I'm woken up by loud bangs on the front door, I jump awake to see Anthony fast asleep in bed how the heck is he sleeping through that? Amelia starts to cry in her coat beside me which finally woke him up, so he doesn't wake up to the loud banging on the front door but does to a tiny baby cries, this guy is strange.
"Wait here doll" he speaks with a rough voice from sleep, he jumps out of bed taking a handgun from the bedside table walking out.
I don't like how accessible weapons are in this house, I quickly get out of bed trying to comfort a scared Amelia who I managed to get to fall back to sleep. I slowly move to the door opening it to hear talking.
"Why the fuck would you bang on my door like that?!" Anthony asks angrily the sound of the door slamming fills the house, this dude really needs to go to anger management.
"I was scared, I thought I was being followed!" Ink voice shouts, wait Ink that means he isn't dead Anthony didn't kill him, at least I'm not living with a killer, I hope "so did you get rid of Freya and whatever the kids name is?" He asks, wow what a nice way to talk about people, does he mean get rid of us like kill us? I look back at Amelia sleeping than at the window, would I be able to jump out to safely with her?
"Why the fuck would I do that? Freya and I have just signed our marriage certificate and finally got Amelia registered" Anthony replies in a dumb like tone, I look down at myself and boy did I reek, I mean I haven't showered in a few days.
I decide to stop earwigging their conversation and look for a place I could wash, there were two more doors in this room which I hadn't been through yet. I walk over to the door closest to the bed as I open it I discover it's a wardrobe, I don't think there'd be a shower in there. I shake my head closing the door scanning the room once more, I make the short journey over to the last door where I saw a little bathroom with a shower, i look back at Amelia as she wiggled in her coat and over to what I think was called a bouncer. I'm pretty sure it's not safe to leave a baby unattended but I could take the bouncer in with me. I walk over gently picking her up while grabbing the bouncer off the floor and make my way into the bathroom. Once she was safe and happy in the bouncer I pass her a toy than start my shower, silently hoping Anthony would stay downstairs talking with his friend long enough for me to finish so he doesn't come in.
After a short shower I climb out wrapping a towel around myself, I check Amelia was still okay in her bouncer before walking over to the mirror looking at myself. I scan the counter for a brush to try to tame my locks as the bathroom door opens in walking Anthony, I pull the towel slightly further up as he looks me up and down.
"I wondered where you went off too, I see Amelia's awake" he smiles walking passed me and over to a smiling Amelia as I continue to look for a hairbrush "I'll go out in a bit to buy you some stuff as I know you left it all behind when we moved, but here you can borrow mine" he smiles reaching into the cupboard pulling a black hairbrush out, why didn't I look in the cupboard? That would have been the logical thing to do.
I take it with a smile looking back at myself in the mirror, I could see him leaning against the wall behind me watching my every move. It doesn't take me long to finish brushing my hair where he comes up behind me reaching up into the storage above pulling a hair dryer out, I thank him going to take it but he plugs it in going behind me and starts to dry my hair.
I stand there awkwardly looking over at Amelia who kicks her legs with excitement over the toy she was playing with, Anthony continues to gently blow dry my hair as shouting could be heard from downstairs.
"Dude I can't find the guns I need to clean!" Ink shouts from downstairs, I didn't resistor what he says at first but it soon hits me causing me to stare at Anthony through the mirror, who looked worried back at me.
"Don't worry doll, inks probably got his wires crossed, I wouldn't keep guns in the house with you and Amelia here" he quickly says trying to save himself which I act like worked but really, I wasn't buying any of it, I had one of those guns pointed at my head back at the shop, they must keep them somewhere "I'll go down and see what he actually wants, all your clothes are in the walk in wardrobe back in the room" he explains looking at me through the mirror, I just nod putting at smile on my face as he places a kiss on my cheek walking out the bathroom, once he's gone I turn the tap on rubbing the kiss away or trying to as I hear a door slam from downstairs, poor Ink.
Once we're both ready and Amalia was fed I start making my way downstairs to see Ink sitting at the kitchen table holding an ice pack to his face, he doesn't notice me at first but once he does he throws it in the sink, to reveal a huge gash on the side of his face.
"I walked into a pole" he quickly mutters avoiding eye contact with me, I've walked into a pole before my face never turned out like that, but I knew better than to question him about it.
"Do you need some help I know first aid?" I ask sweetly, I mean it can't be good leaving a cut like that exposed, he looks up like he was gonna say yes but Anthony's voice coming from what looks like a basement makes him shake his head looking down.
"I've sorted it all out down there, maybe you'll be able to find the stuff quicker-" Anthony starts walking in but immediately stops once he spots I was standing there with Amelia "I see you're both ready to start the day, I was just helping Ink sort all the tools down in the basement" he explains putting his hands on his hips as I turn to look at Ink, that cut on his face was starting to gush with blood