Chapter Eight
AN: Been thinking of maybe setting up an ask-blog for my versions of Canada. This would include, Dare Devil(Dawn of a New Age and Shining Waves), Forgotten Knight, Don't Fear the Reaper and other upcoming ones too! I don't know if there would be enough interest to bother tho.
"I do this all-" The Sky Knight tripped and fell hanging onto the edge of the wing. He flipped in between the two and landed back up right on the wing. Aerrow smiled and stuck his tongue out at Matthew's terrified face.
"You're going to give me a heart attack." Canada said, breathing heavy, watching the red head walk back across his wings and hop back onto his own skimmer. "That's another level of stupid. An 'open all the cages in the zoo' kind of stupid."
"It's normal." Aerrow joked and Radarr chirped and growled. "We fight hand to hand like that too."
"What?" Canada said with a blank face. Just thinking about it made his stomach turn. He wasn't afraid of heights, the opposite actually, but he was scared that the Sky Knight would fall. "Never mind, I don't want to know."
"Hey, let's go through there." The red head pointed to one of the terras. "It has a bunch of caves that lead through the bottom of it. It would be fun to go through."
"Okay." The nation said excitedly. Both of the pilots turned their skimmers towards the terra and dropped their altitude until the belly of their skimmers was in the clouds. Matthew could see the mouth of a cave come into view through the haze. It was just slightly smaller than the skimmers wingspan.
As they got closer Aerrow gained a little bit of height before closing his wings and dropping. Matthew copied his actions and retracted his wings. He loved the feeling of weightlessness before hitting the ground. He wobbled slightly, but kept his balance. The cave was one big cavern with rocks sticking up out of the floor. Their headlights lit up the damp cave.
The Canadian sped up to catch Aerrow. He ducked and twisted through the caves moving around the rocks and stalagmites. The pair had broken off from each other, taking different routes through the caves, but keeping in sight. Matthew sped up wanting to see how fast the skimmer could go. He weaved around keeping his speed up the whole time. Up a head he could see that the cave broke off into a few small tunnels.
"Take whatever one you want. They all meet up at the end." Aerrow called over to Matthew. He nodded as the red head entered one of the tunnels. Canada pulled his bike to the left and ducked into one of the tunnels.
The noise from the engine was deafening as he rode through the small cavern. Matthew kept low on his skimmer to avoid the few hanging stalactites. As he rode along the tunnel opened up enough for him to sit up. He slowed down a little bit to look at the cave walls. They looked like they had once been smooth, but were now rough with age. The rock wall was made up of layers of dark, almost black, rock with a few light and shining blue layers laced through.
The Canadian sped up seeing a lip in the floor. As he got closer he could see that there was a gap in the cave floor and it opened up into another large cavern. Matthew drove over the lip and looked down; there was nothing under him, but darkness. He quickly pulled the leaver to open his wings and looked around for another tunnel. He spotted one to his right and flew towards it.
Canada gained a little bit of height before closing his wings and landing in the tunnel. He was still getting used to the landings and wobbled a little bit, knee hitting the cave wall. He bit his lip at the pain knowing that it would have a terrible bruise later. He continued to ride through the tunnel and at the end he could see a light.
Matthew sped towards the light before bursting out back into the sky. He looked around and spotted Aerrow and Radarr just coming out of a tunnel.
"That was fun." Aerrow said with a smile. Radarr chirped jumping up and down in agreement. "There are a few terras around here that have tunnels running through the bottom. None of the other ones have tunnels wide enough to fit a skimmer though."
"That's a pretty tight squeeze as it is." Matthew said scratching the back of his head. Aerrow nodded in agreement.
"Everyone okay out there?" Piper’s voice came over the radio reminding both of them to the fact that they had been out for a while.
"We're fine Piper." Aerrow replied.
"Good, just checking up on you. Engine maintenance should be done in an hour or two." She said com crackling. Then she said jokingly, "Be back by then or we'll leave without you."
"We'll head back now then." Aerrow said with a laugh. The pair turned back in the direction of the Condor. Matthew still wanted to stay out longer and test the skimmer further, but didn't complain.
As they got closer to the Condor, Canada got to see how big the ship really was. It was massive compared to anything else he had seen flying. It easily rivalled an aircraft carriers size. Matthew wondered how five young adults and a lemur thing ran the huge ship.
"That things huge." The blond said as they flew past one of the rudders to the front of the ship.
"That's what she said." Aerrow laughed. Matthew groaned and quietly face palmed. Radarr growled out something seemed like a 'why' also face palming.
They came around the front of the Condor and pulled a tight turn to line up for the runway. Aerrow touched down first before Canada retracted his wings and landed as well. It was a lot smoother than the other two before, he only wobbled slightly. Both of them rode right into the hanger and parked.
"Hey Matthew, have you ever fought with a sword or a knife?" Aerrow asked out of the blue as he hopped off his skimmer.
"Along time ago when I was younger?" The Canadian asked confused.
"Good." The Sky Knight said and he motioned for the blond to follow him. He followed Aerrow to another storage room. He was starting to wonder how many rooms were just filled with junk. "We have quite a few weapons around, but these are the better ones." He said flicking the lights on and pointing at a board that was hanging on the wall. "They are all powered by crystals. Pick the one that you'd be most comfortable with. Never know when something could happen and you'll need them."
AN: All the Hamilton refs… Sorry, not sorry tbh!