Chapter six- why do I feel down
Parking my car in the student’s parking lot at my normal spot, I came down from the car before hanging my bag over my shoulder; I love school so much, but being a straight A student and popular, those kind of don’t fall in the same categories successfully but so far I have managed to hide this nerdy side of mine in front of my friends but when I'm alone, I don't really care.
“Hey fella” Milo said as I stood in front of him shaking hands with him, he was an Asian-American dude.
“How you doing this usual bright day?” I asked, knowing the answer already as he scowled before huffing a breath. I knew that having bad company corrupts my morals but I think it’s better to have a great high school memory than to be morally conscious.
“I hate school so much! It's not even funny” he said as we walked towards the school. Well... I knew most of them were called NFA (no future ambition), no offense but it is the absolute truth, I thought sighing. As we entered the school hallway, I was hit with the scent of books, sweat and a lot of other stuffs. Looking to the side I saw Jessica, my so called hot girlfriend skipping over to me. I resisted from rolling my eyes, I knew she was slutty and always bitchy, but well, that is exactly what I get for wanting to be popular.
“Hey!” she squeal hopping on my body. Oh! I forgot to add she was clingy and annoying. Hugging her I looked back at Milo who walked on to meet our other friends as they shook each other’s hands before bumping their shoulders.
“Hey Jay, did you miss me?” I asked, already knowing the answer was a ‘yes’, which she eventually mumbled before kissing me and sucking on my lower lip. She kept moaning like I was actually f*cking her; now you see the slutty side I was talking about?
Pushing her off lightly so as not to be rude, I smiled down at her. Her dark brown eyes looked at me filled with lust, which I ignored before walking to my locker; hearing her heels echo around the almost filled hall, I smiled to myself - wait for it......
“Oh Roggie let’s skip the first period, I'm so horny...” she whined, and I almost laughed at how straight forward she was about it, all I did was shake my head as I grinned.
“No can do jay, I have been behind in my classes and my mom said if I fail any more classes I will be going to summer school which I most definitely don’t want to go to” I said flatly looking at her all bored. This was a big lie, but she was too dumb to know it was. I heard people laughing and pointing in the direction of a boy who held his bag clutched over his shoulder with his head bent slightly. I knew he must be new but what confused me was if he was new, then why were they laughing at him?
“That kid is so weird” Jessica said with a shrug causing me to raise my brow, I was more confused now, "Hmm oh I forgot you went for that excursion thingy, well let me show you” she said scrolling through her phone, but my attention was back on the boy who stood at his locker a bit far from mine. His skin was pale, his brown hair was spiked up, lips pink and from what I was seeing he was girlishly built and……
“Here you go” Jessica’s voice snapped me back to her, handing me her phone to watch a video. As I played it, I couldn’t seem to find anything funny, causing me to frown.
He looked too scared, his face had lost it's colour, his lips opened to speak but nothing came out, his eyes looked empty…. The bell snapped me out of the annoying video I was watching, handing her back her phone I walked off to my class with her hot on my trail. 'God! Couldn't she just leave me alone for some seconds?!'
When my history class started, I couldn’t really concentrate on what the teacher was saying, each word bounced back not entering my ear. The boy’s terrified image was in my head but I shook my head at the thought, luckily it was just enough timing to hear about the project.
“So class, next week you all are going to present a ten page essay on one of the presidents of America you like” Mr Loren said before the bell rang for the next period.
It was lunch period and the halls were empty but the cafeteria was filled with students, some who were already eating, others lining up for the usual.
Walking into the cafeteria, Lucas and the rest of my friends were talking loudly and laughing, making nasty comments about God knows what. When we were seated everyone seemed to notice I wasn’t talking much.
“Hey dude what has got you so down and out right now huh?” it was Jake who I noticed had a black eye, I shrugged before faking a smile which worked as everyone’s attention was no more on me.
