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Chapter two- new school

Chapter two-new school


Juliet woke up early, rushing towards José's room. She was glad he was going to her school. Opening the door slightly, she peered in through the gap meeting Jose' eyes as he sat still staring at her. She walked in fully and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Hello" she said, looking at Jose who shrugged.

"So... I see you're already dressed for school, seriously, are you that eager?" she asked, watching Jose sigh and shake his head.

"Hmm... OK. So you're not eager, then why are you all dressed up with your bag beside you?". Jose raised a brow, tilted his head to the side while looking at her from her neat packed hair, to her pink loafers as if asking 'what about you?'

"Oh! well let me see..." looking thoughtfully at the ceiling, she shrugged and smiled. "I have a cute brother to show the whole school, so yeah I am very eager to get to school" she said cheerfully, making him blush a light shade of red.

"Aww you're so cute! You know that right?" she giggled. They had an hour to waste before they were off to school. Julianna woke to the loud giggles from down the hall. "Seriously, she should learn to stop those fangirling giggles" Julianna muttered to herself as she walked into the bathroom.

"So José, mum said I should hand you this slip and your schedule which she had printed". Juliet handed him a neatly folded paper and another slip with his name on it. He collected them before putting them in his bag. He was staring at her as she rambled on about how she was going to boast to her friends about him, he just sighed as he nodded. After breakfast, they walked down the flight of stairs, down the hall towards the front door where the scowling Julianna stood. Scoffing, Julianna opened the door and walked out to where the driver and the large car waited; She seems to be doing all lot of that around me, thought Jose. Juliet smiled and urged José to hop into the car.

"Juliet, don't forget what we talked about, and same goes to you Julianna" Amy shouted from the door way as she waved them goodbye. José stared at his fingers, praying that this school wouldn't be as terrible as his old school.


They got to school after fifteen minutes. Julianna didn't wait for the door to be opened for her as she rushed through the crowd of students struggling to enter the school. Joseclutched his bag strap to his chest as he walked into the school through the double doors, which revealed a long hallway.

"Sorry José, but this is where we part. I will be seeing you after school closes, which is in about six to seven hours time" Juliet said, looking at her wrist watch before running off to the other side of the school. He watched her till he couldn't see her anymore because of the sea of teenagers rushing into the school.

"José Sanders?" someone called his name, causing him to turn to see a slender looking girl about his age with cute honey colored hair packed into a pony tail, she also had a cheeky grin on her face. He nodded as he walked over to where she stood.

"Well, hello there cutie, I'm Lucinda Rico, the eyes and ears of the school. I see you're new.How about I see your schedule for the day?" she said with an air of friendliness.

He nodded as he opened his bag and handed her a neatly folded paper. She collected it and went through it with a smile.

"Hmm you're lucky we have all the same subjects together today" she said as she smiled.

He looked at her face, which was oval looking, with small pink lips and big blue eyes that stared at him albeit waiting for a reply.

"OK José, follow me lets get you to your locker" she said while turning and walking straight forward.

He followed her through the now filled hallway, avoiding bumping into people. Lucinda stopped close to a locker, handing him his schedule to apply his code to his new locker. As it opened, he saw it was already arranged with his new notes and text books.

"You know José, you are darn lucky to have a friend like me" she said with a smirk, causing Jose to look at her with a raised brow as if to ask 'what are you talking about?'. She merely smiled and opened the locker next to his.

"Well OK. Let's formally be friends. I mean come on... you can't be alone in this social circle" she smiled, looking at him in expectation with puppy eyes. He shrugged before turning to his locker to carry out the subject he had for that day.

"For a cute guy you don't talk much" she stated rather than questioned. He shrugged again as he picked up his bag to keep the books he needed in them, before he wore it over his shoulder.

"But there are things I have to warn you of, or should I say people......" she was cut short by the bell."Oh fine. I will tell you later during lunch, but for now let's head to class fast, follow me".

Lucinda walked with him at her tail, down the hall, through the corner, to the left. For someone so petite, she was fast. The hall was almost empty when they got to class. Lucinda entered with him directly behind her, the class was filled with students on every seat except for two chairs at the middle.

"Lucy, why are you five minutes late?" a middle aged woman asked looking at Lucinda with a bored expression.

"Oh! nothing much, was just being nice to him" she said innocently pointing at him and walked towards the empty seat as José handed the woman a slip with his name boldly written on the top of the paper before she directed him to have a seat. He walked fast to his seat as people stared at him for a while as the woman scribbled on the board.

"Today we were to have a pop quiz, but since we have a new student, that will have to wait till whenever I decide" she said with a smirk. Jose sank down in his chair as he heard from whoops and yeahs around him.

"You know this is both a good and bad thing right? But we could study together if you want" Lucinda whispered as Jose shrugged and wrote what his teacher was writing.


Lunch came around slowly, but it did come at last. José walked to his locker with Lucinda at his trail, he had refused to leave the class not until everyone was gone and that had Lucinda thinking...

"OK you not talking is killing me, so here, take this notepad and pen and write what is wrong" she said handing him a new notepad. Collecting it, José sighed and wrote before handing it to her.

"You don't want to talk about it..." she read out before raising a brow, looking from the notepad to José' face.

"I will poke you to death if i have to, if that would get you to talk". She threatened.José backed away a little before writing "PLS DON'T DO THAT".

"Why shouldn't I?" she asked while advancing towards him with a devious look in her eyes. This made him write again a little bit faster "I would freak out".Sighing, she stopped. "Why?"

"I will tell you at the right time, just not now please. Let's go to the cafeteria".

"Fine" she said, pouting "follow me". She led him down the hall, turning to the left and walking straight ahead towards a double door at the end of the hall. As they walked inside, Lucinda showed him where to sit, which was a little bit quiet and was close to an open window; while he was sitting down, she went to get something for both of them to eat.

"Here you go" she placed the tray in front of him and sat down. He wrote on the notepad and pushed it to her.

"I don't eat meat" it said.

"Well you have to, mehn....you're so skinny for a dude" she said in defense, before passing him back the notepad, he just shrugged and ate the veggies. The room was suddenly filled with cheering and laughter. As older students watched to see what was going on, Lucinda hissed in annoyance, causing Jose to stare at her in confusion.

"You remember when I said I had to warn you about something? Well those stupid looking dipshits at the middle, are the jocks, the cheerleaders and the popular kids. That over there by the far right is Roger, while the others are Milo, Nicolai, Lukas, Jiro, Cross, and Lance. Will point out the others to you when I'm less angry" she said, looking at them with hate in her eyes.

"I hate them so much. Don't ask me why, but I will tell you this, those dweebs took my two best friends away from me" she said staring at him with teary eyes before taking deep breaths.

"They bullied them because they were gay; Max finally took his life because of the pain and two days later, Luke was admitted in the hospital for the same fucking reason. He didn't die, he was just transferred to another state and was home schooled".

Jose looked at her sadly before looking back at the so called evil people.

"Please excuse me, I have to go" she said carrying her bag and tray to empty at the bin close to the door before she left with Jose trailing after her. He wondered why people could be this arrogant, ignorant, and any other 'ant' in the dictionary. School was finally over and he walked to where the driver and the car waited, Lucinda waved him goodbye as she walked off."Oh my! José has a friend already" Juliet said cheerfully while Julianna scoffed (he said it, always around him) before entering the car. He rolled his eyes at Juliet before entering the car, still holding on to the notepad Lucinda gave him. He vowed he would try his best to avoid high school torture and those evil people.....

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