Chapter 2
Your lips part as you look at the bouquet of white roses on you sister's locker. The bouquet was just there like it's where it's supposed to be. Like it's always been there even though there was no white roses here earlier.
You look at your sister's smiling face. You can't be wrong, you visited her before going to school for your first day and the bouquet wasn't there but when you came back after school, the bouquet is already there. The person who sent this must've visited your sister today.
But who gave her this? Who visits your sister regularly and gives her white roses?
The sun is almost setting and you hope that father Ramil is still inside the church to ask who visited your sister. Well enough, he was there on the altar, practicing his homily for the next Sabbath day. He was clearing his throat when he notice you step in the church.
He stopped reading the Bible and stood straight. "Y/n, dear, it's already dark outside. You're still visiting your sister?" He asked.
You took a step forward on the aisle, "Yes." You answered as you reach out the bouquet that you're holding.
"Someone gave this to my sister again today. Did you see who visited her?" You asked.
Father Ramil took his eyeglasses off and went down the altar. He stopped just in front of you and took the bouquet from your hand.
"I was here the whole day but I didn't notice someone strange. Everyone who visited the charnel house is familiar to me and are visiting someone that is not your sister." He explains.
"It's just very strange for them to give my sister white roses." You mumbled.
Father Ramil invited you for dinner that you declined saying that your parents must be worried about you now and that you have to go home but you know that it was a lie because your parents will never be worried about you. So you went home with the bouquet in your hand simply because it doesn't feel right if you leave it there to your sister.
You went straight to your room and put the bouquet on the Japanese table in your room. You stared at it, you remember your sister going home with a bouquet of white roses everytime there was an occasion. That started happening a year before she died.
"Why did you want me to come out when you're just about to get in?" You hissed the moment you saw your twin outside your house.
You were already wearing your sweater and pajamas while she was still wearing her uniform. Its been two hours since your dismissal but she said she had to do something and that you should go home first and not wait for her.
Your sister was wary, she was looking everywhere like she was checking if someone was looking at the both of you. She walk towards you with her hands on her back.
"What's wrong?" You asked, brows furrowing as you watch her.
"Can you keep this a secret? I promise I'll do anything that you want." She said, her eyes turning round as she give you her best puppy look.
Your furrowed brows slowly straighten as a sly smile grows on your face. "Well, yes, sister. I can surely keep a secret." You said, a snicker following.
She jumps and hugs you, your eyes following the bouquet that she was holding. You pulled away from her embrace, "Who gave you that?" You asked.
She hides it again, her eyes looking at ground as she put pieces of her hair behind her ear. "That's a secret I'd like to keep just for myself." She mumbled.
"But, you have to help me get this to my room without mom noticing." She grins.
That was the first time she hid something from our parents which was out of her character. But you still helped her anyway, you hid the bouquet while she go say hi to your parents.
After dinner that night she went to your room holding a rose that she got from her bouquet. She slumped herself on your bed while you watch her from you study table. She stretched her arms towards you that was holding the rose.
"This is for you. I know you love white roses." She said while she look at your ceiling.
You stood up from your swivel chair and took the rose from her, "And you love purple lilies. So why did you accept the bouquet from your secret admirer when you don't even like them?" You asked her.
She sat up, "Well, I can't decline it either. Even though I don't like them, atleast you love them and you can go to my room and stare at it if you want."
"You can't decline them? Really, Kara? I'm sure you can even reject the guy." You said before going back to your chair.
You heard your sister groan, "You don't understand, Y/n. It's from the guy that I like. Like I like him so much. And he's so handsome." She giggled.
You frowned, you haven't seen your sister act that way since birth so you looked at her weirdly. She was lovestruck but you never heard them become official since you never met the guy.
And now, thinking about it, maybe that guy sent her these? Maybe it was him who keeps on sending her white roses. So Kara never said that she dislikes white roses to him? And maybe he still have hang ups from your sister even though they never became official?
For your second day, Nayeon decided to take you to the school's rooftop. She had lunchbox and the rooftop was full of destroyed chairs, cabinets and nets like this is where they dispose useless things. Nayeon decided that it was the best place to hang around.
She shared her lunchbox with you while you both sat there under the sunlight. Nayeon was kind but you were still wary and doubtful of her actions, you were afraid of what she might do if she find out where you came from and what was in your past.
