Everyone was busy talking but somewhere down the line, everyone was tensed that what if Imara doesn't join them. They knew that this time they want to meet her at any cost. "I don't think Imara would join us", said Amber sadly. "let's just wait for some more time. I am sure she will come, she loved you all too much to miss this great opportunity of meeting everyone, said Zubin. Listening to him Aaliyah was so angry and frustrated that she wanted to bash him because it was just because of him Imara left in the first place. But she controlled because of her promise that she gave to Imara."Now I don't know anything, if she can leave us without giving a proper reason then I don't think she loves us or cares for us either", said Eama."Eama I am sure there was some reasi=on or else she will never do this even you know that too", said Daina. Before anyone could say anything they heard the doorbell ringing and suddenly all were excited because they knew it was Imara. Their guess was right it was Imara standing on the door. She entered the house but everyone was surprised looking at her, she was not the Imara they knew. She has lost a lot of weight and looks so thin and at the same time very fit. "Hello guys, how are you all?", said Imara. After coming out of the shock Aaliyah, Zoe and Amber immediately jumped on her taking her into a bone-crushing hug.
After their hug, everyone hugged her one by one. She met all of them with a pleasant smile. But with Zubin, she only had a hand-shake. "so guys, tell me have you all achieved your dreams?", inquired Imara. "yes, we all are successful in our lives", said Daina. " Zoe is a financial advisor at an MNC, Aaliyah is an English teacher, Amber is a clinical psychologist, Edna is a physiotherapist and me and Eama are a businesswoman. " I am a mechanical engineer, Daina you literally forgot me.", said Zubin." that's really good, you all have achieved your dreams and I am so happy for you", said Imara with a smile on her face. Before anyone could say Amber called them for dinner because it was getting cold. They all settled themselves on the chairs and by chance, Zubin was beside Imara and she couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. " oh wow, the dinner is of Imara's choice!", Edna exclaimed. "yes, I noticed it too. But unfortunately, I don't like this now", said Imara." It was your all-time favorite then what happened suddenly in such a short time span"?, inquired Zubin. "Nothing special, it was my favorite and now I don't love anything that I loved in the past so basically al my choices have changed".And it is not a small-time span it's 6 years more than enough to make someone's life or destroy it", said Imara concentrating on her food.
After their dinner, everyone settled on the couches in the living room and started gossiping about everything and nothing. Suddenly Daina asked, " where have you been Imara?" everyone was curious to know the answer to this question. " I have been here only in Pune for the last 3 years.", said Imara. " where were you before this?", inquired Edna. " I was in Newyork", said Imara. "you were alone over there"? asked Zoe. " no I was with Mumma and she is still there. I'll be flying to Newyork too", said Imara. " you are going back again? when will you come back?", inquired Amber sadly. " yes, just for a few days. I'll be back in sometime", said Imara. " Okay, then when will we meet again?", inquired Zubin. " We will meet soon for sure guys.", Imara said smilingly. Before anyone could say anything Imara said, "guys, ill have to leave now! I just came to meet you all". I have to go back to Pune. After listening to her everyone was said but they knew she had some work or else she won't go and at the same time, she came today this was a clear indication that she will meet them again. After hugging all of them except Zubin, she bid everyone bye and left Amber's place with a slight smile but only after giving them her number.
After Imara left everyone looked at each other and wanted to say a lot of things but couldn't decide how to start with it. " guys, it's okay to tell whatever you all feel we are not judging each other", said Aaliyah. " Imara has changed a lot", came a whisper from Daina. " She was always the jolly and the naughtiest amongst us, but just look at her today she hardly smiled. She has changed, she is a lot more mature now", said Edna. " " She is not the same cute Panda anymore", said Zubin. " she didn't even tell a word about what she is doing and why did she leave us all at that time!", said Eama. " I just want my old Imara back the girl who wanted to live each moment like it was her last moment, the girl who loved adventures, the girl full of sarcasm, the girl who was a big tease, the girl who loved Chinese a lot", cried Amber.
Everyone looked at each other and they knew no one could answer their questions other then Imara herself but again they knew that she has changed and she won't talk about this with them freely. All of them were helpless especially Zubin because he couldn't understand Imara's behavior towards him. She didn't hug him, she didn't talk to him and when he tried to initiate a conversation between them she gave a very short reply that too without looking at him. He didn't know what has happened in the past 6 years that has changed her so much but he was sure that next time when they meet he will personally talk her and ask what has happened to her and why has she changed so much. After some time everybody left Amber's place but with a promise to meet again in a few days after Imara returns back and talk to her about everything.