she's doing her warm ups.
Mina looked around and saw that all other grade levels had arrived too. She looked at them with awe. She found them cool as they were stretching at the side lines and doing some other warm ups.
She noticed that there are two tables prepared for the game. One for the boys and one for the girl's team. Their captain gathered them and told them that round robin will be used as a process of elimination. The most wins advances to the next round and the least will be eliminated until two top teams remain and compete for the championship which will happen the next day.
After the announcement, Mina stood at their team's designated spot. Looking around, she saw the other teams and they looked so serious. Her heart pounded really hard. She saw some players that their captain marked as the aces of their teams. She prayed silently that she won't be facing against them.
The mere thought of being against a formidable opponent terrifies her.
'Can I score?'
'Will their error be the only score I'll get?'
'What if they'll laugh at me?'
"Argh! These thoughts is not helping. I need to keep my thoughts straight." She said trying to calm herself.
"I practiced hard and I did my best. Everything will be alright." She kept motivating herself. 'But you lack experience though' her negative thought argued. 'Shut it! I can do this!' With that thought, she went to stand next to Sana as their team huddled and talked about shuffling strategies between them.
"Go Mina! Go Sana! Go Junior's team!" They heard a loud cheer coming from the bleachers. The two players smiled and a little bit embarass. Jihyo and Momo gathered some other juniors to cheer together with them. They wanted to encourage their friends as well as the whole team to do their best.
Mina and Sana waved at them and formed a heart over their head as a way of thanking the two for their efforts in supporting the team. Jihyo and Momo waved the banner as a response.
"The banner looked so silly but it actually made me relax a bit." Mina said and Sana agreed.
"Good day YPJ High!" The announcer shouted causing the crowd of students to cheer their hearts out. "Are you ready to see some smashin'?!" He continued. This caused the crowd to go even louder.
The crowd shouted.
"Alright! Let's do this! Before we begin, may I request all participants for the match to gather with your team's in front of the stage please."
"...first match will be between grades 9 and 11. The match will start in ten minutes. Please get ready. Support and cheer for your team, everyone!" The announcer said as he read the match schedule on his hand and exited the stage.
After the announcer disappeared, Mark gathered the Junior's team. "Okay guys, we practiced so don't be nervous and just enjoy the game, okay?" The rest of the team nodded. "Don't be intimidated with them. Let's show them the fruits of our hard work!" He said cheerfully. "Junior's Fight!" They all shouted and somehow Mina felt relaxed after that cheer. 'It felt amazing to shout that out.' She thought.
After a while, the announcer went back up the stage and announced the name of the first match up. "First singles match between Myoui Mina from grade eleven and Son Chaeyoung of grade nine." Hearing this, Sana and the rest of the team cheered for her. The umpire then gestured for Mina and her opponent to go near the table.
Mina took glimpse of her opponent. She find her intimidating with her serious face and fierce eyes but Mina composed herself and try not to be bothered by that. 'Can't let this nerves get to me.' She told herself.
The umpire gave them a practice game as a form of warm up and for them adjust with the environment. After that, he called for their attention. "We'll start the game by tossing a coin. Whoever gets it right will get a chance to choose either to serve or choose which side of the table they want to be." Both players nodded their heads. "Head or tales?" he asked.
"Heads." Son Chaeyoung said. So, automatically Mina is on or tails.
The umpire tossed the coin and it revealed heads. Son Chaeyoung picked to serve so Mina will be the one to receive it. The crowd cheered as both players went to their respective places. Mina chose to be the one facing the stage while Chaeyoung faced the gyms entrance. The umpire blew his whistle indicating the start of the game.
"Well, here goes nothing...."