Saint quickly put on his coat that night after receiving an important call from one of his trusted employees, which had to do with the millions of money he had lost these past few months. After getting ready, he descended the stairs until he finally reached the living room.
He couldn't help but frown when he stared at the kitchen door because of the noise he heard coming from there. He stopped automatically, frowned, and immediately assumed someone else might have entered his house without his guards noticing. Saint slowly walked towards the kitchen while pulling out the gun hiding on his waist. That gun is an Ed Brown 1911 Signature Edition Pistol that only costs $ 7,995.
Thinking that someone else was in his kitchen because it was almost ten o'clock at night, he thought to be careful in moving so that he could catch who it was. When he was about to pull out the gun to aim at whoever that person was, he immediately stopped when Saint recognized who was inside the kitchen.
"What the f*ck! What are you doing here!?" He yelled at Dein while he simply returned his gun to his back as if nothing had happened.
Dein was in the kitchen making chicken spread for the sandwich she wanted to eat because she was still starving. And because of the young man's sudden appearance in the kitchen, Dein automatically dropped the spoon she was holding and was still a little nervous when she decided to look at Saint. She was surprised by the sudden arrival of Saint because she didn't even notice the slightest sign that someone was coming.
Saint is used to walking quietly, especially if he feels there is danger, so he wouldn't be surprised if the woman didn't even notice him coming to the kitchen.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm still hungry; that's why I thought of making a sandwich," Dein explained and apologized to the young man, especially when she noticed Saint's frown.
"Can you… learn how to turn on the lights! For f*ck sake!" Saint was still very angry; he barely even opened his mouth.
Saint is sure that if he didn't recognize the woman right away, he might have shot her in the head, and surely she would have died.
"I-I'm sorry."
"Whatever. Just finish whatever you are doing right now and go back to your goddamn room!" Saint said coldly and was about to turn to leave. But Dein suddenly spoke again, causing him to stop.
"You're leaving? Where are you going?" Dein asked here.
"It's none of your business." Saint simply answered without even glancing at her before he continued to leave.
Saint quickly went straight to the parking area where his bodyguards were already waiting for him as well as his driver, who immediately opened the door of his black Mustang. When he finally got close to his car, one of his bodyguards, also wearing a black suit, immediately handed the cell phone to him. Saint accepted that and spoke to the other line.
"Give me updates."
[We caught and captivated him, Mr. Falcon. He is already here at the hideout and is still unconscious.]
Saint didn't reply and just ended the phone call. He handed the phone back to the man, and then he faced his four other guards.
"The four of you, stay here and keep an eye on that girl... make sure she doesn't get out of my house. If she fights, shoot her! Just shoot her but don't kill her because if anyone of you kills her, I will kill you with my own hands," Saint spoke with full authority to his men. They nodded in agreement, but he didn't pay too much attention to them and continued getting into his car.
Dein was inside her room. After she made her sandwich, she just decided to take it inside her room to eat it there.
While sitting on her bed, Dein couldn't help but look at the things that Saint had bought for her earlier. She reached for a red paper bag and looked at what was inside. There she saw that it was a dress with a tag still attached.
Dein looked at the price tag until she sat down automatically because she suddenly choked on what she was eating when he saw the price of that dress. Dein quickly shoved the sandwich in her mouth and screamed. "HA?! WHAT THE!"
She really couldn't believe it. Who wouldn't be shocked if the price of a dress is more than 640 dollars? Dein also immediately looked at the door of her room when it opened suddenly, and a man in black entered.
"What happened? Why did you scream?" The man quickly asked her, but there was no emotion in the tone of his voice; he was just frowning at Dein.
Dein's eyes widened then she shook her head. "N-nothing, I'm just shocked," she answered weakly.
The man in black didn't answer until he slowly closed the door again. Dein just stared at the door when it finally closed.
ABANDONED HOUSE: Secret meeting place
In a large and abandoned room with red lighting, a man wearing a maroon polo shirt can be seen playing cards on the old table. He was also blowing smoke left and right; that was none other than Cadence. He was not the only one in that room; there was also a man drinking an expensive wine from his beloved glass, and it was Park Jae Shin, better known as Jae. He is a Korean model who is also a friend of Saint's. On the other side of the table, a man was also there while blowing smoke from his cigarette, and that was Hiro Tanaka.
"I'm here." A woman's voice caused the noise in that quiet room.
"You are always late, Hakari." Her brother Hiro just said and quickly threw his cigarette on the ground and stepped on it.
"I'm sorry, I visited Helmer in the hospital after my shift," Hakari answered before she threw her lab coat and handbag on the table and then sat on the old black sofa where her brother was also sitting.
Because Cadence heard the name of Helmer mentioned by Hakari, that's why he quickly stopped shuffling the cards and looked at his friend.
"What's the news about him?" he immediately asked her.
"He was released from the hospital this afternoon." Cadence and Hiro seem shocked by the news and stare at Hakari.
"Really? That fast?" Hiro asked his sister in surprise.
"We know Helmer well. It was just a simple matter for him, and he didn't want to waste his time. Do you really think that he will stay admitted to the hospital?"
"Wait. Slower, please." Jae interrupted as he poured more wine into his glass. "I can't catch up with what you are saying, Hakari. You know that I'm not fluent in English." His difficulty in speaking was evident due to his being a pure-blood Korean.
"My bad," Hakari replied.
"So, what happened to Helmer?" Jae asked.
"Don't you know what happened to Helmer last night?" Cadence asked Jae back as he glared at him. They were sitting at the same table so they could talk better while facing each other.
"All I know is that he had an accident; that's why he's in the hospital." Hakari was about to speak, but Jae spoke again. "Oh. I forgot! I also heard that a woman did that to him after she escaped. And Helmer was looking for her now, so he rushed about getting discharged."
"With that so much news you heard, is that your definition of having no idea? Jeez!" Cadence hissed.
"Do you know anything else, Jae? Do you hear something more?" Hiro asked seriously, fearing their friend, Saint, would get into trouble now.
"Jib seubgyeog," Jae answered in Korean.
The three frowned because they couldn't understand what Jae said.
"What? The f*ck, Jae! What did you say? We don't fucking know how to speak Korean. For God's sake!" Hakari answered, a little annoyed.
Jae sighed to his friends before he continued to speak, "I don't know that right term, but I think it's house raid."
Cadence, Hiro, and Hakari automatically stopped and their eyes widened even more at what Jae said.