Charolette sighs as she sits on one of the new cushions father ordered for me a day ago.
According to Jack, a secret admirer got it for me because there was no evidence that father was actually the one who ordered something this comfy but i know its him. Who else could it be even.
Charolette shoots me a look as she pats the space beside her and i groan internally
Not another pep talk, I still haven't recovered from the one of last month.
"You have to start taking things seriously Beauty"
This is a new opening line though.
"It's just a school Charolette. I doubt anything can ever happen to me at school"
She quirks an eyebrow up at this and i sigh.
"Jack is always with me. I doubt any harm can come to me while he's around" She actually nods her head at this but you can see the knowledge and the ardent stubbornness in her eyes.
"Jack won't be with you forever.You know this as well as i do"
She reminds me of something i consider to be a very painful fact but my face lights up with mischief instead.
I lean in close to Charolette and whisper
"He's promised to marry me".
Her look changes rapidly at this and for a successful amount of times too.
The usual annoyed fondness of a look that she wears for me turns into one of utter surprise and scandal as she considers the chances of that actually happening.
Then it turns into one of disappointment as she realises i am probably still just in high school, marriage is far removed from my thoughts at this point.
I laugh an evil sort of laughter as my sister pinches the bridge of her nose.
"What am i going to do with you?"
"Love me cos I'm your last sister and the youngest in this castle?"
She rolls her eyes at me as she looks at the person on the floor.
"Mind explaining what this is about?" She says gesturing to the young man who's definitely unconscious on my bedroom floor
Various answers pop into my head at her question but yet i simply decide to give her the normal one because she dosen't look like she's in the best of moods.
"He's a paparazzi. Found him in the hallway taking pictures of my backside." Charolette looks scandalized and i wiggle my eyebrows at her.
"What can i say?, I'm beautiful".
She scoffs at this and i take the time to saunter round the body of the unconscious guy on the floor.
I'm trying to see past the glamour but yet i just can't quite do it yet.
"Who even let him in here in the first place?"
The question has an immediate answer and it starts with the name of the person that i like the least in the family.
Princess Sophia the first of Sydney.
The title itself makes me roll my eyes. I jump onto the edge of the bed and I begin my imaginary hang rope routine.
"Sophia was having a tour to further her 'Schools for everyone' proposition"
The idea makes me cringe.
Can you imagine being confined to such a life?.
I mean school is like one of the major places that young kids get the chance to learn and socialise at the same time. I know school isn't always fun for everyone but yet that can all be handled if the right circumstances are in place, say, If you have the right set of people around you as friends.
"Do you think she's just being silly advocating for this?" Charolette says looking at me and i step on the bed briefly so l can turn and walk just right along the edges once more.
I begin my walk again but yet my focus isn't totally there and i almost trip and fall on Jack's head.
"Have you been listening to the news lately? " Charolette says and i shake my head.
"The news is boring. Social media tells me all i need to know instead" She smiles.
"Then tell me all you know of the current happenings in the seven kingdoms" I smile at her too
"We have five kingdoms Charolette. I'm not a fool."
She wears a slightly impressed smile on her face and i wear a proud look on mine. I should considering the fact that i know of this and i can remember it when most people my age can't.
"Tell me of what's currently been going on in the five kingdoms then" I jump down from the bed and i land on the floor in a fluid thump.
"Hmmmm.Where to begin?"
Charolette smirks at this. She probably thinks i know nothing of what is going on in the world.
I nod.
"The king of Sydney has given the towns along the border that she shares with the Savannah empire the chance to actually decide if they still want to be part of the Sydney confederation or if they want to cecede and declare independence themselves.
As is the case whenever something like this happens,they have decided to swear loyalty to Sydney and so they have been fully absorbed into the Sydney confederation.
The economy of the Brooklyn has experienced a huge boost due to the fact that one of our own has discovered a bacteria that kills all the bacterias in your teeth , The princess...."
I smirk as i look at my sister.
"You clearly know enough of Sydney"
"Why thank you."
She sneers as she flips her hair.
My face scrunches up at the mention of the kingdom.
"If you keep quiet I'll assume you don't know as much as you say you so"
I shoot her a sneer and she smiles. "The Savannah empire has embarked on a two month holiday to mourn the death of thier former ruler and to celebrate the ascension of a new one.
The Prince Alexander of the house Pablo is to be crowned king of Savannah in a few weeks time. As for the time being he continues to disgust me with his shameless acts and the rumors that fly around about his brutality"
"You listen to rumors?" Charolette says quirking an inquisitive eyebrow up and I smile a sad smile at her.
"Rumor says he's looking for a wife."