"What school are you from again, Y/n?" She asked as she sip on her milk carton.
"Just the other school." You said, simply trying to escape her questions.
She nodded, "You didn't seem to recognize who were fighting yesterday at the cafeteria." She said.
"Are they someone I should know?" You asked carefully and confused. They don't seem important.
She sat straight and took tiny steps towards you, "Well, yes. Haven't you seen his face yesterday? Isn't he a beauty? He's the governor's son." Nayeon snickered.
"Who?" You asked, still confused to which she was pertaining to.
Suddenly, the door of the rooftop slammed open revealing a boy wearing a leather jacket that is carelessly walking at the middle of the rooftop. He kicks one of the destroyed chair and put his hand inside his pocket. He was the guy from the fight yesterday.
The guy who won, should you say?
"Him. That's Kim Taehyung, the man who never cries." Nayeon whispered as you both watch the leather guy secretly and behind the destroyed and useless cabinets.
Your brows furrowed at Nayeon. The man who never cries? Is that even possible? How about when he was a baby? Pretty sure everyone cried when they were hungry and couldn't speak any word yet.
Nayeon looked at you and snorted, "Of course, that's not how it is. Sure, maybe he did cry in this lifetime or when he was little but nobody ever saw him cry since he started schooling. That's why everyone's trying so hard to find his weakness, they are all waiting for this rock to shed his tears."
They are all stupid, you thought. Why would anybody want someone to cry? Or to hurt someone just to see that someone's tears? Can't they cry by themselves and see their tears?
You shook your head. Teenagers are stupid.
"But somebody said that they saw this guy shed a tear one time. That was only one time and it never happened again. Maybe it was around last year? He didn't go to school for a month then." She continued.
Whatever reason why they were so interested on that guy's tears, you will never get it. You will never share the same interest with them. Because its dumb and you have a lot things to think of other than tears.
"Isn't he handsome? And you know what? Even though he's the governor's son, this guy is independent. He doesn't live with his father anymore, rumor has it that he doesn't want to be involved or used for his father's campaign." She said.
After what Nayeon had said, you decided to shut her out. Whatever she was saying wouldn't bring any help to you so you better not listen to it anymore.
Nayeon waited for you after dismissal, she was standing right beside you while you fix your things. "We have physical education tomorrow, do you have your uniform for it?" She asked, crossed arms against her chest.
You nodded, "I got it before class started." You answered.
"Okay, responsible ass. Let's go." She said when she saw you finish fixing you things.
You walk out of the school together, she was throwing different stories at the same time making it hard for you to understand. You don't get how she can do that but she did anyway. She would giggle every other minute because of her stories while you walk silently beside her.
Sometimes she would cling to your arms that would make you uncomfortable. Maybe this is how teenagers really act? They are all clingy and doesn't know personal space. You almost laugh at your thoughts, you've been isolated for so long that you forgot how socializing and having someone feels like.
"Are you taking the bus too?" She asked when you both stop on the bus stop.
You nodded, her smile grew bigger. "That's great, we can get on it together." She said.
"But I have to stop by somewhere." You said before she can hope that you'll be with her on the way home.
The sun was still out as you make your way to the charnel house. You hear the echoes of the church choir even though you were still feet away from it as they practice for the Sabbath day. The church was open today and you see Father Ramil standing at the altar again as he watch his choir.
He waves at you when you pass by the door of the church, you bowed at him curtly. You walk silently to the charnel house but you almost halted when you see someone familiar come your way that obviously came from the charnel house.
He walks towards your way like he doesn't care about the world. Like he won't give a single piece of his attention to others or maybe because they don't deserve any attention from someone like him. Someone that is being looked up by the others, someone that is superior to others and they know it.
He was still wearing his leather jacket and he had his hands inside his pockets. He didn't even dare throw you any glance as he pass by you. Your eyes followed him and you saw him approach this big black motorcycle. He slip on his helmet and drive away.
You stood there, silently and stupidly. Your eyes remained at where his motorcycle was parked before even though he already disappeared. Something was stirring up inside you. Questions. There are hundreds of questions that are being made up by your head but there's only that screams louder in your head than the voices of the choir inside the church.
Who did Kim Taehyung visit inside the charnel house?