Chapter nine- I missed you
My head hurt at that annoying sound. I just wanted to go back to sleep, which I tried to do by burrowing deeper under the blanket.
OK, fine!! I'm up, I'm up. I opened my eyes lazily yawning and turning towards the alarm clock, I turned it off before rushing to take my bath and get ready for school. When I was done, I headed towards the living room down the first floor.
“Jose!” I heard Julianna's cheery voice. I don't know what geared the turnabout but I’m glad we are now on good terms.
Turning, I smiled, gesturing her over which she gladly did. She stood beside me with the brightest smile I have ever seen her give me since I came here.
“So are you not going to eat?” she asked as I smiled and shook my head causing her to shrug. I was hoping they didn’t hear me when I talked to that popular kid who I think was called Roger. After waiting for a while so they could finish eating, we were finally headed to school. I couldn’t wait for school to be over so I could see my mom’s grave. No one ever told me where my mom was buried and I’m sure it’s because of my so called aunty.
The ride to school was extremely calm and well enjoyable, and before long the car came to a halt at the school gates.
I was the last to come out of the car and with a wave in the direction of the driver, I was off. I waved at Juliet and Julianna as they hopped off to a different direction. I walked towards the entrance slowly, looking at my feet every minute interval. I stood at my locker arranging my books for the morning class and assignments which were due today, and I held my I-pad to my chest when I was done with arranging my books.
I headed to my first class fast as other students trooped into the school halls. As I sat on my seat, I watched the empty class wondering where the hell Lucinda was when the door opened and closed slightly. I looked up to see Lucinda frowning, tilting my head to the side I looked at her in confusion. She walked over slowly and sat beside me before looking at me as I typed on the pad.
“Why are you frowning?” it read.
“Oh nothing. Just that I saw you and that Roger dude talking” she said plainly, making me more confused than I initially was, so I typed.
“See, José I don’t want it to seem like I'm dictating your actions or anything but I don't want you to get hurt so please stay away from him” she paused before she spoke again. “I saw your mouth move like you were talking to him”, she said looking at me suspiciously before we heard the warning bell ring. I was glad as other student rushed in.
'Thank you bell, thank you' I thought to myself with a smile.
The chemistry teacher walked in as he greeted everyone, making everyone respond with a chorus. I listened attentively as he taught but I could also feel Lucinda's intense stares like she was boring a hole at the side of my head. I made sure not to look at her because I wasn’t ready to well... you know... like explain anything and not that the dude was special to me, it was just that I didn’t want any trouble with any of the jocks or popular kids.
I just hoped that he wouldn’t make fun of me when I see him again, which I didn't want to happen because I had already made a little show which others could use to make fun of me when they see me.
The class rolled by and it was soon time for the next one. As everyone tried to rushed out, I and the frowning Lucinda were the first to make it out of the class to the hall toward our locker.
“José you do talk ri---” she started to speak
“Lucinda, let’s not discuss this now. C’mon, I just don’t want to talk”
“No José listen, till you tell me something, do not expect me to help you” she said.
“When I’m ready Lucy, I’ll tell you” it read.
“No José. If you won’t tell me what's going on right now then I won't talk to you again” she threatened, but I wasn’t moved enough to stop her. I stood still watching her huff and walk off angrily to the next class. I knew that soon enough she would be mad at me and leave me hanging but I didn’t want her to stop talking to me. Sighing, I walked to my next class which was English. I couldn’t wait for this horrible day to be over so I can go to my mom’s grave.
It was lunch time and I hadn’t seen or talked to Lucinda since her ultimatum. I walked into the library in hopes of seeing her so maybe I could tell her or more like talk to her. Waving at the librarian who smiled in return, I made my way to the back of the library and couldn’t find Lucinda. Ok... so that means she is really pissed at me, well I too would be pissed off if a friend of mine was keeping secrets from me. Gosh I hate my life.
I sat down after picking a random book from the all sciences shelf, taking a bite from my sandwich I read the biology text book until someone sat beside me. I smiled to myself thinking it was Lucinda who was maybe no more pissed at me and wanted to wait for me to tell her when I was ready. Turning with a smile, my mouth dropped open when I noticed that it was that Roger guy who was currently smirking at me.
“C’mon José, close your mouth a fly might you know, bear children in them” he said with a light chuckle as he stared at me. I closed my mouth slowly, looking at him confused.
“So what you doing?” he asked again as he stared at the book in front of me. I quickly typed on the I-pad.
