Present time
So you're now up to date on the events that led up to this point, missing milk, annoying boyfriend and crazy short robber guy. What a great night I'm having right now! But let's just get back to the story.
Little short robber guy finally pulls the gun away from my head, while the tall robber guy continues to shout at Rick. The girls baby was just crying uncontrollably, with all the shouting she must have woke up. I slide over to her putting the dummy in her mouth, which makes the small guy shout once again.
"What are you doing?!" He shouts towards me, I hold my hands up in surrender once again, last time I try to help someone.
"I was just helping the baby," I mutter, does this guy need to show us he's tough even with his size?
The taller guy pulls Rick over the counter and to the floor to join our group, he proceeds to pace around the shop floor for a little while, his eyes looking over the group than down and something in his hands, from afar it looked like a little photo that you could fit in your wallet.
"You," he finally speaks pointing towards me, I look behind just to make sure he was definitely wanting me, okay why is everyone targeting me right now?
"Stand up," he says in a deep voice which terrified me, I slowly get to my feet my hands still up in surrender.
I didn't want them to think I was gonna try something. My whole body shook from fear, I didn't know what was gonna happen.
"Name?" He asks me, I went to speak but no words came out I was terrified, these people could do anything to us, most importantly me I'm the one they're targeting!
"Freya, the person on the phone back there called her Freya" small robber guy speaks up from behind tall robber dude, I just nod my head confirming that was indeed my name.
"Well Freya, you have a very important job to do," the tall guy smiles walking towards me, he looks down at the woman and her baby then back at me in the eyes "take the baby," he says with a straight face, I just stare at him confused that is a very weird request.
"No please she's only a month old" the women cries holding her baby tightly, there is no way I'm gonna take her baby away from her that's horrible....and weird.
"Either she takes the baby or I will," he shouts down at the woman before taking steps back looking at the clock "times ticking," he smiles again with his arms crossed, he was being dead serious.
I look down to the woman who was on the floor with tears rolling down her face, we make eye contact where she slowly begins to nod while unclipping the baby from her sling thing. I knell down closer to her as she passes me the small crying child, I hold her in my arms a pink blanket wrapped around her tiny body.
"What's her name?" I whisper to the crying women, she whispers back Amelia "I promise, I won't let anything happen to her" I whisper as the tall guy smacks the counter telling me to hurry it up.
I rise to my feet turning so I was now facing the two men the baby still crying, tall guy clicks his finger pointing down to the space beside him. I slowly, my body still scared, walk over where he makes me face the other guy.
"What do you think?" The tall guy asks placing his arm on my shoulder, the dude just nods saying yeah which didn't make any sense to me at the time.
"I thought the same thing" the tall one mutters fully resting his hand on my shoulder, I was beyond scared at this point.
He pushes me to start walking towards the isles as sirens could be heard from outside, yes the police gonna come and save us, this little baby can go back to her mother and I can finally eat my scrambled eggs!
"This is how it's gonna go," the tall guy whispers walking me down the aisle, while short guy stays with the others on the floor "you're gonna follow me into a car that's parked outback, you're not gonna fight me or I'll just have to take that little baby alone," he warns me walking us to the end of the aisle, where a door to the back room was located.
I mean I had a choice to leave and get on with my own life, but there was no way I was gonna leave this baby with him, I promised that girl I was gonna look after her.
I nod as he opens the door letting me walk through first, the only thoughts that we're racing around my mind was are we gonna be okay? Why has he chosen to take an innocent baby with him? I hope Blake is okay and helps the police find me and how good the scrambled eggs sound. I know I shouldn't be thinking about eggs but I've been wanting them for a while now!
We get to the final door that leads outside but as he went to open it the door wouldn't budge, wait this could be it, the police could find us and I'll be okay but alas, it wasn't gonna be like that. He pushes me back and starts to kick the door repeatedly, I take a look behind me I couldn't see anyone and he was too focused on the door that maybe he wouldn't notice, but I hesitated and he managed to boot the door open, the cold night air filling the room. He turns back around guiding me out the door where a black car was parked, from the little alley you could see loads of blue flashing lights from the front, why can't they move around to the alley and see us here?! He opens the back door to the car waiting for me to get in, I freeze just staring at the open car, if I get in there would be a possibility that I wouldn't get out again, or I would, but my life would be changed forever.
"Of course sorry doll, I forgot you were holding the baby, let me help you," he says the way he spoke was entirely different to before, he starts putting his hands on my back moving me to the open door.
I give in and realise even if I fought he'd still force me in the car and I have a little baby in my arms, I slowly allow him to help me into the car. Once I'm in he closes the door than shouts obviously to his friend inside, the baby was still crying, she was doing what I wanted to do but I knew I had to be strong.
"It's okay Amelia, I'm gonna figure out a way for us to get out of here," I whisper bouncing her a little to try and calm her down.
The little robber dude runs out the shop holding two bags in his hands, probably full of money. The taller guy gets in the back next to me as the little one runs to the driver's seat starting the car, we drive off normally down the street where we just blend in. Behind us were a bunch of police cars blocking the other side of the road. I'm so close to freedom but yet so far and I'm actually getting further away from it, once we turn a corner tall robber dude pulls his mask off revealing his face, small robber dude doing the same. Wait that's a bad thing, they've actually just shown me their identities, they're not planning on letting us go.
"Can you please shut that thing up?" Small robber dude shouts from the front, I look down at the baby I didn't know how, I wasn't a mother and that's who she wanted right now.
I bounce her but it wasn't working again she didn't want me! Tall robber dude leans over to the front opening the glove box, while smacking the other dude up the head.
"She's a baby idiot! Here don't worry it's clean" he says sitting back holding a pink dummy in his hand, I take it from him putting into her mouth which slowly makes her calm down.
We drive for around ten minutes, until we pull up at what looked like an old abandoned house. They live here?
"Get the bags, try not to mess that up," the tall guy says to the small guy getting out the car, where he walks to my side.
"I know I made a mistake last time but it won't happen again, I've learnt," the smaller one says getting out the car, leaving the two bags on the front seat closing the door behind him. I would tell him but he's just kidnapped me, I ain't helping him.
Tall guy opens my door taking my hand helping me get out the car with the baby, once out I'm quickly taken into the dark house but the inside didn't look abandoned, it was like any other normal house. Tall guy closes the door hanging his coat up acting so cool about the fact he just kidnapped two people! The small guy looks through the kitchen cupboards while I'm ushered upstairs to a bedroom, that didn't look very clean apart from the bed, it looked rather new.
"Time for a talk," he says closing the door behind him, this once again terrified me, not that I stopped being terrified at all tonight "put the baby on the bed, don't worry she'll be okay," he says walking around the room fixing things, I nod walking over gently placing her on the bed. She fell asleep not long ago, she's probably tired from crying so much.
"Don't look so scared I'm not gonna hurt you, I mean what kind of man beats a woman who just had his kid?" He says which makes me freeze on the spot, did he say I just had his kid? this guy must be crazy!