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Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

AN: There will be flying this time!

The next morning Matthew sat up and stretched. He sighed and looked around not immediately recognizing his surroundings. He crawled out from under the covers and looked out the small window. The nation could see nothing, but clouds.

Canada ran his hands through his hair to straighten it out a little bit. He walked out the door and slowly found his way to the kitchen. It looked like a few of the Storm Hawks had already been up and had breakfast leaving their dishes everywhere. Matthew was annoyed by the mess and started to gather up the dishes. He would clean them later if someone didn't get to them first.

The nation rummaged around looking for something that resembled a good breakfast. They had a lot of junk food, but not much else. He eventually found something that looked like an apple. He found a knife and cut it. The inside looked exactly like an apple, but it was bright blue. Matthew just shrugged and took a bite, not like it would kill him anyways.

Canada finished his meal and left the kitchen to head to the bridge. He stopped at one of the crossroads to look around because he wasn't sure where he was. He spotted some faded writing in the wall, but couldn't read it. The writing didn't use English lettering.

The Canadian heard footsteps coming from his left and looked over. Piper was walking towards him with a few books in her arms. "Good morning Matthew." She greeted. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to read this." Canada said looking over the letters again.

"You can't read?" Piper asked surprised.

"I can, but not this." He mumbled a little offended. "It's not the lettering I'm used to."

"We speak the same language, but our written one is different. That's interesting." The young woman said thoughtfully. "What were you trying to find."

"I was going to the bridge." The Canadian said. Piper shifted the books into one arm and pointed at one of the words. She told him what each one went and the more he looked at the words the more familiar they looked. "I will need to learn this fully sometime. Did you find anything about a crystal?"

"I did actually, but nothing helpful." Piper said. The pair started to walk to the bridge together. When they got there Piper set the books on the table and opened one. As she read, she kept her place with her finger. "It gives a basic description of the crystal, but no location or origin. At least we have a name to work with. It is called a Dimensional Discord crystal."

"That's the drawing of it?" The nation asked pointing at the illustration next to where Piper had been reading. The amber eyed girl nodded. "It looks like a piece of rainbow amethyst."

"A crystal where you come from?" Piper asked and Matthew nodded. "Just a useless rock?"

"Yeah, a pretty expensive useless rock." Canada said with a shrug. He was happy to know what to look for now. It felt good to have some leads.

"Hey, you're up!" Aerrow said walking into the bridge. Raddar perched on his shoulder. "We're down for engine repairs. So now would be a good time to go out and test your skimmer."

"Have fun." Piper said sitting down to read. She looked very comfortable and content. Matthew moved to follow Aerrow down to the hanger. The nation mentioned what Piper had said about the Dimensional Discord crystal.

"We'll find it." Aerrow said reassuringly. Radarr chirped as well. "The Atmos has it secrets, but we'll uncover them."

"I'm not too worried." The nation said with a smile. "I'm sure we will."

The pair walked into the hanger and climbed onto their bikes. Aerrow quickly gave Matthew a crash course in the skimmers controls and they were off. Canada sped up following the Sky Knight down the run way before driving right off. He loved the feeling of weightlessness as they fell through the air. The Canadian shifted and pulled the lever to activate the wings.

Matthew hadn't been in an open cockpit plane in quite a while, but a skimmer was nothing like it. For one, the skimmer had no protection other than the small windshield and it controlled differently. He tested how the controls reacted and was satisfied. They were fairly touchy and very responsive.

Canada looked around. The Condor was a couple of miles behind them now and parked next to a forested terra. There were a few similar islands poking through the clouds. Way off in the distance he could see another air ship in the sky.

"Where we going?" The Canadian asked. For how fast they were going, there wasn't much wind. He was also surprised that it wasn't colder up in the sky.

"Just around. Making sure there are no Cyclonians around while the Condor is out of commission." Aerrow called over.

Matthew dipped his wing tips and rocked lazily side to side. He did a barrel role holding tightly as he turned upside down. He paused when he was upside down and let go of his handle bars holding on with only his legs. The Canadian stretched down and ran his hands through the clouds.

"Look mom no hands!" Matthew muttered to himself with a smile. He pulled himself back up and turned his skimmer right side up.

"Looks like you were skimmer-ing the clouds." Aerrow said with a sly smile that almost matched the Cheshire cats. Radarr groaned and face palmed.

"Eyyy." Canada laughed. They flew quietly for a few minutes.

"So you do this where you come from?" The Sky Knight asked standing up on his skimmer and hopping over onto Matthew's wing tip. He walked up and crouched down next to Canada still on the wings. Matthew watched him with his mouth open and white knuckled.

"Are you crazy?!" The nation yelled worriedly watching the teen walk along the wings with ease. Aerrow smirked and did a handstand. "Sit your ass down, you're going to fall."

"No I'm not." The sky knight laughed and stood up straight. Matthew was scared to even move in case the skimmer shifted. "I do this all-"

AN: Happy New Year! Here are my fav things from this past year!

Song: Wasteland- Woodkid or Supremacy- Muse

Artist: 2CHELLOs or Muse

Movie: The Red Baron

Move quote: “Manners maketh man.”- Harry Hart, Kingsman

Quote: “Never trust anyone too much; remember the devil was once an angel.” –Ken Kaneki, Tokyo Ghoul

Game: The Last Guardian

Book: Nightshade~ Andrea Creamer

Fan fiction: Journey to the End of the World~ Nicky_Gabriel(Starsky and Hutch, AO3), Crab Sandwiches~ Dawnwind(Starsky and Hutch, AO3)

Manga: Blood Bank or Killing Stalking

Anime: One Punch Man or Hetalia

Youtuber: Jacksepticeye or Simplynailogical or Safiya Nygarrd or ThreadBanger

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