"Can't you help me at least Beauty?"
I turn back to see Jack practically carrying the paparazzi guy while at the same time using his gift to keep the guy unconscious.
All very impressive effforts but still I'm not impressed.What does he expect me to do wuth an unconscious man in my bedroom. I can see the wicked smile that has curved the side of his face already and i shoot hi a glare.
"That's despicable of you Jack"
"Says the girl who is still stuck up on thanking a guy she dosen't even know" I shoot him another look and he rolls his eyes Instead.
"Come on. At least help me get him into your room. We can delete the pictures he took of the backside of the Princess Beauty of Sydney and then we're over and done with it"
I can see the strain of using his gift at such a level on him. I doubt i would be able to use my gift and do anything else at the same time.
I can laugh though so that may count as something.
People leave funny memories lying around everywhere.
We get to my room and i assist in not so subtly dumping this guy on the floor of what i call my living space.
I live well for a princess that's for sure.
Father had these little apartments built in the castle for each and every one of his kids
All five of us, including Benjamin. The memories this room holds makes me sad sometimes.
Benjamin was still content being with us then. He was actually happy to live in boring old Sydney and have sleepovers in each and every one his sisters rooms because then we were still kids. We didn't really know the life that we were called to live.
I take a deep breath as I bend down and i grab the camera from around the paparazzi's neck.
I should be angry at him. I should be angry at him for making me so uncomfortable when it's the afternoon of a Friday and i was already anticipating a lovely weekend spent in the library downstairs, but no.
First of all I'll have to deal with this person who if you come to think of it properly dosen't look as old as normal paparazzi guys should.
I mean it might just be me, but i can actually feel faint tingle of a glamour on him and that in itself is strange because l know the house of royals that can actually carry out the act of placing a glamour on themselves.
"Can you also feel it?"I say looking at Jack and he raises his head up from where he's already half asleep on my bed.
I shake my head and wave the matter away. He's already having an headache anyways.
I'm still wondering how i will actually "take care" of this unconscious person when someone else comes into my room.
Someone totally uninvited and who enters with a scowl on her face.
Charolette is the second eldest sister i have. That means after my eldest sibling and my only brother Benjamin,we have the attention loving Sophia (i refrain from calling her a bitch for now),well after her we have Charolette who is actually quite normal.
Emma comes next and then after her is me.
The last of all five kids of King Sam of Sydney.
It sometimes suprises me exactly how much father's name makes me think of a much young person. Well father isn't that old, he just has that warm grandpop feeling to him.
Charolette looks frustrated with me already and i smile my most sheepish smile at her.
"What did you expect me to do?. Jack is the one who actually knocked him out"
The owner of said name releases a groan that promptly makes me feel bad for trying to pin the blame on him.
Charolette simply shakes her head as she kicks the guy at the side of his head. My mind is already twisting and turning at the possiblity that Charolette might have just killed someone.
"She just knocked him out, dum dum" Jack looks towards Charolette
"Thanks" She smiles as she shrugs her shoulders at him and my countenance falls even more.
How come i didn't get any smiles when she came in here.
She directs her gaze to me once again and i smile the sheppish smile that i always do because according to my friend Sarah , i am a lastborn or i am lastborn, or however you choose to put it.
Baseline here is that i cannot be so easily chided.I'm everyone's sweetheart.
Almost like she hears this exact thougt i get a prompt hit at the back of the head.
She glares at me once more and I scrunch up my face to make it looks as pitiful as i can.
The stony look she has on her face cracks for the barest moment and she looks at me with actual compassion in her eyes.
It's about time if you ask me.
"You started school." The statement comes out and i feel my breath catch at the back of my throat butl force myself to retain the calm wistful look of someone who is totally innocent.
"I don't understand what you mean by that" My reply sounds dumbass even to me and i mentally chide myself for this.
I mean come onnnnn.
Did i really have to go for denial???.
"Is that the best you've got?" Charolette says looking at me with that bored look in her eyes. It's the same one she's always worn when she catches me lieing, and even more so when it's Redhanded.
A subtle smile curves up my lips. "Father sent me on an undercover mission" "Lies"
"He said i should go take a survey for him at the high school in town"
"Lies again"
"He said......"
She quirks an eyebrow up at me as she smirks.
"He said what?"
My heart jumps into my mouth as l'm actually out of lies, so disappointing.