"I heard shouting which scared Amelia, so I thought I'd take her outside until it stopped" I say slowly turning around to look at him, he relaxes apologising for the shouts.
" I have some people who want to meet you" he says placing his hand on my back guiding me back into the house and away from freedom.
We walk through the door where it's closed and locked behind us, I guess that's another escape plan gone again. Come on Freya you need to pull it together or do you wanna be stuck here forever with a man you don't love and a child that's not yours?! He guides us into the living room where the two dudes from the front door were sat on one of the sofas.
"Guys, I'd like you to meet Freya and little Amelia" he smiles as we come to a stop in the centre of the room, the two guys look over wide eyed at me than back at Anthony "Freya these are my friends John and Aidan" he smiles pointing at the guys from behind me, wait that's more names!
I have to remember a bunch of names to give to the police after this is all over, should I start writing them in a notebook? That would mean I need a notebook and a place to hide it.
"Did you kidnap these two?" The calm one who I now know as John asks looking over at me, that's exactly what he's done! Is that something they do for the past time, kidnap people and force them to be their fake wives? okay this situation got immensely scarier "I'm kidding, but how did you get with someone that looks like this and make someone that looks like that?" He asks pointing at me than at Amelia who just woke up from a nap, we didn't make her someone else did and he kidnapped me forcing me to get with him!
"Oh dude do we need to give you the talk where babies come from?" Aidan asks looking over at John who looked at him annoyed hitting him up the head, which Aidan soon follows with a punch to the gut dropping him to the floor "so when you told us you were too busy to call I see why, getting a girl, indulging in marriage and making a baby" he says standing up from his seat placing his hand out, where he and Anthony do that weird guy handshake hug thing.
None of that happened! I don't know what he was doing before but the only times he's been busy around me was the last few days, when I was kidnapped at gun point! Aidan turns to me with a smile saying it was great to meet me and how cute Amelia was, as John finally picks himself up off the floor.
"Hi Freya and for the record I know how babies are made, I have three of my own" John remakes with a hint of anger in his voice, wow he's really hung up about the talk business isn't he?
"I was just checking man you might have forgotten since you and the mrs spilt" Aidan laughs back which angers John even more, who was about to say something but Anthony jumps in before he could.
"Well Freya and I have to sort Amelia out upstairs, you guys get sorted down here" he says guiding me out the sitting room and towards the stairs "reframe from breaking stuff" he shouts from the bottom of the stairs towards the entrance of the sitting room.
"Oh come on man that was one time and I apologised" John shouts back, Anthony shakes his head with a smile walking me up the stairs away from his two weird friends.
He leads me into a bedroom right at the end of the hall, he takes Amelia off me placing her on the bed smiling. He then walks over to the cabinet taking a folder out with a pen and starts writing things, I move closer to the bed handing Amelia a toy she dropped when he placed her down. She slowly takes it slipping it in her mouth.
"I just need you to sign some things" he says walking over to me handing me a piece of paper and a different pen, I look down at the paper which I found out was a birth certificate which had Amelia's name on. I begin to read further down to see both mine and Anthony's names on the birth certificate under parents, this can't be a real birth certificate as I know you have to go to a court building to get one. Anthony seems to have signed the bottom of this beside his name, my well fake name being blank, I look down at Amelia who was playing with her toy than up at Anthony who was writing on a different piece of paper, please don't tell me it's another illegal document of some sort.
"What's your maiden name sweetheart?" He asks looking up at me quickly, I just stare at him not knowing whether to tell him a fake or real name, inmy head I was trying to come up with a convincing last name.
"I thought we had to go to a courthouse or something to get these?" I ask looking up at him trying to stall so I had time to think of a name, he shakes his head walking over to me with a smile.
"I have a friend that works there, so we don't have to wait for hours he's gonna do these for us" he smiles standing beside me with a smile "now what's your maiden name again?" He asks looking over at me, I look around the room for any help to think of an last name and saw a lamp.
"Bright, Freya Bright" I smile looking up at him hoping he'd buy the fake name, which he does smiling writing the name down.
I didn't want to get on the bad side of him so I end up signing the birth certificate with a signature for Freya Richards, a second fake name, how many fake names am I gonna have to make and keep up with?
He takes the birth certificate off me but hands me a separate piece of paper which appears to be a wedding certificate, wait is this dude serious he wants me to sign a damn wedding certificate! I take another look at him than back at Amelia laying on the bed, I promised her mum back at the shop I'll look after her and doing this might help me ensure that for awhile. I give in and sign the wedding certificate slowly handing it back to him with the pen, he takes it with a smile closing the folder planing it on the side. He walks over taking my face in his hands, I try to back away but he holds me in place.
