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Chapter One

Dawn of a New Age

Started on March 29th 2017

Started editing on October 20th 2017

AN: Yo I'm back again! This is a sequel to my other fanfiction Dare Devil! This is a cross-over with one of my favourite childhood shows, Storm Hawks. You don't really need to watch the show to understand it or read the other fanfic, but I highly recommend it. It's a good show. I watched it again on YouTube, but there is also a drive with all the episodes in really good quality. You can find it on my tumblr(Fave101) in the liked tab. There are only two seasons with like fifty episodes in total.

England grumbled in disappointment and lowered his arms. He was sure the spell was going to work this time, but it hadn't. He had memorized the spell and made absolutely sure everything was exactly how it should have been.

The blond sighed and walked over to his bookshelf reviewing the spell again. He shook his head, he'd done it perfectly and it still had failed. Arthur shrugged and walked back up the stairs to the main floor shutting the basement door behind him.

-----❄"If you keep my secret, then the strawberry is yours."❄-----

Matthew sighed and closed the engine hood on his Spitfire. He had just finished his weekly tune up and was getting ready to head home. He wiped his dirty hands off on a cloth and set it down beside him.

The Canadian had just got back from a meeting in Japan and decided to finish up the work he had to do on his plane then go hiking for the afternoon. He was a little bit annoyed that he had to be back by seven. Alfred and his Boss had a meeting with him and his Boss that couldn't be rescheduled.

Canada hopped up from where he was sitting and put his tools away before putting them in the storage compartment of his plane. He walked out of the hanger and pulled the door shut behind him. He got in his truck and started to head home. His house wasn't too far from the air field.

"Hello, Kumba!" Matthew greeted the small polar bear.

"It's Kuma, get it right Mack." The bear grumbled. "I want food."

Canada rolled his eyes and opened the fridge to grab Kuma's food. He threw the fish over to the bear and grabbed his back pack out of the closet. Matthew took off his glasses and sat them on the counter. He went around the house grabbing everything he needed; solar cell phone charger, Swiss Army knife, first aid kit, extra clothes and a water bottle.

"Bye Kimba!" The blond called has he left. He would have taken Kuma with him, but the polar bear was always sleeping this time of year.

"Be back before seven!" Kuma called as the door closed.

Canada started up his truck and pulled out of the drive way. It was mid-day and the sun was high in the sky. It was still cold out and he could see his breath in the air. Winter was just starting to turn to spring.

The nation pulled over on the side of the road and hopped out of his truck. The trail he was going to hike on was an old one, it was long grown over and the path had almost disappeared. He grabbed his backpack from the passenger seat and started into the forest.

The forest floor was covered in damp leaves and fallen branches. There was a huge storm a couple of days ago that had affected most of the western sea board and then moved further in land.

Canada jumped as his phone started to ring. He knew who it was just by the ring tone. He sighed and answered it. "Hello Alfred."

"Yo bro!" Alfred yelled. Matthew held the phone away from his ear expecting his brother to be loud. "Remember we have that meeting tonight!"

"I know, I'll be there." Canada said with a yawn at the end. "You know how to get there? Or is the secret service driving you and your Boss?"

"I always know where I'm going! It's in Kitchener, at the town hall. I got this." America said confidently. "No I am not driving with my boss, I'm on the other side of the country. Anyways, see you then Mattie!"

"Yup, bye." Canada said hanging up his phone. He yawned and looked around. It had been a long day and it wasn't nearly over. The nation spotted a huge fallen branch and walked over to it. He sat down and took out his phone to check the time. He still had an hour or two until he needed to start heading back.

Canada laid back on the log and used his back pack as a pillow. He fell asleep quickly listening to the sounds of the forest around him. The blond was out cold for a good few hours, but when he started to wake up it was really bright and windy. He grumbled and sat up rubbing his eyes.

The Canadian looked around confused. Clouds stretched out in front of him for as far as he could see. An island stuck up between the soft coloured clouds. He looked down at what he was sitting on, he was sitting cross-legged on a weather worn metal surface. He looked over the edge and all he could see were more clouds. He was on an aircraft carrier like thing flying through the sky.

Matthew heard footsteps coming up behind him. He rolled quickly onto his feet and turned to the sound. He froze in place not wanting to make any sudden moves.

"Don't move."

AN: Soo… this fic is over 30 chapters long. I will be posting every other week like normal, but could post every week in the future, maybe. Have to see what goes on. No one did guess the correct fandom! A lot of avengers guesses tho. There were a few closeish ones too.

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