Chapter Nine
AN: This fic is going to be so long! It's chapter nine and I'm not even a quarter of the way through the plan. ALSO I’ve started an ask blog! As me or any of my Canadas a question and I will answer. I am tallpoppy-canada on Tumblr, or click the link on my profile! I will also be posting random Canada stuff not just asks.
"Pick the one that you'd be most comfortable with. Never know when something could happen and you'll need them." Aerrow said and Canada gravitated towards the throwing knifes. He picked one off the wall and turned it over in his hands. It looked like a regular throwing knife, but the blade was a light purple stone. "You might also want something for close combat as well." The red head said picking up a short sword from the wall and handing it to Matthew. The Sky Knight gave him a crash course on how to use the crystal power.
"I haven't used these in such a long time." Matthew said remembering back to when he was a colony and Scotland had taught him how to throw knifes and Wales teaching him how to wield a sword.
"You up for some combat practice then?" The red head asked crossing his arms. "And target practice?"
"Sure." Canada said tucking the throwing knifes in his back pocket and carrying the dagger in his hand. The pair went back to the hanger to practice since there was a lot more space to move around. Aerrow stood in front of him and drew his short swords.
Matthew wasn't really sure what to expect from the Sky Knight. He was already at a disadvantage only having one dagger and almost no practice for the past 150 years. He would use the throwing knives in a real fight, but just for practice, he didn't want to hurt Aerrow.
"Ready?" The red head asked raising an eyebrow. Canada nodded and took up a defensive stance. By this time Finn and Piper had walked into the hanger to watch. They had settled on top of some crates.
Both of them activated their weapons and Aerrow started to move towards him. The nation readied for the attack by raising his dagger to block Aerrow's. Their blades clashed and Canada pushed the Sky Knight back knocking him off balance. The Canadian used his height to his advantage to push back.
Aerrow attacked again this time dropping down into a crouch and trying to kick Matthew's legs out from underneath him. Canada didn't see it coming and fell onto his back. The Sky Knight lunged at him, but Matthew rolled away and back onto his feet. Aerrow jumped at him again slashing with both swords. He was able to block one, but ducked under the other. The sky knight continued to attack and Canada kept defending.
In hand to hand, Matthew normally didn't attack until he had worn his enemy down. Aerrow being young didn't wear down quick. The nation didn't have as much stamina as he used to and was tiring quickly.
The fight went on for a few minutes before Aerrow stepped and put his foot behind the Canadians leg and hooked it. He pulled and knocked him before pinning him to the ground.
"When was the last time you did this?" Aerrow asked slightly out of breath.
"Years ago." Canada groaned and ran a hand through his hair. Aerrow stood up and offered a hand to the Canadian. Matthew took it and the Sky Knight pulled him up.
"You're pretty good dude." Finn said hopping off the crate where he had been resting. "Not many people last that long against a Sky Knight."
"You defend a lot more than you attack." Aerrow commented. Radarr had scuttled into the hanger and climbed up onto the red heads shoulder.
Matthew nodded. "I learned it mostly as self-defence. I'll only attack if I really need to." He said.
The Canadian didn't like to hurt people in hand to hand; it was to close and personal for him. In a dog fight there was a disconnect between the combatants, not knowing their face made things easier. Of course Canada always felt bad when he learned someone got hurt, but the feeling didn't last for long because he knew it was part of being a fighter pilot.
"Target practice?" Aerrow suggested raising an eyebrow. The blond nodded and pulled the knives out of his back pocket. Finn dragged a worn out block of wood with a bullseye into the centre of the hanger. "That thing is ancient, but it still works."
"We really should repaint it though." Finn commented. As Canada readied his knives. He felt the weight and turned it over in his hand to hold the blade before throwing it at the target. The knife lit up mid throw and stuck on the edge of the board making a burn mark around the blade. "Well at least you hit it." The blond teen commented.
Matthew rolled his eyes and smiled before throwing a second knife. This one hit closer to the centre, but not quite. The Canadian wasn't satisfied with that and threw another knife at the board. The knife flew through the air and lit up before hitting the board right in the centre leaving another burn mark.
It had been quite a while since he had used throwing knives. Back in the day when he was a colony it was his weapon of choice, but once guns became more common he didn't use them as often. He now used them mostly to impress people in bars.
"Bet you can't do that twice." Finn teased, but before the words had fully left his mouth, the Canadian had already thrown the knife. The knife had hit in almost the exact same spot as the other one.
"You were saying?" Canada said putting a hand on his hip and smirking. He went over to the target and retrieved the knives. The blond was surprised that there was no heat coming from the blade anymore.
"Well you just got showed Finn." Piper laughed at the teen’s stunned face. Finn crossed his arms and sighed. He suddenly got an idea and walked over to his skimmer.
"Okay then Mattie, can you split a crossbow bolt?" Finn asked picking up his weapon from his skimmers seat. He loaded it and fired at the target. The bolt stuck right into the very centre of the block.
"Probably not." Canada bit his lip knowing that this could take a while. He had split an arrow before, but it took him quite some time. He threw his first knife and it nicked the shaft of the arrow and stuck into the board.
"That was pretty close." Piper commented. Matthew threw another knife, but this one didn't touch the bolt. He sighed and threw a few more knives none of which hit the arrow. He knew that he would get worse at throwing before he'd get better. The nation decided to switch his throwing hand.
"Isn't that your bad hand?" Junko asked scratching the top of his head.
Matthew shook his head. "I don't really have a 'bad' hand." He said throwing a knife and hitting the board just as close as his other hand. He was starting to get a little bit frustrated, but kept throwing.
AN: I really had to watch my Aerrow and arrow here. Not much happening here, next chapter has a bit more action.