Does he need to go to a hospital or something? That looks really bad" I say walking a bit closer to ink whose eyes quickly dart to Anthony, his eyes go wide staring at the cut.
"I don't like......hospitals" Ink quickly remakes sounding like he was thinking on the spot for an excuse, the blood starts to drip onto the kitchen table, that's very hygienic hopefully he doesn't have anything.
"Okay or like I said I'm trained in first aid, I could help you best I can" I suggest looking over at Anthony who looks at Ink than back at me, he nods walking over to a random cupboard pulling the first aid kid out placing it on the counter.
I look down at Amelia and realise I can't help him with her in my arms, I look towards Anthony gesturing for him to take her which he catches onto gently taking her out my arms and into his. I walk passed him and open the first aid kit making sure to put gloves on, I pull out the things I need and start to get to work trying to help Ink, this has to be the worst inquiry I ever dealt with. A few minutes pass Anthony saying he'll take Amelia for her nap leaving Ink and I alone in the kitchen, no one spoke for a while I wanted to ask him so much but didn't know where to start.
"That pole really did a number on you didn't it?" I say with a little laugh to try to lighten the mood, he just says a quick yeah going back to being silent "why do people call you ink?" I question him again trying to break the ice, he seems to smirk a little looking over at me.
"Well it started back in school I don't know how old I would've been, I was sat in class leaning back in my chair and for some reason behind me, you know back in the day you had those pens you had to dip in ink?" He asks me looking over with a smile, I nod saying quills he nods continuing "well I leant back in my chair when the chair moved and I fell, on the way down I tried to grab hold of something to stop me falling, but I end up grabbing the sheet of paper the tubs were of ink was on" he laughs which causes a little laugh to come out of my lips as I finish with his cut on his face.
"Well back to my story, as I land on the floor all the tubs of ink fall on-top of me covering me head to toe in ink" he continues with the story the smile not leaving his lips as he explains "everyone called me inky for the rest of the school year that by the end the name ink just stuck, now everyone knows me as ink" he finishes both of us laughing but a thought came into my head, this could be my way of finding out his name.
"I had a friend which was only addressed by her nickname, when someone would address her by her actual name, it felt so weird" I smile making the whole story up hoping my plan would work.
"I get that, when people call me Rod I don't know who they're talking about at first" he laughs giving me his name, yes my plan worked I know his name! Well his first name but that's still something.
Anthony walking into the kitchen stops our little conversation Ink saying he needs to head out to pick something up, Anthony tells him to wait as he makes his way into the basement leaving Ink and I in the kitchen once more.
"It was nice to finally have a proper chat with ya Freya" he smiles sweetly at me I just nod looking down as he continues "if you ever need to talk or ask me anything, you know where I am" he says with a smile as a question popped into my mind.
"I actually have a question, do mice drink milk?" I ask it was the question I told Blake I'd have to get back to him on, Ink gives me a weird look as Anthony walks back out the basement handing something over to Ink, he quickly takes it sending me a quick wave before walking out the kitchen.
Anthony and I were now left in the kitchen which I didn't actually like, normally I have Amelia in my arms which acts like a barrier but I didn't have that. He moves a little closer to me as I take little steps backwards, I look around the kitchen clocking into the fridge bringing an idea to sprout in my mind.
"How about I make breakfast, I mean it has been said that I'm a great cook" I suggest walking over to open the fridge but found it basically empty, wait does this guy eat? I haven't saw eat yet wait I haven't eaten yet, I've been so scared I haven't actually realised.
"That's gonna be difficult, we haven't been food shopping yet" he says from behind me stating the obvious, wait he wants to take me too, that means other people might see and recognise me as missing and call the police to come rescue us.
"Can we go today?" I ask quickly closing the fridge looking at him with hopeful eyes, he gives me a look not sure back, I sigh walking over to him reluctantly taking his hand in mine "please, I've been stuck in doors for days now, I want to have other human contact" I pout looking at him with puppy dog eyes hoping to pull at his heart strings a little, I needed this!
"Okay fine, once Amelia is up from her nap we'll head out to the shop" he says with a smile, I say thank you giving him a tiny hug but make sure to pull away quickly.
"While we wait for her to wake up, I'll find something or us to have" I smile walking away from him to head back to the cupboards hoping Amelia would end her nap soon.