“Oh nothing, just wondering why you are here”
“Ok let’s see hmm” he paused looking thoughtful before smiling ”Oh yes, well because you know I just want a friend”
“But you have friends already”
“I mean, you know, a reasonable friend I guess” he said looking so sincere I wanted to believe him but a part of my mind where Lucinda’s words resided bugged me. He seemed to notice this as he smiled sadly before speaking.
“I want to hear your voice again José” he said but I shook my head as I stood up throwing away the remains of my sandwich in the bin closest to me and walking off with my bag hanging over one of my shoulders. I badly wanted to run away from him but the hall was totally empty, making my plans of blending into the crowd impossible and I could hear his footsteps drawing closer, couldn't he take a hint and leave me alone?
He kept following me when all I wanted was for him to live me alone, but no... he didn't. I could hear him call my name as I entered into the boy’s bathroom. I was about to lock the door when it was pushed open to reveal a smirking Roger. Ok now I knew I was done for if the bell didn’t ring anytime soon.
He moved slowly towards me as I also moved back slowly but soon enough my back came in contact with the wall. Closing my eyes and waiting for the pain to flow through my body or maybe fowl comments or insults to be thrown my way, but it never came. Opening my eyes slowly, I saw him smiling as he chuckled. Tilting my head to the side in confusion, I frowned.
“Do I look like I would hurt you?” he asked with a brow raised. I just shrugged
“You know I like your voice, come on talk to me” he said as I shook my head causing him to take a step forward with a smirk. I just didn’t want him touching me, so I spoke.
“Pleath thop ‘is” I whispered looking down at my feet.
“Now I know you are ashamed of your lisping and all, but I don’t think that should stop you from shining if you stand your ground” he said calmly. I let what he said sink into my head, and as I looked up at him, I noticed a lot about his physical appearance. His brown hair was spiked up, his eyes were silvery blue, lovely smile, pink lips, tanned skin, he had a hand made bracelet, his body was built, I would describe him as hot.
“So are you going to start talking now?”
“No ‘et” I said shyly with a blush when I saw he was smiling down at me before I spoke. “Doe an I o ow”
“Ok and by the way can we be friends?” he said
“Et” I said lowly as he nodded. I wondered how he could understand me but anyhow I was glad someone understood me.
The bell rang as I waved at him and walked to my geography class before anyone could get there. He seemed nice. I wonder why Lucinda hates him so much and I would gladly find out.
During the lesson, an announcement was passed through the small speaker placed on the wall close to the wall clock.
“José Sanders to the principal’s office now” the female voice said. I stood up packing my notes and was excused out. I walked to the principal’s office slowly as I thought of every crime I might have committed but I came up with none. I entered the principal’s office as his secretary pointed to the door indicating for me to enter the office. I entered as the principal smiled up at me, then I looked to the side to see Amy smiling at me. Ok good thing is that I’m not in any kind of trouble.
“Son, your mom took an excuse for you because she has something really important to show you” he said handing me a slip before he spoke again.
“When you get to the gate, hand it to the man there”. I nodded as Amy stood to her feet and said her farewells before she left with me trailing behind her. When we were seated in the back of the car, Amy smiled before handing me fresh lilac flowers.
“We're heading to your mom’s grave, that's of course if you don't mind” she said as I smiled at her.
The remaining minutes of the ride was filled with silence with no one really bothered about breaking it. I watched every street, every house, so that incase I wanted someone to talk to I would be able to find my way back. We came to a stop at a rusty looking gate, with ‘St. Joan’s grave yard’ inscribed on it. We then got out of the car as she led the way to where my mom was buried.
“Here we are hun, when you are done meet me in the car” she said as she showed me the grave. Written on the grave stone was: Here lies a mother, a sister, a friend.
Mrs. Emily Franco
From 1979-2005
Smiling down sadly at the grave, tears rolled down my eyes as I knelt down, dropping the lilacs at her grave.
Hello mum, I miss you so much. Guess what! I finally have a new family and they treat me very well. Thank you for protecting me when I needed you. I hope you are in a better place and I hope I didn’t disappoint you. I also hope you are smiling down at me.
I thought silently to myself as the tears rushed down my eyes, I then began to hum a song she usually sang to me at nights.
Close your eyes little child,
Sleep in my arms.
Let me love you,
Till the morning comes.
Believe in tomorrow,
Never forget,
Mommy loves you.
I noticed the breeze blew through my hair and it felt like my mom was running her fingers through it. I sighed in satisfaction. When I was ready to go, I walked back to meet Amy.
“I hope you are alright hun?” she asked as I sat down beside her. Nodding, I stared out the window with a smile as we went straight home.
Moral: when you smile you put something into the world that wasn’t there before.