Chapter 6
September 5, 2018.
"Yes! Finally." You inhaled deeply as you gripped the concert ticket in your hands.
After trying for three concerts of getting concert tickets, you finally got it. It's like winning a war between millions of fans that also wanted to attend this concert. For the past three concerts they had, the tickets were always sold out everytime you're about to buy after saving enough money for it.
But now, you got the ticket. You bought the tickets you were dying to get. You won the race. And that only means one thing: you're going to the concert! You're going to see Glitch, the boy group that you love so much.
After buying the ticket, you decided to shop clothes that you will wear for the concert. You even imagined what make up you will wear for it and how you're gonna make them notice you. Thinking about it just makes you so excited.
You were even dancing around your room that night and you keep on bugging Kara that was chatting someone on the phone. You keep on telling her how much excited you are and she just keeps on smiling at you as she watch you being so jumpy.
But when the day before the concert came and you decided to tell your parents about it while showing them the tickets because it made you think that they will allow you if you show them that you already paid for it, they forbid you to go to the concert.
"You're not going there, Y/n. You have no one to go with. Stop being so persistent." Your mother hissed as she turn her back on you.
Your heart broke, you were so excited for this. You even bought clothes, make ups and thought of it so many times. You starved yourself to save money just for this.
"But mom, I already bought their ticket, it would be a waste of money if I don't go." You insisted, your eyes watering and your brows furrowed.
"Have it refunded." She rolled her eyes.
"They don't do refunds, mom." You said, following her around the house.
Kara was there, she was sitting on the couch, holding her phone and glancing at you from time to time.
"Resell it! I don't care, Y/n, you're not going." She said, her voice like a thunder.
It made you jump just like how real thunder does. You put your hands down, gripping the ticket tightly as you finally give up. Your tears fell as you run to your room. You cried that night while staring at the posters on your wall, whispering incoherent words to it.
You were sulking the next day, you refused to go out of your room and eat with your family. You stayed tucked in your bed while you let your tears fall continuously. Your parents doesn't even bother to talk to you but five hours until the concert, someone knocked on your door.
You glance up to it and you saw Kara's head slipping inside your door. She looked at you then smiled.
"Mind if I go in?" She asked.
You shook your head, you weren't angry with your sister because she was out of this. She wasn't a fan of the group anyways and she wasn't the one who didn't let you go.
She place a paperbag on your bed and saw that it was a take out from a restaurant.
"You haven't eaten since last night. Eat up, Y/n." She smiled.
You sniff as you look up to her. You obeyed her, you ate while crying. And she sat there in front of you wiping your tears and tucking your hair behind your ears.
"I just want to go, Kara. I bought their ticket, I bought new clothes for me, I even practiced my make up for this. You know that I can handle myself right? I can go there alone, I can take the bus by myself." You said after eating.
You were crying again, you felt your chest getting heavy. It just hurts being disappointed at what you were expecting and hoping to happen.
"I know. That's why you should get ready, Y/n. Because I'm coming with you." She grinned as she take out a ticket from her pocket.
Your eyes widened, "And we're only sneaking out so shh." She said, putting her finger to her lips.
"Mom will get angry." You said.
"Then she'll have to get angry at us." She said that made you smile.
You squealed as you hug her. You were jumping while she tried to pull away from you. "You're the best sister ever!" You screamed.
She rolled her eyes after you let her go. "Go and take a bath now or else we'll be late." She said.
You nodded before you kiss her cheek and run off to your bathroom. You did everything as quick as possible while your sister laugh at you while watching you. She only wore this white shirt that was tucked in front of her white pants and she wore a black ankle boots.
She took your hand when you were done fixing your make up and got out of your room silently. "Mom and Dad had a visitor and their inside the study. I heard it's a client that's dealing with a serial killer. " She whispered.
But your brows furrowed when she went to the table where all the keys are being kept and pulled the drawer under it. She took a key and pulled you down the stairs.
