Chapter seven- I'm always going to be grateful.
José had shock and sadness in his eyes, sighing, I looked at what he was looking at only to see he was watching the new therapist I brought to help him.
“José could you seat down” I said, more like a statement than a question. He nodded slowly, staring down as he sat down.
I badly wanted to help him so I decided to hire the, well, you could say the best therapist I know; her name is Norah Knight.
“So... Well, I needed to talk to you about you know, like... Uhmm...“ I was finding it so hard to say my reason when I looked at Jose; his eyes were bright with unshed tears, he was biting on his finger, his was staring into space.. “Jose, are you alright?” I asked worried, but all he did was look at me before rushing off to his room I think.
“Jose!!” Juliet shouted, following him to where he was going. I heard Julianna chuckling which made me frown shooting her a look; God why does this girl find joy in his sorrow? Sometimes I find myself wondering when and how she got so mean, because I made sure I brought them up to be kind and thoughtful girls. I will deal with her later, now was all about José.
“Julianna go to your room”
“Why?” she asked with a smirk.
“I said get out now!!” I was on the verge of screaming as I watched Julianna stand up murmuring as she left, turning, I looked at Ms. Knight as I apologised.
“I’m sorry about him but don’t worry, when he is ready I would call you” I said as she stood up looking at me before she sighed.
“I don’t think I can come back” she said, looking indifferent.
“Why?” I was confused, I mean, his running out on us didn't warrant her not being able to do her job.
“Well, he has no hope of changing one bit. He doesn’t deserve to be cared for” she said and left without answering my calls. Why would she say something like that? Had she met him before or what? Was that even ethical? So many questions, I was so confused and pissed off with what she said about my son, and it wasn't as if I could ask Jose because I wasn't sure he would answer me, now what to do... Huffing a breath, I went back to my study to try and get other things done while also looking for a solution to whatever was plaguing my innocent boy.
I rushed after José as he rushed back to his room. I was wondering what had made him run like that. I stood in front of his door as I knocked gently, but I got no answer; so I tried to open it but it was locked. Sighing, I knew he wanted to be alone, so I decided to go back to my room then I heard the murmuring Julianna walk towards her room, as I entered my room I fell on my bed with a thump.
I couldn’t stop wondering why my twin would suddenly hate José so much, I loved her but she was drifting away from me and my mom’s love.
She has never been like this; no matter what happens, I will keep loving and caring for her even if she's too stupid to notice. Poor José, I’m sure he is going through a lot right now…but my thought was cut short with a light knock on my door.
“Come in” I said with my face still pressed to the bed. I heard light footsteps, then the side of my bed depress as a hand ran through my hair.
“Juliet I’m so sorry” it was Julianna’s voice. I turned to look at her face and it held sadness, rubbing her cheek I smiled.
“You know I forgive you but it’s not me you should be apologizing to Anna” I said looking at her, what had made her so remorseful? And also all of a sudden.
“Okay I will Juliet” she said as she smiled before hugging me as I laughed, kissing her forehead.
I sat close to the window looking out at the garden as the servants worked, I can’t believe she would meet the person I don’t really want or pray to see after Chester. You all might be wondering who she is, but she is my mom’s sister, Norah Knight, so definitely my aunt; but she don’t seem to accept that for unknown reasons. She blamed me for my mom’s death, I still can’t believe she would say something like that.
*flash back*
It’s been a year since I was in brought to the orphanage, I was called to the matron’s office not knowing why I was called. When I got there, I was about to knock when I heard arguments causing me to stop.
“Ma’am you need to calm down, you might cause a scene” I was sure the voice belonged to the matron.
“NO!! I can’t and won't take him in. That boy is the cause of his mother’s death, he deserves to live here for the rest of his stupid life” another voice said but I couldn’t pin point it at all.
“Ma’am please take him, he is your nephew, help him an…..” the matron was cut short by that other voice.
“I won’t do that, I told my sister not to keep that baby, but did she listen to me? No!” the other voice said angrily. I wondered who it was, so I decided to open the door only to see the other person was my aunt.
“Aunsy?” I asked in a very low voice, all she did was snare at me before turning back to speak to the matron.
“I’m still telling you this wretch of a boy is hopeless. I won’t take him home because he will bring more tragedy to my small happy family and I don’t want that” she said as she stood up before looking at me "the day your mother died you seized to be my nephew”
I was shocked as tears rolled down my eyes, it was true, I was worthless. I nodded trying to stop crying but the tears didn’t stop running down my face and with that said, she left me standing there. The matron stared at me with pity, shaking her head before speaking.
“José don’t worry, go back to the room then head down for dinner” she said with a sad smile as I nodded before walking out of the office.
*flash back end*
I watched the stars in the sky sadly, but I was kind of happy I had at least someone or rather someone's who loved and cared for me and I will always be grateful to Juliet and Amy for the love they give me.
I’ll always be grateful