Jace woke up the next day to a strange place, taking him a minute to regain his memories from yesterday's events.
Turning his head, Jace saw Omar, who was still asleep, observing the man next to him. Jace could see how perfectly sculpted Omar is from his sharp defined cheekbones to his entire muscular body.
Everything about this man screamed perfection.
Not wanting Omar to know what he had been on his mind Jace tried to get out of bed as quickly and quietly.
But when he tried to sit up, he fell back down immediately, feeling like a train had run him over. His body was sore all over, his lower half, however, felt worse than anywhere else.
After some time he managed to sit up and swing his feet over the edge of the bed making a move to get up, only to feel a pair of muscular arms wrapped around his middle half instantly making him still.
"Morning beautiful, how do you feel?" asked Omar in a husky voice.
"Morning, Omar I need to go to the bathroom, please let go," said Jace with a blushed face.
Wanting to hug his fated a little longer Omar tightened his hold around Jace slim waist, only letting go when his fated one started to complain, with a slight chuckle he let his arms down and watched his fated walk into the bathroom with sleepy eyes.
If Omar were not awake before, he sure would be now after seeing those marks on Jace, Omar rushed towards his fated one, grabbed him and looked at him up and down, his whole body was covered with dark purple bruises.
Jace was startled at the sudden movement, seeing as Omar was not speaking Jace became worried and asked.
"Omar, what is it, what's wrong?"
"Your body, look at your body," Jace did as Omar instructed,
and looked down at his body that was covered in dark purple bruises.
"Yes I can see Omar, my body is covered in dark bruises, what is the problem"? said Jace in a calm voice.
Omar didn’t understand how Jace could be so calm; the man was covered from top to bottom with dark bruises looking like someone that had just come out of a boxing match.
Why is his fate one calm about this? Last night Omar could have easily killed him. In the past, Omar never had to worry as all his partners were the same kind making everything easy. In a moment of pleasure, Omar forgot how fragile his partner was
"Omar relaxes, it's not you, it's just me, and how I am, I'm fragile, have been since I was young. The doctors were never able to find out what was wrong with me."
Omar was quiet once he heard his fated one explain it only made Omar more cautious around his fated one.
A few minutes passed, seeing that Omar was in deep thought Jace tugged on the sleeve of the man’s shirt then spoke.
“Omar do you think I can take a shower I body is feeling saw and sticky.”
Hearing his fated one spoke Omar quickly focus his attention back at Jace and replied
“You don't have to ask me for these things; this is your home now as well everything in this mansion is yours to use freely.”
“Yes, But I’m not used to using things that are not mine all of this is new to me,'' said Jace, indicating the things that were surrounding them.
“Well get used to it, as my one and only I would give you the moon and stars without hesitation.”
With that statement Omar pulled Jace into the adjoining bathroom turning on the shower for him, once the water was at the right temperature Omar pulled the shirt over Jace's head then indicated for the smaller man to enter the steamy hot shower.
Omar left the bathroom after giving Jace privacy.