You glance at her hand and saw the car keys of your dad. Your eyes widened, "Why did you take the car keys?"
"We're not about to commute, Y/n. Besides, I want to practice my driving skills, I've been learning it." She smirked.
You pulled your hand from her grip, "But we're still underage, what if we get caught?" You asked in worry.
"We won't get caught. Just trust me on this, okay?" She smiled as she took your hand again.
You gulp as you nodded. She's your sister, she wouldn't put you in danger, let alone herself. She drive off silently, you were wearing your seatbelt while gripping it tightly and praying for yourselves. You prayed for the both of you not to get caught and end up on jail, you prayed that you will go home later safely. You prayed that your sister would drive with ease.
Heck, you don't even know if your sister can drive but you put your trust in her.
"Can you connect your phone to the speakers, Y/n? You can play any song that you like." She said, tapping her finger to the steering wheel while her eyes are focused on the road.
You swallowed, she was driving smoothly on the freeway. You obeyed her and connected your phone to the speaker while you played IU's songs. You put it in the volume where it's not too loud nor too soft. You didn't want to distract her.
Everything was going while when her phone rang. You took it and saw someone named as 'Th' calling, you answered it before handing it to your sister.
She put it beside her ear and she instantly smiled when she heard the voice of the caller. "We're almost there. I'm driving." She said.
"Why did you drive? I told you not to drive yet, I still haven't taught you well." Taehyung hissed at the other end of the line.
"We're alright, no need to worry." She giggled while you listened to IU's voice singing her song 'Ending Scene'.
"Still. You should've took the bus instead or let me drive you there." He said.
Kara pouted, but her arms froze when she felt something wrong. The car was speeding when her foot wasn't pressing hard on the pedal. She tried to step on the brake but to no avail.
"Uh, I think we have a problem, Taehyung." She whispered, careful not to let you know about it.
"What?" Taehyung asked. Taehyung stood up from his bed, his guts is telling him that something bad is going to happen.
He took his helmet on the table and went to their garage, he was only wearing a white button up long sleeves and black slacks, he was still wearing his leather shoes from the party they went to earlier.
"The brakes. It's not working." She said in a hushed voice.
Something heavy fell inside his stomach, "Where are you, Kara?" He asked.
"We're currently in a freeway. What should I do?" Taehyung heard the panic in his girlfriend's voice.
"Keep driving. Go to the lane with less cars. Keep driving until I get there, okay?" He said, trying to calm her down. He get on his motorcycle and was about to put on his helmet when Kara said something.
"Hurry, Taehyung. Please, save my sister." She said before she ended the call.
Taehyung hissed as he put on his helmet and let his motorcycle roar to life. He speed off to where Kara is.
Kara smiled widely even though her hands were already shaking. She didn't want you to sense her panic or know that something wrong is going on. She didn't want you to panic too.
"Are you excited to see your favorite band?" She asked with the lightest voice that she can manage to pull off.
You nodded as you smile back at her. "Alright, you're going to see them tonight, Y/n. You're going to see them, I promise. Even if this is the last thing I do before I die." She whispered the last line that she said.
She did what Taehyung told her, she kept on driving while being scared for her life and for your life. She kept on driving even when she kept on thinking about your safety. She didn't want you hurt.
And she trusted Taehyung. She trusted him to save you.
You jump on your seat as you see a part of the arena where the concert will be held in an hour. You turn to your sister and was about to tell her about what you saw when you noticed a car speeding up beside her and was about to do an overtake when its wheels turned to your direction and hit your car.
The next thing you know shards of glasses were already flying inside the car, you felt some of it cut your skin, you heard metal being crushed, wheels screeching and soon you felt the car spin around. Its like your world is on up side down while your grip on your seatbelt.
You glance next to your sister and saw her head slam on the steering wheel, the blood was dripping from her head to her eyelids that were already closed. Everything was like in a slow motion even though it only happened for a few second.
