Sitting on the floor of my local corner shop with a gun pointed at my head, isn't how I thought my night would be going, but here I am. To try to get an understanding of what the heck I'm talking about, I'm gonna have to take you back to a few hours ago, you know when my life was normal.
A few hours before
"Blake did you drink all the milk?!" I shout looking into my fridge to see an empty carton of milk sat on the shelf, I don't get why people when they're finished with something put it back in the fridge, do they think the thing is just gonna magically appear full again?
"No, I saved a bit at the bottom for you" he explains pointing to the carton of milk in my hand, I look down to see the tiniest bit ever.
"Oh thanks, I can feed my pet mouse now" I exclaim walking over throwing the carton in the bin, while he just laughs going back to his game.
"Can mice drink milk?" He asks with a smirk on his face still staring at the tv, I knew this meant he was only half listening to me.
"I don't know I'll have to get back to you on that one but the point is, if you're gonna drink the last of the milk, A, don't put the empty carton back in the fridge and B, at least drink it all!" I shout throwing my arms in the air, he just shrugs his shoulders brushing me off, well we've lost contact now as he's gone back to playing his pointless game!
"Well I guess I've been chosen to go get more" I sigh but he doesn't even look up from the tv, wow I'm glad I'm interesting to him.
I take my coat off the hook while grabbing my purse, I really didn't feel like going out but I've been wanting scrambled eggs for days, and the day I'm allowing myself to indulge, my lovely supportive boyfriend drinks all the milk.
"I'm just heading out to get some milk, do you need anything?" I ask from the door, he just waves his hand at me again his eyes not leaving the tv, how can a game possibly be that interesting?
I walk out my door to see my neighbour also walking out of his door holding a black bin bag.
"My turn to take the rubbish out" he smiles as he closes his door, I send him a smile starting to walk down the hall towards the lift.
"How's Blake?" He asks while we wait for the lift to come up, I roll my eyes remembering what just happened, right now he's been rather annoying.
"Oh he doesn't have a care in the world right now he's sat on his game, he drank all of the milk saving me the tiniest bit, forcing me to venture out into the wild at 10pm to get some," I explain as the doors open, he laughs letting me walk in first.
I thank him waiting for him to join me before clicking the button for the ground floor.
"Did he at least put the carton away?" He asks with a smile, I say no which makes him shake his head, well at least one person is siding with me about the carton rule "Layla's just the same" he smiles talking about his wife, just as a ding erupts from the lift telling us we're on our floor, he smiles letting me walk out first once again.
"Well I hope you fix your milk carton crisis," he smiles walking to the huge bins outside, I smile but quickly turn a question popping in my mind.
"Do mice drink milk?" I ask, he looks at me confused shaking his head, he dumps the rubbish in the bin turning back to face me.
"I wouldn't know" he laughs walking back into the building sending me a wave, I send one back before starting my journey down the street.
Oh did I forget to mention that I don't drive? My darling boyfriend is actually sending me venturing into the wilderness at 10 pm at night. I pull my coat tighter around myself the cold night sending a shiver through my body, the little corner shop wasn't far away but I didn't want to catch a chill. I pass a few people going about their journeys sending a few of them a little smile, everyone needs one of them sometimes. I finally see the corner shop at the end of the street a few people walking in and out. As I make it to the entrance a woman holding a baby in one of those sling things walks up, I smile moving aside letting her go first, she was carrying a little baby that could get cold more easily than me.
I walk in after her seeing the cashier Rick smiling behind the counter, I send him a quick smile heading towards the milk section to finally get my milk to make scrambled eggs. As I pick the milk up off the isle a mans very loud voice fills the little shop.
"Everyone get down!" He shouts his voice echoing, I place my beloved milk back walking to the side to see what the commotion was when I see two masked men, all in black holding rather big guns in their hands.
I quickly walk down the aisle away from them trying my best not to be seen, my phone vibrating in my pocket makes me quickly pull it out as the men continued to shout, Blake was on the other end.
"Hey Freya, could you get me an energy drink while you're there?" He asks, I take another look to see where the men were, they had everyone apart from Rick sit on the floor.
"Blake I'm in the shop but two men have walked in with guns, please you need to get help" I whisper down the phone, quickly checking where the two men were.
"Haha funny one, so can you get me one?" He asks, at this moment I felt like throwing my phone but that would draw way too much attention to where I am.
"Blake I'm not joking please," I beg but as I go to look at the men one was missing, the shorter one was gone, I quickly turn to see him right behind me.
"Freya?" Blake asks down the phone but I was frozen from fear, the guy rips my phone off me holding it to his ear.
"I'm sorry, Freya can't come to the phone right now," he smiles evilly dropping the phone, roughly taking me by the arm dragging me down the isles to where everyone else was.
I'm pushed to the ground next to the women with the baby and another guy that came in after me, the small guy holds the gun up to my head my hands immediately going up in surrender.
"Don't try to run" he growls, I quickly nod scared for my life, this took a turn!