"This is gonna be great doll, you're gonna be so happy here both of you are" he smiles looking at me in the eyes, I just didn't know what the heck to think "I won't mess this up this time I promise" he smiles placing a kiss on my head, before picking the folder up walking out the bedroom leaving me with Amelia.
Wait he said he won't mess this up this time, what the heck does that mean has he done this before with someone else and messed up? I'm gonna have to try and figure out what he means by that, the sound of Amelia playing with her toy snaps me out my thoughts. I walk over sitting beside her on the bed.
"I don't know where this is gonna go but I promise I'll look after you, until I can get you back to your real mummy, I have no idea how I'll manage but I'll think of something" I say she just concentrates on her toy, so that little speech was more for me.
I lay back staring up at the ceiling but turn to look at her face beside me.
Somehow we're getting out of here.
Hello you lovely people, narrator Freya is back I hope you're all enjoying your stay, so yeah I signed illegal documents which wasn't the best thing but I got a clue about the strange life I was living, which was about to get stranger. I should probably take you back to check up on Blake, who was about to learn the reason I was kidnapped.
Blake walks into the police station which he basically lived in, as he walks through the door Tony, Amelia's dad, was in the waiting pacing up at down not noticing Blake.
"What's happened? I got a call from Jacob saying they found new information" Blake says snapping Tony out his worried pacing, he looks up but shrugs.
"They haven't told me anything, I wanted to wait until you got here so we could find out together, Kate couldn't be here she's finally getting some sleep I didn't want to wake her" he replies looking down at the floor slightly, he didn't know what to say to his wife to make her feel better, was there anything he could say?
The side doors open the lead investigator Jacob walking out towards them, he looked worried telling them to follow him through to his office. With no hesitation they both follow him through to his office, where the door gets closed behind them.
"Thank you for coming, as I said on the phone we have found a huge development on the case" Jacob starts standing in front of his desk, Blake quickly chimes in just wanting to answers.
"Do you know where they are?" He asks quickly hoping the guy would give him answers, but shakes his head looking down.
"No, but we know the reason for the kidnapping, as you know we've been doing background checks on Anthony Richards, which gave us more information than we could have ever expected" Jacob starts reaching over his desk picking a folder up opening it "around a year ago there was an incident where a woman and a young baby were killed, there was a robbery in one of the stores and this young woman with her baby were waiting outside when shots were fired" he continues pulling a photo out, but doesn't turn it around just yet continuing.
"The mother and baby end up getting hit and both of them pass away, you might be wondering why I'm telling you this but we've just found out the woman was Anthony's wife and the baby was his new daughter" he says which immediately made sense, Anthony kidnapped Freya and Amelia in a little corner shop, but Jacob wasn't finished "Anthony was identified as the shooter which meant he accidentally killed his family, shockingly when we looked into the woman and the baby something stood out" he says finally revealing the photo he was holding, which made Blake's jaw drop, the woman in the photo looked like she could be Freya's double.
Blake pulls out his phone getting a photo of Freya holding it beside the photo of Anthony's dead wife, they were basically identical, could this have been the reason why he chose Freya to kidnap?
"We think he was just going to rob the corner shop but saw Freya and immediately thought of his wife, than Amelia was there who was about the same age as his daughter when she died, that must have triggered something in him and he just had to take them" Jacob finished looking at the shocked expressions of the two men in front of him, Blake just paced up and down thinking as Tony spoke up.
"Well we know he sees them as his wife and daughter so he won't hurt them, we just have to find them" he says walking closer to Blake and Jacob, Blake still doesn't speak he was just at a lost for words.
"Trust me we're not gonna rest until they are both returned safely, we're doing more digging to see if there was a family home he might have took them back to" Jacob replies, Blake didn't want to hear anymore and walks out the office to get some air, it all coming a bit too much.
A few minutes go by until Tony joins him outside placing his hand on Blake shoulder
"We're gonna find them man, you just need to trust Jacob and the team" he says to Blake he just wipes a tear from his eye "have you got anyone here to support you like your parents?" He asks Blake who shakes his head, he hadn't seen his parents in years since they moved country.
"They're busy I don't wanna bother them" he says looking down, really he didn't think they'd really care that much.
"Call them, right now you need all the support you can get" Tony smiles patting him on the back, he turns walking back into the station to give him some privacy.
Blake pulls his fathers name up on his phone just staring at it for a while, he didn't know if his dad would even care or what he would say. He rings the number not knowing if his dad would even pick up, after a few rings his dads voice comes through the other end.
"hey dad it's me, something's happened" he says tears beginning to prick his eyes, as he sat on the steps of the police station talking with his dad.
Not many good things came out of this situation, but one thing that did was Blake finally getting in contact with his parents again after years. Tony was right he was gonna need all the support he could get and his parents were there for him. They knew the reason for Anthony kidnapping us but I was still clueless, unknowing of the events that were about to expire.