Your car had stop spinning already and ended up landing by its roof. You felt your blood rush to your head while you sat there upside down because of your seatbelt while your sister was already lying on the roof of the car.
You cried, she didn't put on her seatbelt.
"Kara." You tried to talk but it was too hard for you to say her name clearly. You tried to reach her hand that was already covered in blood.
Taehyung made a drift after seeing your car crushed and landed by the roof. The engine was emitting smoke and Taehyung didn't care about his motorcycle anymore as he got off from it. He didn't even bother to put on the stand and just let it fall to the ground. He took off his helmet and threw it away as he run towards the car.
He went to the driver's side and saw Kara's feet. "Kara. No." He said before he tried opening the door.
Her door was crushed, it had a huge dent on the surface of it, the window was almost gone, only tiny pieces of the window clung to the door. He was growling as he try to force it open but to no avail.
Your hand reached your sister's, her hands were covered in blood and some were dripping from her fingers too, shards of glasses were already deep on her skin as well as yours. Your vision was already shaking and blurry as you scan your sister. Her white shirt was now covered in blood and her pants had cuts.
Your head was aching and you know you were about to faint when you saw a pair of black leather shoes beside the window of your sister's side. You held onto her hand tightly as you let your lids fall but with one thing on your mind.
Why didn't God listen to your prayer?
Taehyung was gripping and pulling his hair as he think of the way to open your door. He was frustrated that he couldn't open it and he was nervous of what might happen to his girlfriend. In the end, he took out his phone and called the hospital.
But he remembered what she last said to him. She wanted him to save you. She wanted him to save her sister. Kara wanted Taehyung to save you.
He run towards your side and tried to open your door. He bent to his knee when it opened and looked inside the car. There he saw you still intact to your seat and Kara lying on the roof. He tried to take off your seatbelt and carry you out of the vehicle. When he did, he laid you on the ground before he went back to your sister.
He tried to pull her out of the car and carry her like what he did to you but he couldn't. Her feet was stucked. But he didn't stop trying, he didn't care about the blood staining his white button up or the sharp glass piercing through his skin.
He was already sweating but he didn't let go of her hands. He didn't want to let her go because in his mind, he wanted to save her. He needed to save her. To have her safe. But he was still trying to get her out of there when the ambulance came.
After the rescue came, you were both rushed to the hospital. You on the medical ward and your sister to the emergency room because her injuries were far worst from yours. Taehyung decided to follow you and to stay outside the emergency room.
You had minor injuries, aside from the broken arm, bleeding head and cuts here and there, you were alright. Unconscious but still alive.
Soon, after you regain your consciousness, you opened your eyes and was overwhelmed by the white ceiling of the hospital. But you had only one thing in mind, your sister. You wanted to know if she is safe. You needed to know if she is safe.
The nurse beside your bed tried to stop you from getting out of your bed but you insisted. Your whole body aches from the impact you experienced earlier but you ignored it. You walk limply towards the emergency room and you saw your mom crying and your father hugging her.
You were already half way the hallway when the doctor came out of the emergency room. Your parents came rushing towards the man in scrub suit waiting for the good news. But what you heard next made your world crumble. The doctor pronounced your sister dead.
Kara is dead. Your sister is dead. She didn't survive the car crash. She died on the operation table. She died fighting for her life.
You fall short to the white tiled floor as it all hit you, you felt a part of you die. But you didn't notice the man standing at the end of the hallway. You didn't notice Kim Taehyung.
And you also didn't notice him leave but only to sit on the floor of the hospital and lean his back on the white wall. He heard it. He heard it all. He heard that she died. His girlfriend died and he couldn't accept it.
He kept on staring at his hands covered in her blood. This was the only thing that she left him. His vision became blurry and there, he let his tears fall. His father would always tell him then that he shouldn't cry because a real man doesn't cry but today, he shed a tear for the only angel that walked here on earth but has now decided to leave him.
Today, he shed tears for the death of his first love.