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Chapter Five

Chapter Five

AN: My autocorrect is really hating all the funny names!

Canada opened the door and stepped into a room. He had taken Finns advice and chose the room farthest away. The room was fairly compact. There was a small out cove where the cot was with a desk and chair on one wall across from the door. There was a small port hole on the left and an alcove where the bed was. Everything was painted a dull swampy grey.

Matthew walked over and sat his backpack on the desk and started to unpack. He didn't have much with him, but the Canadian was happy he brought a change of clothes. He folded them up and put them in an empty desk drawer.

Reality started to set in now that Canada was alone. He finally fully realized that he was stuck in another dimension by himself without knowing how or if he'd get back. Matthew took a deep breath and sat down on the bed. He was worried about Kuma, but he knew the bear could take care of himself. The blond knew that he had a meeting later in the night and his brother would, hopefully, realize that he was missing.

"We're here." Stork hummed over the PA system. Matthew blinked back to reality and hopped off the bed. He went over to the desk and grabbed his Swiss Army knife and put it into his jean pocket. He dug through his bag looking for his glasses, but couldn't find them. The Canadian thought back and realized he had left them on his kitchen counter.

The blond shrugged and left his room. He walked down the hall slowly finding his way to the bridge. Once he got there the other Storm Hawks were still waiting for Radarr and Piper.

"We'll split up to get things done faster. I'll take Matthew and Radarr with me to get parts. Finn and Junko you guys can go get food and Piper you can get the crystals." Aerrow said and everybody nodded.

"What are we getting parts for?" Matthew asked. "The ship?"

"No, for our skimmers." The sky knight said, Radarr chirping after him. "Those are the things in the hanger you saw on the way in."

"The armoured motorcycle things?" The blond asked. Aerrow looked a little bit confused, but nodded.

"We'll be taking those into town with us. You'll ride with me and Radarr." Aerrow said. Matthew nodded. He was excited to see the skimmers in action. He loved motorcycles and those things looked pretty cool.

The Storm Hawks split up and went in different directions. Piper had already headed off to get the crystals and Finn and Junko were still looking around for bags to carry the food. Matthew, Aerrow and Radarr were the only ones in the hanger.

The more Canada looked at the skimmer the more interested he became. The pieces he thought were armour looked more like a folded wing than anything. It would have made sense that these things could fly because of the environment they were in.

"Can these things fly?" The Canadian asked raising an eyebrow. Radarr jumped off of Aerrow's shoulder and started to bark and growl something.

"Yeah they can." The sky knight said. "Radarr asks if you've ever seen them before."

"No, we have two things that would combine to make a skimmer." Matthew said. "But no one has done it yet."

"Someone should really get on that." Aerrow said climbing onto the bike and scooting forward to make room for Canada. He climbed on and Radarr jumped onto one of the engines that had a tinny seat on it. The sky knight started the skimmer and revved the engine before speeding off down the ramp and off the Condor.

-----❄"Pardon me, are you Arron Burr, sir?"❄-----

Aerrow weaved around the people as they sped through the town. Canada looked around. There were a lot of small shops and stands around. It reminded him of a traditional English town especially with the architecture. He also spotted a few people that looked like guards standing around watching.

"Those guys are the Rex Guardians." Aerrow said noticing the guards as well. "This is their home Terra, the don't like us very much." Radarr started to chirp about something. "He says that their just jealous."

"Where's your home terra?" Canada asked.

"We don't have one." The sky knight said as he stopped the bike in front of a garage. Radarr and Matthew climbed off as Aerrow shut it down. The Sky Knight led the way into the garage.

A man popped up from behind a pile of scrap metal. "Hello there, what can I do for you?" He said looking at Canada.

"We're looking for spare parts." Aerrow said clearing his throat.

"Anything in particular?" The man asked. Matthew looked him up and down. He was wearing a dark t-shirt and grease stained overalls. He had a black flat cap on his balding head.

"Not really, what do you have?" The sky knight said. The man motioned for them to follow him. He led them into a back room that was full of spare parts.

"Tell ya what kid, I'll give you any parts you want in this room if you take that skimmer off my hands." The owner said poking a finger in the direction they had come from. The sky knight didn't look to happy about being called a kid, but still listened to the man. "Five hundred and it's yours."

"Two fifty." Aerrow said. The two continued to barter and Canada quietly listened. He had no input on the matter because he didn't know what the value of things was.

Radarr wondered off into the mounds of parts and started to dig through them. The blond decided to follow him and watch what he was doing. The lemur looking thing grabbed a part that was almost his size and lifted it up to show Canada. He crouched down and Radarr handed him the part.

"It's a transmission." Matthew said turning it over in his hands. It was a lot smaller than one he had seen before, but he still recognized it. Radarr chirped and gave him a thumbs up before walking over to another pile. "Do you want me to keep this?" He called after Radarr. The lemur thing chirped and growled nodding his head. Matthew followed Radarr around carrying the parts that he had chosen.

"Alright, deal." Aerrow shook the owners hand with a smile. The pair walked back towards where Radarr and Canada were. "You know how to ride a bike right?" The sky knight asked and Matthew nodded. "We'll take them now then."

"Great! Take whatever you like out of this room. Thanks for clearing up some space." The owner said as Aerrow handed him money. The man counted it and shook Aerrow's hand again. He walked out of the room and headed to the back of his shop.

"Picked the good stuff?" The sky knight asked started to rummage through one of the piles.

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