“Hey!” I heard making me snap my head to look at who said that only to see it was Lucinda, who seemed to be in the mood for trouble. Everyone laughed at her, as she stood there with her hands on her waist.
“Hey dweeb, what can we do to rescue you from your mute friend?” Jake said pointing to the new kid who sat far at the corner with his bangs covering his eyes, everyone laughed at that, keep in mind I still couldn't find anything funny about it.
“Oh Jake, I see that I didn’t give you much pain seeing that you can still speak” she said causing Jake to growl deep in his throat as I almost laughed my eyes out. Wow! So a girl partially gave him a black eye? Bummer. But seeing as Lucinda didn’t flinch, he goes to speak but she raised her hand up causing him to stop.
“You know well that I'm not here to inhale any of you guys' smell which includes that of a skunk, I’m here to tell you to stay away from José” Hmmm so his name is José? The name kept singing in my mind, darn it, I need it to stop.
“Hmm, and if we don't, what you gonna do about it miss?” Lucas said with a slight chuckle causing the others to join in. ‘Seriously dudes, still not funny. All your jokes are too....., well, boring that it hurts to listen to you all’, I thought to myself before rolling my eyes.
“Well I’m a girl so I won’t really do anything that would make you live peacefully, I will only do to you what would destroy your names in this school and in life” she said calmly with an evil glint in her eye and an eerie smile before she went back to meet José, talk about developing the shivers, well this kept everyone quiet for a moment before Mark, one of the jocks spoke up
“Sorry to point out the elephant in the room guy's, but Roger, where is your babe?" he asked me making me shrug. The truth is that I didn’t really care about her or her whereabouts cause I have always been looking for a good reason to break up with her….. The bell then rang causing my thought to be cut short, sighing, I stood up after picking my tray and headed to the trash, dropping everything into the bin before heading to my next class with a question shooting through my mind ‘why am I so down?’
School was soon over pretty much to my friends excitement. Saying my good byes, I headed straight home not really having any where to go .
“Mom?!” I shouted as I entered the house, dropping my keys on the little coffee table. I heard my mom chuckle and the sound was coming from the kitchen. Opening it, I saw my mom looking through our picture album chuckling at every picture she looked at.
“Hey mom” I said placing a kiss on her cheek before opening the fridge to carry an OJ, pouring myself a drink, I sat on the counter beside her.
“So how was school today hun?” she asked without looking up at me, sighing, I nodded mumbling a ‘fine’
“Mom could I ask you something?”
Raising her head from the album to look at me, she smiled and said “sure baby, anything”.
“Ok. So mom there’s this boy at school who freaks out at human touch, could you like you know, tell me the cause?”
“Wait, a boy?” she squeaked, causing me to raise a brow in confusion “oh my son is gay" she said then closed her mouth with her hands.
“Why what?” I chuckled. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against gays but men! I’m not gay. I shook my head at that looking back at my mom, ”I’m not”
“OK. So you say he freaks out at human touch, well that explains a lot; you see hun it has a lot of causes like rape, torture and so on but if the trauma continues, as a therapist, my guess will be rape because rape is the hardest to get over” she said with a smile, but I couldn’t really think that was the cause of his, Or was it?
Questions rushed through my head as I quickly stood up, rushing to my bed room before my mom would conclude another idea about me being gay, which of course I’m not.
When I got home, I sadly sat down in my room looking out the window. I know I’m not meant to be here, I should have gotten over it since and now at sixteen, it still haunt’s me. Sighing, I rubbed my hand over my temples. Everyone at school knows about me freaking out and all that stuff, they all laugh and point at me every now and then, I try my possible best to ignore them but that doesn’t seem to be working.
“José?!” Juliet’s voice came into my senses making me sigh and opening the door to the room.
“Hey sorry to bug you but mom wants to talk to you” she said, I nodded following her down the stairs to the living room, only to see who I never wanted to see.
Someone who I have been praying never to see again…